Principal Update
Mills Elementary, March 6 - March 10, 2023
Hear Us Roar
Thank you to everyone who came out this past Saturday to share and witness the beautiful cultural diversity that represents our campus and community. Food tasting, cultural presentations, song, and dance were on display during this special event. In studying other cultures/countries, we learn about ourselves more deeply, and our relationship to all things in this world!
Teaching & Learning-
It's grreat to be a Mountain Lion! In every classroom, students are engaged in meaningful teaching and learning experiences. It is inspiring to see students collaborating, creating, designing, and making connections. Our hallways are filled with artifacts of student work/art and our teachers are working hard as they collaborate in professional learning communities.
CATCH Night is coming-
From our Mills PE Coaches: Did you know that CATCH stands for 'Coordinated Approach to Child Health'? Calling all families to CATCH Family fun night on Wednesday, March 8, from 5:30pm-7:00pm! Each student will pick up a card with 9 fun physical activity stations to participate in. As a station is completed, each student will receive a stamp of completion; complete all 9 stations to be entered into a raffle to win fun prizes from local health/fitness businesses. Dinner will be available for purchase from ATEatz Burgers, so come hungry and ready to play!
Marathon Kids Celebrations-
Wow! As a student body, we've run 19, 561 miles and 746 marathons! Our current top runner has run 48 miles. When we exercise our bodies, we exercise our minds!
Superintendent Search: YOUR Input is Needed-
The Austin ISD Board of Trustees invite you to share what qualities you would like to see in our next Superintendent. Take a moment to complete this 5-10 minute survey by March 15. The survey is open to students, families, staff, and community members.
Friendly Reminder: Dogs on Campus
With the exception of service animals, dogs are not allowed on school district grounds or playgrounds. When students are not present after school hours, dog owners may walk their pets on a leash along the school property borders, such as on sidewalks/school roads. Please clean up and properly dispose of pet waste. Service animals must have their appropriate vests on if you are bringing them on campus.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in helping keep our Mountain Lions safe. Students and adults have been bitten by dogs in the past and we want to prevent any injuries or unsafe incidents from occurring.
Big Art Day- Friday, April 10th
From our Art Teachers Ms. Rock & Ms. Trueheart:
March is National Youth Art Month, and the state of Texas has been a leader in Youth Art Month celebrations. To partake in this tradition, Mills Art department dedicates a whole day to art creation. This year's theme is Vincent Van Gogh's Starry Night! The main goal is to bring our children together and create collaborative art which will be displayed in the hallway. All PreK-5th Mountain Lions will be participating in Big Art Day during their Essential Areas time on Friday.
Each year, every art teacher in Austin ISD gets to choose a handful of art projects from their students to display at the AISD Youth Art Month Show at the Performing Arts Center.
This year, Mrs. Trueheart and Mrs. Rock are delighted to exhibit beautiful works of art from the following students:
Camille S., Boris G., Maya L., Annabelle T., Raaghav K., Kirthi K., Zane B., Savannah J ., Brendan S., Sunay B., Olivia L., Joanna M., Hank T., Marcus G., Sophie T., Vivienne T., Jackson W., Reid A., Anfisa B., Sammie A., Chloe T., Yaazhnila B., Maddie H., Lev Z., Mariel W., Emilie S., Luca D., June S., Adrienne Z. and Hugo P.
Student Chromebook Chargers
This Week & Looking Ahead
Monday, March 6-
Pride Week Zoom Info Session 8am & 5:15pm (Invite by RSVP)
CAC Meeting via Zoom, 3:30pm
PTA Spirit Night, P Terry's 5pm-Close
Tuesday, March 7-
5th Grade Field Trip to the Meadows Center for Water and the Environment
Wednesday, March 8-
CATCH Family Night 5:30pm-7:00pm
Thursday, March 9-
3rd Grade Musical Showcase, 8am Cafeteria
Friday, March 10-
Big Art Day
Looking Ahead
March 13- 17- Spring Break
March 20- Austin ISD Pride Week
March 23- Ramadan begins
March 24- 4th Grade Choir Concert
March 25- UIL District Meet
March 30- 3rd Grade Field Trip to Inner Space Caverns
March 30- Learn About the New STAAR Tests- Principal Coffee Info Session via Zoom 3:30pm
March 31- No School Student/Staff Holiday
April 3- National Assistant Principal Week
April 4- National School Librarian Day
April 5- Early Learning Day (Kinder & Pre-K Round Up)
April 7- No School Student/Staff Holiday
April 10-April 14 Book Fair
April 13- 4th Grade Field Trip to the State Capitol
April 16- Cap 10K Run- Mills Team
April 18- 1st Grade Field Trip to Inner Space Caverns
April 20- Book Character Parade for PreK & 1st Grade
April 24- STAAR Reading 3rd, 4th, 5th Grades
April 27- STAAR Science, 5th Grade
May 1-May 5 Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week
May 3- STAAR Math 3rd, 4th, 5th Grades
May 5- Cinco de Mayo Student Performances
May 12- Kinder Advancement Program
May 12- PreK Splash Day
May 17- Senior Walk
May 18- 5th Grade Musical
May 19- PreK Moving On Celebration
May 25- 5th Grade Advancement Ceremony
May 25- Last Day of School