Sperreng Middle School E-Note
November 18, 2018
Note From Dr. Lauren Boeger, Principal
I wanted to take a moment to thank the entire Sperreng community for a successful Veterans Day event last Monday morning. It truly was a moment of unity to see our school and the Lindbergh community come together to honor those who serve. We welcomed over 80 veterans Monday morning with a light breakfast in the small gym followed by an assembly in the large gym. A special thanks to Chris Kuban, who spoke to us on behalf of the Gary Sinise Foundation and spoke about how our values of Sperreng very much align with the service of the Gary Sinise Foundation. Here is a link to the video we showed Monday.
Our Veterans Day event, along with several other moments this year, has reminded me of why we do what we do each day. I have shared before that my personal "why" is to serve, to learn, and to champion for our students, our staff, our families, and our community. My goal is to energize the network of learning with forward thinking so that all members of the school system feel safe, supported, and successful. Monday was truly a moment that allowed for our "why" to shine.
This week we also had our first "snow day" of the year. I hope you were able to enjoy the peaceful morning the snow provided us. Should you have any questions or need communication during a snow day, please feel free to e-mail me.
Our week and month ahead will be full of events, family, appreciation, and gratitude. Please take a moment to read through this week's eNote for more information on how we can continue to support our community and each other.
Best wishes this Thanksgiving season.
Take care and talk soon,
Dr. Lauren Boeger
314.729.2400, ext. 2400
Facebook: Sperreng Middle School
Twitter: @SperrengFlyers
Important Dates to Remember
Wednesday, November 21-Friday, November 23-No School
Tuesday, November 27-School Spelling Bee (Rescheduled Date)-1st Hour
PTO General Meeting
Tuesday, December 4-6th Grade Band Concerts at LHS Auditorium
Wednesday, December 5-Early Release Day
Garden Glo at Missouri Botanical Gardens
Friday, December 7-8th Grade Field Trip to Fox Theatre
Monday, December 10-Middle School Choral Concerts at LHS Auditorium
Tuesday, December 11-Middle School Orchestra Concerts at LHS Auditorium
Wednesday, December 12-7th & 8th Grade Band Concerts at LHS Auditorium
December 21-Half Day
December 22-January 2-Winter Recess, No School
Thursday, January 3-School Resumes
Volunteers Needed
ATTENTION ALL PARENTS: We only need 1 more volunteer presenter for the 8th grade career fair! Please consider volunteering, especially if you are employeed in any of the following areas: Hospitality and Tourism, Manufacutring, and Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics. The day of the career fair is Wednesday, December 5th and the time of the event is 9:00 - 11:00. During that time, you would present 3 times, 35 minutes each, to a group of no more than 25 different students each time. If you are able to volunteer, please contact the 8th grade counselor Tina Christanell at tchristanell@lindberghschools.ws.
Lindbergh Lights The Way-Giving Tree
Science Fair Information
Yearbooks On Sale!
To order your child's yearbook using a CREDIT CARD (NO transaction fees will apply):
1. Go to www.yearbookordercenter.com
2. Enter Order Number 8969
3. Follow the on-screen instructions
If you do not have Internet Access, to use a credit card to order your child's yearbook, call 1.866.287.3096 and use order number 8969
YEARBOOK $25 until November 30th. Price increases on December 1st!
**EXCLUSIVELY for 8th GRADERS....BABY ADS are LIMITED to AVAILABLE SPACE so get your's IN EARLY!! BABY ADS are also $25 and will CLOSE OUT on Nov. 30th! (Attached form includes 8th Grade Baby AD instructions)
St. Louis County Library Student Access Partnership
Lindbergh Schools will continue its partnership with St. Louis County Library this year, allowing students to access the county library’s extensive catalog of online resources. St. Louis County Library has created virtual library cards for all Lindbergh students, providing a seamless login process from any computer or device. The virtual library card will:
Be easy to remember. Your student’s username is 093 followed by his or her 10-digit state ID. Student’s password is 1234.
Provide seamless access from school or home. Students will not need a physical library card to access databases and downloadable materials.
Not accrue fines or fees. Since students will only use this card to access electronic materials, no return due dates will apply.
If your student already has a traditional St. Louis County Library card, he or she will continue to be able to use it to check out materials from the public library and use in‐library computers. Our school’s partnership will supplement the traditional library card and improve each student’s ability to access the county library’s online research tools as part of their school work. We look forward to this ongoing collaboration between the St. Louis County Library and Lindbergh. Both organizations are committed to providing resources and services that help our students succeed.
Board Approves 2019-20 School Year Calendar
Board Approves 2019-20 School Year Calendar
The Board of Education approved the 2019-20 school year calendar during the October 9th regular meeting. A link to that calendar is included here. While next year’s calendar is very similar to previous years, there is one significant change. Due to changes in the state legislature, school years are counted in hours instead of days, which gives districts more flexibility in how we schedule “snow days.” Next year’s calendar has the equivalent of four emergency makeup days embedded, which means the school year would only be extended if students miss more than four days of school due to inclement weather.Sperreng Middle School
Email: laurenboeger@lindberghschools.ws
Website: https://go.lindberghschools.ws/site/Default.aspx?PageID=11
Location: 12111 Tesson Ferry Road, Sappington, MO, USA
Phone: 314-729-2420
Facebook: facebook.com/SperrengMiddleSchool
Twitter: @SperrengFlyers