East Haven High School
Weekly Newsletter: January 28th, 2024
Semester I Report Cards to Be Emailed This Week
Teachers have until tomorrow to finalize their grade books for Marking Period 2 and all Semester I classes. Report cards will be emailed out the middle of the week to both students and parents/guardians.
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Update
Attention Seniors and Senior Parents/Guardians: FAFSA/AACTUS Raffle Opportunity! Ms. Reagan will be hosting FAFSA/AACTUS Workshops in the auditorium during flex starting Friday February 2. Students who attend these workshops will be entered into the next raffle to win AIRPODS. Students who complete the FAFSA or AACTUS by the end of February will be entered into a raffle to win a MACBOOK COMPUTER! Students who have a social security number and are planning on attending a college/university, trade school, community college, or another accredited program should be completing the FAFSA. Students applying to Connecticut schools who don't have social security numbers should be completing the AACTUS.
Future dates include:
- Friday February 2 during flex
- Friday February 9 during flex
- Thursday February 15 during flex (priority FAFSA Deadline)
To register for the Workshop, please fill out this quick google form: https://forms.gle/KodT5N7s7csduiar7
Senior Families!
EHHS will be hosting a Family FAFSA Night in early February. Families will be able to learn more about the changes to the 2024-2025 FAFSA, create their FSA IDs, complete the form, and ask questions.
Students applying to 4-year Connecticut Colleges should be completing the FAFSA by the February 15 priority deadline!
Please complete this form if you may be interested in attending: https://forms.gle/CTsm9BFbWLA5c3c29
With any questions, please contact Ms. Reagan in Guidance at rwoitowitz@east-haven.k12.ct.us.
This week on The Comet Brooke Ciscone talks about the new FAFSA forms and Roses and Thorns returned for RIVALS edition as many of our teams faced off against Branford, Giana Carr shared all about HOSA, Holly Speers caught up with the hockey team on their excellent season and shared all about what it's like to work as a student, Mariana Lugo featured the success of the girls basketball team this season, and Hagaman Library has an Open Mic on February 2nd featured on our Events page.
Visit: https://ehhscomet.org/
Did you notice a column that is no longer being updated? Please consider joining The Comet Beat to join our staff. Our next meeting is Monday January 29 at 3:00pm in E121.
You can also join the Newspaper Workshop CLASS for credit Block 4AC
Show us your support by following us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok @ehhscomet
Yearbook Reminders
General Yearbook Information
Seniors & Senior parents/guardians, please click on the link for all information about the yearbook--buying ads for your graduating senior, buying a yearbook, etc. There are due dates of things as well. Any questions please reach out to Mrs. Gardner or Mrs. Wright. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/12WmCBjpFvtcBY-7gqMcrTCnoDEDmhMBiM5wIIoWYvT8/edit?usp=sharing
Yearbook Club Meeting
Next yearbook meeting will be on Monday 1/29 in W103. All are welcome!
Purchase Your Yearbook Now - Supplies Dwindling
Yearbooks are on sale! The cost of the book is $80; we only have 51 copies left and they are going quickly! You can go to www.jostensyearbooks.com to purchase.
Yearbook Ad Sales Extended
EXTENDED - Ad sales to celebrate your graduating senior have been extended until Feb. 1st. To order please go to jostensyearbooks.com
From The School Counseling Department
Have A Great Start To Semester 2
The School Counseling Office wishes all students a fantastic start to the new semester. Start strong, maintain and have a great semester! Please see any of us if you need any support.
Have A Study Hall and Want A Class? Look for QR Codes Around School
If any student is interested in picking up an extra elective in place of their study hall, please scan the QR code that is located around the building and in the School Counseling Office. Your Counselor will respond to requests in the order she receives the QR code forms and will call you down. Please keep in mind that many classes are filled, so there may be limited options.