Timber Creek September 8
2023-2024 School Year
A Note From Dr. Gechter
Our Professional Learning Day was a success and staff are so very thankful. We appreciate the time for our staff to work on planning and differentiation of instruction for kids' needs and additional training!
Dr. Lauren Gechter
Picture Day Monday, September 11
Grandparents Breakfast
Upcoming Dates
- September 11 - Picture Day
- September 19 - Grandparents Breakfast
- September 26 - October 6 - Apex Fundraiser
- October 4 - Apex Fun Run
- October 9 - No School Staff Collaboration Day
- October 10 - PTA Meeting in the library
- October 23 - No School Staff Collaboration Day
- October 23-31 Red Ribbon Week
Fast Facts
- Doors will open this year at 8:20 am for students to begin arriving.
- School starts at 8:35 am
- Car rider lane starts at 3:20 pm to relieve congestion in the neighborhood. Students will still not be dismissed until 3:50.
- Walkers will dismiss AFTER car riders this year
Timber Creek Expectation Matrix
- R = Respectful
- O = Ownership
- A = Always be safe
- R = Ready
When we all follow the same expectations, students are more successful in each part of their day. I wanted you to have access to our expectations as well so you can talk with your students about their school experience.
CAN Program
CAN Program:
CAN food services, is an amazing program that gives students and family additional food for over the weekend at no charge. If you would like to receive this service, please fill out this Google form: https://forms.gle/W5N3qa4JBn1VVYR4A or please email marriah.willis@raypec.org in order to receive a paper copy for your student or if you have any questions. Please remember that if you signed up last year that you will need to sign up again for the current 23-24 school year.
MOCAP Information
Guidance from DESE:
Section 161.670, RSMo requires DESE to publish a MOCAP guidance document on its website and provide the guidance document for all school districts, charter schools and virtual providers in written and electronic forms. The law also requires LEAs to inform parents and guardians of their child’s right to participate in MOCAP by:
- providing a copy of the guidance to every student and parent/guardian enrolled in the LEA at the beginning of each school year;
- providing a copy of the guidance at the time of enrollment for students enrolling at a time other than the beginning of the school year;
- providing a readily viewable link to an electronic version of guidance document on the main page of the LEA’s website; and
- ensuring the availability of the MOCAP program is made clear in the LEAs parent/guardian handbook, registration documents, and LEA website by featuring the MOCAP website link on the LEA’s homepage
Elementary Handbook Highlights
These guidelines and all district & building expectations are outlined in detail in the District Elementary Parent/Student Handbook 2023-2024 that parents were required to read and acknowledge during the online registration process.
The elementary schools use guidelines set forth in School Board policies 2600-2673 for handling student discipline problems. As stated in Board policy, the Student Code of Conduct is designed to foster student responsibility, respect for the rights of others, and to ensure the orderly operations of district schools.
Each elementary school follows the BIST behavior program. In the event of assault, disparaging or demeaning language, disrespectful conduct or speech, disruptive conduct or speech, extortion, false alarms, threats, fighting, sexual harassment, theft, and vandalism, the following actions may be administered by the administration:
First Offense: Principal/Student conference, parent contact, in-school suspension, or 1-10 days out-of-school suspension, and documentation in student’s discipline record.
Subsequent Offense: Principal/Student conference, parent contact, In-school suspension, 1-180 days of out-of-school suspension, or expulsion, and documentation in student’s discipline record.
In the event a weapon or weapon look-alike is brought to school, the following steps, in accordance with Missouri’s Safe School Act, will be taken:
First Offense: Principal/Student conference, parent contact, possible notification of law enforcement officials, in-school suspension (1-10 days), 1-180 days out-of-school suspension or expulsion, and documentation in student’s discipline record.
Subsequent Offense: 11-180 days of out-of-school suspension, notification of law enforcement officials, and documentation in student’s discipline record.
RayPec App
Check out the app for the Ray-Pec School District! You can access documents, events, news updates, athletic schedules, and the staff directory. In addition, the app will provide direct links to pay online bills and to add money to student meal accounts.
Download for Android: https://bit.ly/3w9yPb8
Download for iPhone: https://apple.co/3Fl2Ysh
You can also follow all PTA updates on the Facebook group “Raymore Timber Creek Elementary PTA”.
Before & After School Care
BOOST enrollment for the 2023-2024 school year is now open. BOOST stands for Best Out Of School Time. There are sites at each elementary school and Shull Early Learning Center. BOOST offers care for before-school, after-school, non-school days, winter break, spring break, and during the summer. More information
RP Volunteer Application process
If you need any assistance, please call or email the secretaries in the office and they would be happy to help.
WATCH D.O.G.S.® (Dads Of Great Students) is a family and community engagement educational initiative.
There are 2 primary goals of the WATCH D.O.G.S. program:
1. To provide positive male role models for the students, demonstrating by their presence that education is important.
2. To provide extra sets of eyes and ears to enhance school security and reduce bullying.
Who are WatchDOGS (Dads Of Great Students)?
WatchDOGS are fathers, grandfathers, uncles, and other father-figures who volunteer for at least one day each year at an official WATCH D.O.G.S.® school. During the day, WatchDOGS may read and work on flash cards with students, play at recess, eat lunch with students, watch the school entrances and hallways, assist with traffic flow and any other assigned activities where they actively engage with not only their own students, but other students as well.
More information will be available at Back to School Night.
First Student Bus Company
Birthday Treats/Snack Guidelines
Quick Tip
Timber Creek Jaguars
Email: Lauren.Gechter@raypec.org
Website: https://timbercreekjaguars.weebly.com/
Location: 310 E Calico Dr, Raymore, MO 64083, USA
Phone: 8168921950
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TCEJaguars/