MCCHS Friday Focus
275th Issue - November 10, 2023
From the Desk of Mr. Benji Winkelman
“Fame is a vapor, popularity an accident, and riches take wings. Only one thing endures and that is character.”
For some reason, I keep coming back to this quote in my mind. I was first introduced to this when I was a student here at Marian and it has stuck with me ever since I graduated. Each day this week I would spend some time trying to reflect on the day and my mind kept returning to this quote, I think I finally figured out why.
The character of the people in this building is outstanding. It is evident from Guidance Counselors, Coaches, Teachers, Support Staff, and Development. Everyone I encounter every day goes above and beyond for our students. Teachers who continue to work countless hours planning and delivering challenging and engaging lessons for the growth of our students. Guidance Counselors, who help students navigate the many challenges that occur daily in the life of a teenager. Coaches who teach our kids the value of teamwork, or how to pick themselves up when they lose, and how to be gracious when we are victorious. Our small but mighty Development office, which continues to display creative ways to raise money, market and draw new students to our school. The Support Staff, who keeps everything running smoothly, from maintenance to finances and everything in between.
However, the most impressive thing I witness is the developing character of our students. Now, we are talking about teenagers…. There are going to be some bumps in the road, and there are from time to time. But our students belong to multiple clubs, organize pep rallies and community service projects, serve at mass, plan retreats, serve as mentors, tutor, and put on amazing feats of teamwork and skill on the fields, courts and in the theatre. And they do all these wonderful things while balancing the demands of a college preparatory curriculum. I am very impressed with the people who we entrust our children to everyday and especially our students who continue to develop and display Christian values day in and day out.
I think that is why that quote keeps popping up in my mind…what do you think?
Proud to work at Marian.
Benjamin Winkelman ‘92
Lunch Accounts
Payments for lunch can be made online or by bringing money to the office. Thank you.
Financial Assistance Applications due November 29th
Financial assistance applications for the 2024-2025 school year are due no later than Wednesday, November 29th.
Marian's Gala & Planning Committee
SAVE THE DATE for Marian Central's Gala on Saturday, March 9 at the Starline Factory in Harvard! More details to follow, but please mark your calendars for our largest fundraising event of the year.
We need YOUR help to plan the party and make it a prosperous event! The first planning meeting is on Wednesday, November 15 at 6:30pm in the Annex. Bring your ideas, friends, and join the fun! RSVP to Kaitlin Bordeaux at kbordeaux@marian.com. If you cannot attend, but would still like to help, please contact Kaitlin.
Thank you for helping bring our community together and raise money for our beloved school!
Winter Sports Photos
The make-up opportunity for Winter sports and banners is Wednesday, November 15 in Vicky Long's studio from 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm. The studio building is on Vicky's residential property at 9813 Wondermere Road, Woodstock. This is a walk-in session, but advance registration is required.
Athletes can register for a spot at https://higherfocusphotography.gotphoto.com/jobs/make-up-sessions. There is no charge for a make-up photo on this date and they will still be included in the Team photos.
Anything after this date can be arranged as a private session and will require a $15 sitting fee. The private sessions will be for individual photos only and will not be included in Team photos.
Next Week's College Visits in the Guidance Office
Juniors and Seniors may attend these visits. Students must sign up for all visits in SCOIR and obtain permission from their teacher.
Monday 11/13: Western Illinois University-8th Period
Wednesday 11/15: Lawrence University-4th Period