Mahoney Library Blast
Make the most of the library from home!
About the Library Blast
While we are learning from home during school closures, I hope to send daily emails every weekday morning. These messages will include cool and interesting websites, videos, book recommendations and more, so that we can stay connected and keep learning!
I want to hear from you!
Please share:
- Memes
- Photos of your pets
- Your art or comics
- Recipes
- Book recommendations or reviews
- Other TV, movie, game or media recommendations
- Playlists
- Funny or uplifting videos
Please email me anything you would like to share at!
Sora is an app that provides access to a collection of ebooks and audiobooks that we share with Memorial and the High School. This slideshow will help you login if you haven't used Sora before. If you have any trouble logging in or using Sora, please email me at If there is an ebook or audiobook you are looking for that you can't find on Sora, please let me know, and I will do my best to find it for you!
Junior Library Guild
Junior Library Guild is currently offering free access to their online ebook collection. You can access more free ebooks by visiting (or downloading the JLG Digital app on a personal device) and signing in with the username JLGMID and the password JLGFREE.
Epic! is another online ebook collection. You can access Epic! by downloading the app or visiting and using the class code wtt8334. Epic! has tons of books, comics, audiobooks, and videos. Epic! can only be accessed during the school day.
Tuesday, April 7
World Health Day
World Health Day is a global health awareness day celebrated every year on 7 April, under the sponsorship of the World Health Organization. This year's theme is Support Nurses and Midwives.
Public Television Day
Public Television Day celebrates the legacy and the ongoing role of publicly-funded television programming in offering news, entertainment, and educational programming for millions of viewers. Check out what Maine Public has on offer on their schedule or see what PBS has for online streaming videos.
International Beaver Day
International Beaver Day celebrates and raises awareness of the unique dam-building animals and their role in the ecosystem. Check out these 8 Facts to Celebrate International Beaver Day.
WHO: Nurses and midwives: key to universal health coverage
WILD ALASKA LIVE | Exploring a Beaver Dam | PBS
Yesterday's Winner
Who would win: A sumo wrestler who has one tiny baby arm and has a battleship OR a hockey player armed with a harpoon gun and a catapult and unlimited livestock? Winner: Hockey player. Reasons: unlimited livestock and "hockey players are usually used to being slammed against walls so they will be the more resilient one."
LeVar Burton Reads
LeVar Burton, well-known for his long-time role on Reading Rainbow, is doing weekly live story readings on Twitter. Young adult readings are Wednesdays at 3 p.m., and readings for children are Mondays at 9 a.m. You can tune in on LeVar's Twitter @levarburton.
Summer Festival of the Arts
Summer Festival of the Arts, a summer arts camp in Bar Harbor, is offering a variety of online arts classes, including drawing, origami, make up art and design, song and rhythm, and more! All classes are free, but do require registration. Find more information on their website.
San Diego Zoo Animal Cams
The world-renowned San Diego Zoo offers several live webcams starring some of their resident animals, including polar bears, tigers, koalas, elephants and more. (My favorite are the penguin cams.)
Mx Gartley
Stay in touch: email me at to share what you're reading, a playlist you're listing to, what show you're binging or anything else. Also feel free to email me if you need help finding a book, audiobook, or any other resources!
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