1st Grade Busy Bee News
with Mrs. Berry
Teasley Vision Statement:
Welcome Back
I am so excited to start 2020 with all of you!
Please click here to fill out this parent survey to help me improve your child's 1st Grade learning experience.
Fancy Nancy Word of the Week
- Fahrenheit: a scale of temperature
Important Transportation Information
- No changes of transportation can be accepted over email. Changes during the school day must be made in writing to the office and received by 1:30 each day.
• Any kids staying after school for clubs must have a written transportation change for that day. Please send a note EACH DAY that they are staying for ASP enrichment. This cuts down on confusion if there is ever a substitute teacher in the class.
Thank you!
Weather Watch
As the weather continually gets cooler and changes- please be sure to check the local news stations for school closings!
List of places to check:
WSB Channel 2
WAGA Channel 5
WXIA Channel 11
WGCL Channel 46
WSBThere is SO much amazing information on there!!
Class Blog
Have you checked out Mrs. Crosby’s blog? If not, you should definitely check it out. There is TONS of information on her page!
All students are encouraged to utilize Mackinvia for some fun, amazing reading resources. Students can go to: https://www.cobb.mackinvia.com/
Specials for the Week
Ask Me What I am Learning!!!
One fun activity to begin with your family is to be reflective and create a family or school “New Year’s Resolution”. Choose to read 30 minutes instead of 20, play a board game once a week as a family, cook a meal together, or share a ‘glow’ and ‘grow’ for your day.
Our Grade Level Learning Targets!!!!
Talk to me about what I’m learning!
Math- I can use strategies to find the unknown number in an equation.
Writing- I can write a narrative writing piece.
Daily 5/Language Arts-
Phonics- What are letters and letter blends? How do I read and write familiar sight words?
IB Unit: Location and weather patterns impact people.
Here are some helpful hints for helping with IB units:
- Ask your child to describe the weather and what they should wear
- Look at maps (any kind!)
- Check the weather
- Go on Google Earth (so cool)
Jan. 20:
MLK Day- No School
Jan. 21:
Spirit Night
Jan. 24:
All Pro-Dads
Feb. 13:
Hers and Heroes Dance
Feb. 14:
Candy Grams Delivered
Mrs. Berry
Cobb County Resource Links
To login use your Office 365 login: firstname.lastname@students.cobbk12.org
password: read
Please use this at home for extra practice in all subject areas.