College and Career Newsletter
Your one-stop-shop for all things post-secondary planning!

January 30th
Happy New Year! Keep reading for scholarships, financial aid info, a checklist to keep you on track with the college process, information about vocational/trade programs, and more! -Martha
Featured Scholarship of the Month: Red Pine Scholarship
Deadline: 2/15/2024
Amount: Varies (up to $20,000)
Apply: https://tpi.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Red-Pine-Scholars-2024-25-Guidelines_FINAL.pdf
- US citizens and non-citizens are welcome to apply.
- Permanent resident of Massachusetts.
- Students must be able to prove their financial need for the scholarship via tax documents or enrollment in government support programs, and by filling out the FAFSA.
- Adjusted gross family income (AGI) of $110,000 or less (as shown on your most recent tax returns).
- Substantial unmet need (at least $5,000) as determined by college financial aid award letter (you will likely not know this at time of application).
- Senior at accredited high school in Massachusetts.
- Enrolling as a full-time freshman to pursue a Bachelor’s degree at a four-year college with a strong track record of supporting students through graduation and into successful careers.
- Strong academic record (enrolled in a demanding, college-prep course of study).
- Involved in a balance of community, school, and work activities.
- Ability to articulate goals and future plans.
Announcements 📣
Union Deadlines Upcoming MANY DUE JAN 31
Interested in joining a union after high school? The application window for several local union apprenticeships is in January.
Below are links to apprenticeships at some local Boston Unions:
Pipefitters' Union: https://pipefitters537.org/apprentices/application-process/
Electrical and telecommunications: https://bostonjatc.com/apply-for-apprenticeship/
Painter's Union: https://ftine.edu/become-an-apprentice/
Plumber's Union: http://www.plumbersandgasfitterslocal12.org/news-details/webview/apprentice-training-information/single/22197
Interested in a Trade Program? Explore this list below!
The FAFSA IS OPEN! Apply ASAP to make sure you get the most financial aid possible!
Letters of Rec Reminder
If you have NOT asked teachers for letters of recommendation AND requested those letters on Naviance you MUST do so ASAP if you are applying to schools that require them. If you already requested your recommendation letters on Naviance and have since added another college you most re-request for that college on Naviance. To request on Naviance go to the Colleges Tab --> Click letters of recommendation --> click add request --> select your teacher --> click the "select all" button at the top of your college list --> click submit request
Brag Sheets
Want a teacher to write you a letter of recommendation? Remember to ask them in person and complete your 23/24 Brag Sheet on Naviance.
January Checklist ✅
Financial Aid Help 💸💰💵
Financial Aid 101 Webinars
Schedule a meeting with a uAspire financial aid expert!
Get started on college applications!
Practice for the SAT with Khan Academy!
Scholarships! 🤑💰🤑
Red Pine Scholarship
Deadline: 2/15/2024
Amount: Varies (up to $20,000)
Apply: https://tpi.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Red-Pine-Scholars-2024-25-Guidelines_FINAL.pdf
- US citizens and non-citizens are welcome to apply.
- Permanent resident of Massachusetts.
- Students must be able to prove their financial need for the scholarship via tax documents or enrollment in government support programs, and by filling out the FAFSA.
- Adjusted gross family income (AGI) of $110,000 or less (as shown on your most recent tax returns).
- Substantial unmet need (at least $5,000) as determined by college financial aid award letter (you will likely not know this at time of application).
- Senior at accredited high school in Massachusetts.
- Enrolling as a full-time freshman to pursue a Bachelor’s degree at a four-year college with a strong track record of supporting students through graduation and into successful careers.
- Strong academic record (enrolled in a demanding, college-prep course of study).
- Involved in a balance of community, school, and work activities.
- Ability to articulate goals and future plans.
Clark University Presidential Scholarship
Deadline: Early Decision II and Regular – February 1
Application details: https://www.clarku.edu/offices/financial-aid/scholarships/
Amount: Full tuition and room and board to Clark University (Worcester)
Northeastern BHA Scholars Program Northeastern University BHA Scholars Program
Full-tuition scholarship to Northeastern
Must be a resident of Public Housing
Apply: https://bostonhousing.org/en/Center-for-Community-Engagement/Northeastern-BHA-Scholars-Program.aspx
Mark Bavis Scholarship
Deadline: March 15th, 2024
Amount: $1000 to $5000
Apply: https://markbavisleadershipfoundation.org/scholarships/
The scholarship is available to any high school student in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. It is awarded on the basis of need, and is not academically based. In addition, the Foundation will give more serious consideration to those students who have made efforts to make a difference in their communities and/or have shown leadership qualities within their school or community.
Diversity STEM Scholarship
Deadline: April 26th, 2024 @ 5pm
Amount: $5,000
Two $5,000 scholarships
High Schools Seniors with GPA of 3.0
Reside in Greater Boston Areas (check list on app details)
Interested in the majors of aviation, maritime, real estate, business admin, accounting, architecture, engineering, finance, diversity, or HR
Janey Scholars
Apply: https://d1a000000ktlneaw.my.salesforce-sites.com/AppNewStart
Deadline: May 1st, 2024
BPS Students Only attending a highly competitive college
Fund for wrap-around supports (spending $, laptops, study abroad, mental health, career coaching/planning, etc.) - NOT for tuition!
Bold.org Scholarships
Empowering Motherhood Scholarship
Eligibility: Any high school seniors, undergraduates, and graduate students who are mothers and hold either U.S. citizenship or permanent legal residency may apply to this scholarship.
Amount: $1,000
Winners: 1
Application Deadline: Feb 2, 2024
Scholarship link: https://bold.org/scholarships/empowering-motherhood-scholarship/
Debra Victoria Scholarship
Eligibility: Any undergraduate Black, Indigenous, or Person of Color (BIPOC) student from a single-parent household with a 3.0 GPA or higher may apply for this scholarship.
Amount: $1,500
Winners: 1
Application Deadline: Feb 24, 2024
Scholarship link: https://bold.org/scholarships/debra-victoria-scholarship/
Joanne Pransky Celebration of Women in Robotics
Eligibility: Any female-identifying high school or two or four-year undergraduate student who is interested in working in robotics may apply for this scholarship.
Amount: $3,000
Winners: 3 winners, $1,000 each
Application Deadline: Feb 29, 2024
Scholarship link: https://bold.org/scholarships/joanne-pransky-celebration-of-women-in-robotics/
La Matriz Sagrada Scholarship
Eligibility: BIPOC high school seniors, trade school students, community college students and undergraduates are eligible to apply if they are pregnant and/or teen parents or children of teen parents.
Amount: $1,000
Winners: 2 winners, $500 each
Application Deadline: Apr 15, 2024
Scholarship link: https://bold.org/scholarships/la-matriz-sagrada-scholarship/
Jennifer Gephart Memorial Working Mothers Scholarship
Eligibility: Any mother who is dedicated to advancing their current profession/trade or learning a new one is eligible to apply.
Amount: $3,025
Winners: 1
Application Deadline: May 10, 2024
Scholarship link: https://bold.org/scholarships/jennifer-gephart-memorial-working-mothers-scholarship/
Our Destiny Our Future Scholarship
Eligibility: High school and undergraduate students are eligible to apply if you have experience volunteering or participate in non-profit work.
Amount: $1,000
Winners: 1
Application Deadline: Jun 30, 2024
Scholarship link: https://bold.org/scholarships/our-destiny-future-scholarship/
Cat Zingano Overcoming Loss Scholarship
Eligibility: Any students who is fighting through their own loss of a close family member, legal guardian or loved one, and is in need of financial support for their education as they move forward may apply to this scholarship.
Amount: $10,000
Winners: 1
Application Deadline: Jul 20, 2024
Scholarship link: https://bold.org/scholarships/cat-zingano-scholarship/
Scholarships for LGBTQ+ Students
ZNEF Scholarship Programs
Deadline: February 1, 2024
Apply: https://z-nefscholarships.smapply.org/res/p/Scholarship-Programs/
Amount: Varies
Hispanic Scholarship Fund
Deadline: February 15th, 2024
Apply: https://www.hsf.net/scholarship
Amount: $500 to $5000
Eligibility Requirements:
- Must be of Hispanic heritage
- U.S. citizen, permanent legal resident, or DACA
- Minimum of 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent) for high school students; minimum of 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent) for college and graduate students
- Plan to enroll full-time in an accredited, public or not-for-profit, four-year university, or graduate school, in the US, for the 2022-2023 academic year
- Submit the FAFSA or state-based financial aid forms (if applicable)
The Dream Scholarship
Deadline: February 29th, 2024
Apply: https://www.thedream.us/scholarships/national-scholarship/
Amount: Up to $33,000
Eligibility Requirements:
- Applications are open to undocumented immigrant students with or without DACA or TPS who came to the U.S. before the age of 16 and before Nov. 1, 2018. The National Scholarship Award will cover your tuition and fees at one of our Partner Colleges up to a maximum of $33,000 for a bachelor’s degree.
- Some Scholars may receive an additional stipend for books, supplies, and transportation for up to $6,000. While we consider your GPA, we place great emphasis on your dedication to community service and your commitment to academic and career success despite the barriers and challenges that undocumented students face daily.
Merrimack Valley and Bridgewater Credit Union Scholarship Program
College Board Big Futures Scholarship
Apply: https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org/pay-for-college/bigfuture-scholarships
Work on building your college list on bigfuture.collegeboard.org and be entered for a chance to win monthly scholarship drawings worth up to $40,000
Rockland Trust Charitable Foundation Scholarship
Deadline: March 8th, 2024
Amount: $3,000
Apply: https://www.rocklandtrust.com/about-us/explore/scholarships
- Be a high school senior, graduate, or GED recipient (current college undergraduates are ineligible)
- Plan to enroll in part time or full time undergraduate study for the first time3 at an accredited two or four-year college, university, or vocational-technical school for the entire upcoming academic year (2024-2025)
- Have a minimum grade point average of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale (or its equivalent)
Progress Software Mary Székely Scholarship for Women in STEM
Deadline: March 10th, 2024
Amount: $3,000
Apply: https://tpi.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/GUIDELINES-Progress-Mary-Szeleky-Scholarship-2023.pdf
- Identify as a woman
- Be a resident of Massachusetts and a US citizen or permanent resident eligible for federal financial aid
- Plan to major in computer science, software engineering, IT, and/or computer information systems
- Have a financial need
- Be a high school senior OR high school graduate who plans to enroll OR is currently enrolled in an accredited university, college, community college, or trade school
- Have a cumulative high school unweighted GPA above 3.2 on a 4.0 scale (or its equivalent)
- Have a desire to make meaningful contributions in the fields of computer science, software engineering, IT, and/or computer information systems
Stephen Phillips Scholarship
Deadline: April 3, 2024
Apply: https://phillips-scholarship.org/apply/new-applicants/criteria/
Amount: Varies
- An entering or returning student at an accredited undergraduate institution in the United States and must be enrolled full-time (at least 12 hours).
- Pursuing a bachelor’s degree (BA, BS, BFA, BSN for example) for the first time. Students in one-year or two-year certificate or associate’s degree programs do not qualify. Students in five-plus year programs ending in a master’s degree or beyond may apply for the first four (undergraduate) years of their programs.
- A United States citizen or noncitizen who has a current lawful presence in the United States and employment authorization.
- A permanent resident of a New England state: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island or Vermont.
- Have a GPA of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale
- Be enrolled in a demanding course of study
- Demonstrate skilled writing
- A SAI (Student Aid Index) from the FAFSA Submission Summary (FSS) that is $13,000 or less (contact staff@spscholars.org if your SAI is greater than $13,000 but you believe there are extenuating financial circumstances)
- Financial unmet need of $7,000 or more at the college of their choice as determined by the Financial Eligibility Calculator
- A low to moderate parent Adjusted Gross Income (AGI)
Ryan Yebba Memorial Mental Health Scholarship
Deadline: May 10th, 2024
Apply: https://bold.org/scholarships/ryan-yebba-memorial-mental-health-scholarship/
Amount: $18,450
Eligibility: Any high school junior or senior who is interested in going into a mental health field may apply for this scholarship if they’re devoted to creating a positive social change and progress in our schools.
Internship Opportunities 💼
Counseling Office Contact Information ☎️
Frances Melchor
Robin Karam
Martha Thompson
College and Career Adviser
Email: thomp25m@bu.edu
Phone: 617-468-6545
Calendly: https://calendly.com/thomp25m