Mills Elementary School
Principal Update- September 18 - September 22
Fall Parent/Teacher Conferences
Here is what to expect in your child's conference:
1. Strengths and areas to grow in Reading, Math, Writing, Science, and social development. Work samples and work journals may be shared as well.
2. Current district assessments and prior year state testing: MAP Growth Reading, MAP Growth Math, TX-KEA (Kindergarten), CLI-Engage (PreK). Students who took STAAR testing will have their STAAR scores shared by teachers.
3. Grade level/classroom common assessments completed so far in the school year.
4. Special Education case managers and other teachers (Reading Interventionist) may be invited to attend and participate in the fall conference in order for you to get a comprehensive picture of your child's progress so far this year.
Attached below is a Tip Sheet created by Harvard University's Family Research Project Division on how to have a successful parent-teacher conference!
Bring questions for the teacher! This is your opportunity to ask about how you can support at home to strengthen academics and social/emotional skills.
Calling All Parents! Learning Series with the Mills Counselors!
Our caring counselors have listened to your feedback and are offering a wonderful in person Learning Series in October! Topics and strategies discussed will center on topics that include: anxiety in kids & adults, navigating worrying, and trying new things.
The learning series centers on the book, Anxious Kids, Anxious Parents: 7 Ways to Stop the Worry Cycle and Raise Courageous and Independent Children.
Come for one, a few, or all sessions! Sign up here:
Interested in purchasing the book? https://www.amazon.com/Anxious-Kids-Parents-Courageous-Independent/dp/0757317626
Please reach out to Mills Counselors Elise Edwards and Linda Whatley with questions: elise.edwards@austinisd.org linda.whatley@austinisd.org
Gifted & Talented Referral Window
Gifted and Talented screening for Austin ISD students in grades Kinder-5th Grades will occur this Fall. Parents/guardians or staff may nominate their child(ren) for GT screening by submitting the Google form linked in the flyer. Teachers will reach out individually if they feel your child is a strong candidate for the process. Please reach out to your child's teacher if you have any wonderings about nominations.
Students will be considered for identification in the four core subject areas using multiple data points. The nomination window opens 9/18 and closes 10/16. Unfortunately, nominations received after this time will not be accepted. Parents will be informed of identification decisions no later than December 2023.
For questions about the program, please reach out to Courtney Cartlidge, assistant principal, at courtney.cartlidge@austinisd.org.
School District Acceptable Use Policy for Devices & Internet
Please continue to discuss (in developmentally appropriate ways) Digital Citizenship and Internet Safety with your child.
Here are some resources that help facilitate that conversation:
Dates to Remember
Monday, Sept 18-
Austin ISD Gifted & Talented Nomination Window Opens
Wednesday, Sept 20-
Fall Picture Day
Friday, Sept 22-
Kindergarten TX-KEA Testing Window Opens
Monday, Sept 25-
Elementary Parent Conference Day (Student Holiday)
October Dates:
10/3-5th Grade Super Fun Book Club 3:15pm
10/4- National Walk (or Bike) to School Day
10/9- Student Holiday (No School)
10/20- 5th Grade Monster Mash
10/23-10/31- School Fundraiser