Crusader Times
December 2017
Words From Our Principal
Greetings Crusaders and Parents,
It has been a pleasure returning to the Bonita Vista Middle family. You have made my return here enjoyable and rewarding. I have been inspired watching you continue your strive to learn. Coming back home is easy, whether it is a short stay or a long visit. I appreciated the commitment to education displayed by faculty, students and staff.
I come from a long line of educators including grandparents, parents and siblings. Therefore, it was important that I maintain the high standards at Bonita Vista Middle as we pave the way for the new principal.
Through the guiding hands of our faculty and staff, we are all able to learn about tolerance, our past, our present and our future. The future is bright for the Crusaders, please join me in welcoming your new principal, Teresa Kramer.
Have a safe and enjoyable holiday season.
Vivian Tuck
Interim Principal
Big Read
Mrs. Heredia’s English 8 students are participating in the “NEA Big Read” contest. Students read the novel Pretty Monsters by Kelly Link and will be selecting one of the many stories from the novel to create a project. In addition, Write Out Loud an organization that is co-sponsoring the contest, sent an artist to work with the students. The students worked with Ms. Walter in the BVM library on Thursday, Dec. 7th, they had a wonderful experience and enjoyed the opportunity to express themselves through art. Students can submit up to 3 projects in three categories; literary art, visual art, and performance/media art by February 2018. Good luck to all students that are participating in the contest and thank you for representing Bonita Vista Middle School!
20 Time Project
On Thursday, Dec 7th the eighth grade accelerated science students of BVM presented their 20 Time Pitches to students, parents, and staff. The 20 Time Pitch was a one minute presentation that each student gave about his/her 20 Time project. The 20 Time project are all about how humans are impacting the world. Thank you so much to all the students, parents, and staff that attended the event. It was a great experience for everyone!
Saturday Scholars
VAPA Student Assembly
Beginning Choir
Under the direction of
Mr. Tapia
Advanced Guitar
Under the direction of
Mr. Tapia
Advanced Band
Under the direction of
Mrs. Cruz
Annual Chula Vista Starlight Parade
Our Bonita Vista Cheerleading Team & Color Guard brought a lot of “Holiday Cheer” Saturday, December 2, 2017 to the Annual Chula Vista Starlight Parade.
They shared their Crusader Pride performing in front of thousands of Chula Vista residents, out of town guests, family and friends. Their Cheer Sponsor Ms. Alonso & Rocco accompanied them during the beautiful parade festivities.
We are very proud of our Crusader Cheerleaders and Color Guard for a great performance! Thank you for your dedication and hours of practices preparing for this parade. You make Bonita Vista Middle School proud! Go Crusaders!
Student Art Work
Alhambra Tiles
Students use shape,symmetry, repetition, and unity to create initial designs reminiscent of the Alhambra and Islamic Spain.
Counselors Corner
Hello Crusaders,
By now you should feel a sense of relief that your finals are over, and you have completed one academic semester!
As the new semester begins and you return back to school on Wednesday, January 10th, 2018 please note the first day procedures.
All students will report to school and will need to look for their names on the lists posted around the front part of campus. Students will look for the Special Advisory room number that they will report to base on their Last-Name.
Students will then be given a Locator Card that will have their class schedule. A few classes for students may have moved to a different period due to class balancing, so if you are one of those students, unfortunately we will not be able to move you back. A reminder, ALL CLASSES are Year Long classes, therefore NO CLASS CHANGES to another period/teacher for an elective/core class will be honored.
We hope you take this winter break to relax and rejuvenate yourselves and start off to a great Semester Two!
BVM Counseling Team
Digital Citizenship
Can teens learn empathy using social media? Our social interactions are increasing in digital spaces, where face-to-face social cues are often lacking. According to Cyberbullying Research, 1 out of 4 teens witness cyberbullying online and despite guidelines for use, sites (e.g. Scratch) that block violations, still report inappropriate and disrespectful behavior. How can we defeat bullying and promote more thoughtful, compassionate behavior? Here are some tips:
- Get to know others socially online using civility and etiquette
- Empathy is usually reserved for those in our own circle. Decide who you want to include in an online circle –
- Become a pen pal with someone, learn about people from other countries/cultures
- Use Skype or Facetime
- Use storytelling and role playing to defeat bullying and to become an up stander
- Consider using a filter such as Rethink when beginning to create messages and correspondence online
- Understand what good Citizenship/ Digital Citizenship means (See Chart)
Technology Corner
As you get ready to enjoy your winter break now is a great time to make sure that all of your work is backed up on your iPad. Check out this PowerPoint to check to see if you are backing up your notes and instructions on how to do it. Happy Holidays and see you next year!
Important Dates
12/18 - 01/09 - Winter Break
01/10 - Students Resume and PTSA Meeting
1/13 - VEX Robotics Competition
1/15 - No School - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday
01/18 - Science Fair
01/20 - Saturday School and Saturday Scholars
01/23 - Knowledge Bowl Competition
01/25 - School Site Council Meeting
01/27 - Saturday School and Saturday Scholars
02/01 - Incoming 7th Grade Parent Night
02/03 - Saturday School and Saturday Scholars
Bonita Vista Middle School
Email: Martha-Irene.Garza@sweetwaterschools.org
Website: http://bvm.sweetwaterschools.org/
Location: 650 Otay Lakes Road, Chula Vista, CA 91910, United States
Phone: (619) 397-2200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bonitavistamiddleschool