CTMS Prowler
November 18-November 27
Thankful, Grateful, Blessed
Thank you to everyone who submitted Veteran's Day pictures. We will be keeping the board up for the rest of the semester. Please take a look at it the next time you visit CTMS.
Reminder that CTMS is closed November 21-November 27. The administration of CTMS hopes that each of you have a safe, healthy fall break.
When we return to school on Monday, November 28 students will be working on closing out the last few weeks of the 1st semester. Parents are encouraged to check Canvas for mid-term grades. Friendly reminder to please always contact class teachers first with questions or concerns about your child's daily activities in the classroom.
Perfect Squares
Karyotype Project
Nurse Update
Flu Season
Flu cases are elevated through the community. Please take time to review the handout below from Nurse Dent. As always – please remind the your students the importance of handwashing and/or using hand sanitizer.
Have a happy break.
Nurse Dent
If your student is in need of tutoring, please reach out to Mrs. Mills for availability. mailto:jennifer.mills@k12.wv.us
or in person (cash or check made payable to CTMS in an envelope with student name on front--bring to Ms. Hall in Rm 24 or to the office).
You are able to order online through the end of March. Yearbooks may still be ordered in person after this point, however quantities will be limited after the pre-order window closes.
Yearbooks are $25 without an engraved name and $30 with an engraved name. If you pay in person for an engraved name yearbook, please include how you would like your name to appear.
Upcoming events:
11/28 - School resumes
11/30- Club Day
11/30- Girls and Boys basketball (away)
12/3- Charles Town Christmas Parade
12/5- Basketball - Boys away, Girls Home - HFMS 6:00
12/7- Basketball - Boys home, girls away - 6:00