Timber Ridge News and Notes!
August 11, 2022
Upcoming Dates!!
Friday, August 19 - 2:30 - 4:00 Meet the Teacher
Friday, August 19 - 2:30 - 4:00 pm Popsicles on the Playground
Wednesday, August 24 - Day 1 School dismisses at 2:30 First day of school!
Thursday, August 25 - Day 2
Friday, August 26 - Day 3
Monday, August 29 - Day 4
Tuesday, August 30 - Day 5
Wednesday, August 31 - Day 6 School dismisses at 2:30
Thursday, September 1- Day 1
Friday, September 2 - Day 2
Monday, September 5 - NO SCHOOL - Labor Day
Tuesday, September 6 - Day 3
Wednesday, September 7 - Day 4 School dismisses at 2:30
Thursday, September 8 - Day 5
Friday, September 9 - Day 6
Monday, September 12 - Day 1
Tuesday, September 13 - Day 2
Wednesday, September 14 - Day 3 School dismisses at 2:30
Thursday, September 15 - Day 4
Friday, September 16 - Day 5
Monday, September 19 - Day 6
Tuesday, September 20 - Day 1
Wednesday, September 21 - Day 2 School dismisses at 2:30
Thursday, September 22 - Day 3
Friday, September 23 - Day 4
Monday, September 26 - Day 5
Tuesday, September 27 - Day 6 - School Pictures - LifeTouch
Wednesday, September 28 - Day 1 School dismisses at 2:30
Thursday, September 29 - Day 2
Friday, September 30 - Day 3
Breakfast Permission Form
Timber Ridge Elementary-School Meals for 2022-2023 School Year
The federal government has recently declined to continue funding the program that allowed all students access to free breakfast and free lunch meals during the COVID-19 pandemic. Families will be required to pay $1.85 for elementary student breakfast, $2.90 for elementary student lunch and $.50 for extra milk or milk with cold lunch. This means families will need to carry a positive balance in their children’s school meal accounts or qualify for free or reduced priced meals when school begins this fall.
If you feel like you may qualify for Free or Reduced priced meals you may complete an Application for Free and Reduced Meals
The 2022-2023 online application is available on the District’s website. Even if you completed the 2021-2022 application, you will still need to complete the 2022-2023 application. (www.johnstoncsd.org/departments/nutrition-services/free-reduced-meal-program)
For assistance completing the application or for questions, please contact the Nutrition Department at 515-278-0278.
Popsicles on the Playground!
TImber Ridge New Staff Members!
Raine Mollenbeck - Principal
Amanda Martin – Kindergarten Teacher
Sharry Schrier – Kindergarten Teacher
Lindsey Heintz – 1st Grade Teacher
Kierra Green – 1st Grade Teacher
Marianna Llorente – 1st Grade Teacher
Hannah Phillips – 2nd Grade Teacher
Karen Graves – 3rd Grade Teacher
Drew Croegaert – 4th Grade Teacher
Anna Nikolaidis – 5th Grade Teacher
Marena Bonanno – Special Education Teacher
Jessica Flinkman – ESL Teacher
Haley Naset – Reading Teacher
Danielle Walter - Social, Emotional, Behavior, Mental Health (SEBMH) Interventionist (position shared with Lawson)
How do Students Get to School?
How do Students Get to School?
1). Drop-off & Pick-Up Line: Located at the North side of the building. Please have your child to enter the doors on the east side of the building at the following door #:
● Door #2: K-5th grade
● Door #3: 1st - 4th grade
● Door #4: 2nd-3rd
2). Daycare: Daycare vehicles will drop-off and pick-up students at the south side of the building by Door #5. Park in front of the buses, near the sign marked “Pull up here for Daycare Drop-Off & Pick-Up”.
3). Bus: Students arriving by bus will enter the building on the south side of the building.
● 4). Walkers: Students can enter through doors:
○ Door #2: K-5th grade,
○ Door #3: 1st - 4th grade
○ Door #4: 2nd-3rd grade
5). Bike: There are two bike rack locations around the building for student use.
1-Front of the building on the concrete by the main entrance
2-South side of the building by door 5
Early Pick-up & Late Drop-off
If you need to pick up your child early or drop off a late child, please come into the main office door #1 along NW 54th Avenue.
Afternoon Dismissal
1. The first dismissal bell will ring at 3:30. KTC and Pick-Up Line students will be dismissed at that time. KTC students will walk to the cafeteria. Pick-Up Line students will remain in their communities and wait in assigned areas for their number to be announced or projected on the wall. Families picking up their children will be assigned a number with a QR code to enter your number. Once you enter your number it will projected on the wall. Parent pickup numbers should also be placed on the rearview mirror or passenger side window of their car to facilitate safe pick up.
2. The second dismissal bell will ring at 3:35. Bus students and walkers will be dismissed at that time. Students will remain in their classrooms until their bus number is announced via intercom. Students who are walking can exit the building at:
3. Door #2: K-5th grade
4. Door #3: 1st - 4th grade
5. Door #4: 2nd-3rd
Crossing Guard
Mr. David Harris will continue to help our students and families along the crosswalk on NW 54th Avenue. We are very fortunate to have a crossing guard position for additional safety measures outside.
Student Transportation of America (STA)
Contact: Katie McBride, Terminal manager
(515) 278-8149
Absence Request: Portal Entry
Need To Pick Up Your Student Early?
To pick up your student early for an appointment or for any reason.
1) Notify the office and the classroom teacher so that we can make sure they are ready to go when you arrive.
2) Park and come in to the office to sign your student out
At the end of the day, we ask that all early dismissals pick up by 3:15/3:20 p.m. (2:15/2:20 p.m. on Wednesday early out) so that they do not interfere with our regular dismissal which is in process.
Thank you in advance for your help with these communications!
Personal Items Policy
Please note the section on "Personal Items" in the Elementary Handbook. This policy is in regard to cell phones, smart phones, smart watches and other personal items.
G. Personal Items
Video games, toys, baseball cards, radios, headphones, cell phones, smart phones, smart watches, IPods/MP3 players, electronic devices such as e-readers, itouch/ipad and other personal items are not appropriate in school as they frequently interrupt the learning environment. Personal property should be left at home unless specifically requested by the classroom teacher. If a parent has given permission for a student to have a phone at school, it is to remain in the student’s backpack in silent mode or off until the child is off school grounds. Electronic devices may be taken from a student for inappropriate use. (Board Policy 502.10R). The school is not responsible for loss of or damage to personal items.
In addition to personal items, the sending of balloons, flowers, or other gifts to students while at school is not allowed due to the disruption in the learning environment. These items will be held in the office until the end of the school day for pickup and these items will not be allowed on school buses.
Campus Online Payments
Get started. When you log into Campus Parent, you will see a ‘My Cart’ and ‘My Accounts’ option under the Today or Fees tab. These two features offer the following: • My Cart: Pay fees with one seamless transaction (simply add all payments to your cart and checkout). • My Accounts: Manage payment methods, recurring payments, payment history and optional payments from one convenient location.