June Coalition Newsletter
It's awards season!
Coalitions Award Volunteers at Picnic - You're Invited!
Prevention coalitions will honor volunteer and partner contributions during an annual Coalition Appreciation Picnic on June 6th at Marshall Community Park in Vancouver, WA from 4:30-6:30pm, located at 1015 E McLoughlin Vancouver, WA.
This year, certificates are being awarded to members of ten coalitions including Prevent Coalition, Connect Evergreen, KLASAC (Klickitat and Lyle Against Substance Abuse Coalition), Central Vancouver Coalition, La Center United, One Prevention Alliance, Our Klickitat, Prevent Together: Battle Ground Prevention Alliance, Unite! Washougal and West Van for Youth.
Although coalitions only recognize two partners each year we appreciate all supporters, donors, volunteers, partners and the incredible individuals that make up our community.
Read the ESD 112 Media Release & Highlights
Click here to download the event invitation.
Madison Langer, youth member of Prevent Coalition, Clark County STASHA, WASAVP and Tobacco Free Kids is being recognized for her achievements in advocacy.
"Madison bravely shares her personal story with peers, lawmakers and the media to advocate for effective policies. She has testified before the state Legislature in support of raising the tobacco age to 21 and appeared in a video with the bill’s champion, Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson. When Gov. Jay Inslee recently signed the bill into law, Madison spoke at the signing event."
Letters Addressing Youth Vaping Sent to 2,452 Schools - Read It Here
Prevent Coalition, ESD 112, OSPI and Washington State Department of Health partnered to offer resources for schools across the state on www.youthnow.me/schools. Letters were mailed to virtually every school in Washington State - 2,452 in total announcing the resource.
Recommendations for schools outlined include:
- Review and strengthen school policies related to vapor products, JUUL devices, vaping, and tobacco- and vape-free spaces.
- Inform school staff and parents about vapor products, the health risks of vaping, and encourage setting a positive example by not using tobacco products themselves.
- Promote health messaging on school campuses and provide access to resources for those who wish to quit.
- Collaborate with local prevention coalitions and healthcare providers.
- Reject tobacco industry-sponsored prevention programs, which have been proven ineffective.
Click to read the full letter.
Locks Save Lives Campaign Toolkit Available for Download
With support from C+C Communication and in partnership with eight prevention coalitions and community organizations we've developed a social marketing campaign called Locks Save Lives, released during the April Drug Take Back Day. The purpose is to prevent opioid misuse among children, with a focus on safe and secure home storage. Locks Saves Lives encourage parents, grandparents and guardians with children in grades 6-12 in the home to lock up all prescription pain medications and demonstrates the need and ease for locking up prescription medications.
The website for Locks Save Lives offers related information and resources including a “Pledge to Lock Your Meds” and a free campaign toolkit for download. The toolkit was designed as a platform for prevention coalitions and community organizations to implement in their communities. It includes rack cards, lock box cards, pledge to lock your meds cards, posters, stickers, theater ads and social media posts. Select materials are available in English and Spanish. Visit bit.ly/LocksSaveLives to access the toolkit.
Locks Save Lives was launched on April 27, 2019 during the DEA National Drug Take Back Day at three locations in Clark County and was funded in partnership with an opioid prevention grant from Washington State Health Care Authority (HCA). Nearly 100 lock boxes along with promotional materials and swag were given to families with youth in grades 6-12 in the home and were encouraged to lock up their prescription medications. Participants were also offered information and statistics that demonstrate the need and ease for locking up their prescription medications in the home. For more information and questions about the Locks Save Lives campaign, contact Kelley Groen-Sieckmann at preventcoalition@esd112.org or 360-952-3461.
Mark Your Calendar
Prevent Coalition events:
June 6th from 4:30-6:30 pm
Marshall Community Park
1015 E McLoughlin Vancouver, WA
Click for full calendar of coalition and community events.-
Other Training & Events
Community events not sponsored by Prevent Coalition:
Recorded webinar: Positive Discipline & Healthy Kids: An Opportunity for Washington State
6/12 Webinar: E-Cigarettes: Mechanics of Use, Risks, and Prevention Efforts
Online from 1-2:30pm by NW PTTC.
6/13 Webinar: Research Into Action: Accuracy of Medical Marijuana Claims
Online at 10am.
6/13 La Center United End of Year Ropes Course (All Are Welcome)
From 11:30-2:30 at La Center High School.
6/28 Methamphetamine in Washington: Informing Policy and Research
At University of Washington from 9-4:30pm. Registration required.
Have a wonderful Summer!
Stay tuned for JULY - we'll share the latest for Making the Connections Toolkit!
Email: preventcoalition@esd112.org
Website: www.PreventCoalition.org
Location: 2500 NE 65th Ave., Vancouver, WA, USA
Phone: 360-952-3457
Facebook: Facebook.com/PreventCoalition
Twitter: @preventcc112