Kingsmen Nation
"It's the most wonderful time of the year!" That's because P-H-M Education Foundation is spreading holiday cheer across the district surprising grant applicants. This year the Foundation is awarding its largest grant awards ever thanks to the generosity of donors within P-H-M and businesses in our local community! This grant cycle the Foundation is awarding more than $42,000 to P-H-M schools and programs! Find out which school/program will be next and how much money they are receiving by clicking here to like and follow the P-H-M Education Foundation on Facebook.
Save the Date: Penn Showcase set for Monday, Dec. 4
The Penn Showcase will be held on Monday, Dec. 4, 2023, from 6-8 p.m.
Penn High School’s exceptional learning opportunities and programs will be on display for prospective and current students at the 2023 Penn High School Showcase.
Click here for information on Showcase 2023.
Purchase a Penn Blanket on Thursday, Dec. 14
PENN BLANKETS will be for sale on Thursday, Dec. 14, inside Door D from 5-8 p.m.
The Penn Band Boosters sells these blankets every other year and this is the fifth blanket design. The logo is printed on a soft “fur” side, and the reverse side is white sherpa - two blankets in one! They are BIG: 80 inches x 60 inches. Due to their high quality and large size, they have become a sought-after commodity in the P-H-M community. Not only will these blankets keep you warm at outdoor events, they make great gifts for any Penn student or fan!
The cost is $50 for cash/check (made out to Penn Band Boosters) or $51.50 for credit/Venmo/PayPal. Stop by the table inside Door D to see a sample on display and take one home on Dec. 13! Once sold out, they won’t be available again for two years!
Questions regarding the blankets can be sent to Dana Sullivan at danasullivan4@me.com
Peer Leadership opportunity
Are you interested in building warm and caring friendships? Are you interested in teaching? Do you need to increase your experiences for college or the workforce?
Try Peer Leadership for an elective next year. This course is designed to give high school students the opportunity to interact with and learn about people with disabilities. Students will participate in 5 blocks over two weeks of in-class and/or community based instruction with students with moderate and severe disabilities under the personal supervision and direction of the course instructor or classroom teaching staff.
Are you already a peer leader and want to try a different atmosphere? Peer Leaders may work with students at the Young Adult Program located at Schmucker Middle School.
Applications are online and you can fill it out here:
When you schedule classes with your counselor, be sure they add Peer Leader to your schedule (1603) or if you are interested in the Young Adult Program Peer Leadership (1611).
If you have any questions, please direct them to Mrs. Shafer, the Academy Leader for Exceptional Education at vshafer@phm.k12.in.us.
Independent Study Students can celebrate earning a credit in December
Independent Study Students! Celebrate this holiday season-when you earn a credit in the month of December, receive a special surprise from the Elves of Independent Study! (while supplies last)
Prom Committee (Juniors only) accepting applications
Prom Committee: Juniors only.
If you would like to be considered for one of 10 spots for the prom committee, please fill out this form before Dec. 18. Prom committee members will help plan, send invitations and promote prom, decorate and clean up on the day of prom.
Prom is scheduled for Saturday, May 11, 2024.
Celebrate Winter's wonders with featured shows at the DVT/Planetarium
The P-H-M DVT/Planetarium will be decked out as a Winter Wonderland during the entire month of December, so come enjoy the beautiful Winter Wonderland along with every holiday show! We begin our holiday shows with Season of Light on Wednesday, Dec. 6, at 6:30 p.m.! Tickets are $5 for adults and $3 for students and senior citizens and can be pre-ordered by visiting the DVT webpage on the PHM Schools website, or they can be purchased at the door with cash, check, or card 30 minutes before the show starts. Ordering online allows you to reserve specific seats! The DVT is located inside Bittersweet Elementary.
SEASON OF LIGHT, Wednesday, Dec. 6, at 6:30 p.m. AND on Thursday, Dec. 14, at 6:30 p.m.!
This show traces the development of many of the world's endearing holiday customs, and how they involve lighting up the winter season--from the burning of the Yule log and sparkling Christmas tree lights to the lighting of the Menorah and luminarias. In addition, we will be detectives trying to solve the mystery of the Star Over Bethlehem.
LASER HOLIDAYS 1, Tuesday, Dec. 12, at 6:30 p.m. AND on Wednesday, Dec. 20, at 6:30 p.m.!
This is a professional laser light show, containing 12 holiday songs, including Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy, Silent Night, Frosty The Snowman, and accompanying laser animations.
LASER HOLIDAYS 2, Wednesday, Dec. 13, at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, Dec. 19, at 6:30 p.m., AND our final holiday show on Thursday, Dec. 21, at 6:30 p.m.!
Penn offers College-Based Dual Credit
Would you like to start earning credits toward your college degree and have Penn High School cover the tuition? The Penn High School College-Based Dual Credit (CBDC) Program is a way for high school students to begin college coursework and/or prepare for a career.
Students take classes at area colleges and online and will receive a college transcript from their respective college. These are actual college classes, taught by college professors. Penn is able to pay for CTE (career and technical classes) in the areas of business, architecture, communication, public health and more. Colleges establish the course offering and days/time the classes are in session. Students may choose an area that matches their intended college major, their career plan or personal interest area. This is also a great opportunity for parents/guardians and students to save on college tuition expenses. In fact, through new Indiana legislation, even materials such as textbooks and required lab equipment can be reimbursed by Penn. For a list of some of the options available, please look here.
We offer a Pharmacy Technician Certification program through Indiana University at South Bend for SENIORS only. This class is offered February 5 through April 18 at IUSB on Mondays and Thursdays. While it doesn’t receive college credit, you do receive high school credit. Also, when students complete the program they receive a certificate of completion which students can use to apply for their State license through the Indiana Pharmacy Licensing agency.
Courses in the CBDC program will meet one of the requirements for the Academic and Technical Honor Diplomas.
If you are interested in learning more or in taking a class next year, make sure counselors add College Based Dual Credit to your schedule for the Spring and you will also need to sign up for the college class(es) of your choice. To know how to do this, please see Mrs. Black in the IMC during G3 or G4, or email her at dblack@phm.k12.in.us.
Penn Boys Rugby workouts start
Workouts for student-athletes interested in participating in Penn Boys Rugby are scheduled for 6-7:30 p.m. at Moran Elementary School every Wednesday starting on Wednesday, Nov. 15, until winter break.
Bookstore news
The following Clubs and Field trip fees are due in the bookstore. See attached image below.
The Bookstore only takes cash and checks (not credit cards) for club dues, field trips, bookstore supplies, yearbooks and Chromebook insurance/repairs.
Yearbooks - there are a limited number of yearbooks for sale in the bookstore from 2022-23. Price is $95.
Booster items are t-shirts, hoodies, polos, hats, etc. Boosters take cash, checks and credit cards.
Student ID replacements $3
Starting Monday, Oct. 9, students who continuously do not have their school ID's will be charged a $3 fee to get a replacement ID.
Safety and Security is a top priority at Penn High School and having a student ID is a vital part of this process.
Students are required to have a Student ID to get into the building in the morning. All students were issued a free Student ID at the beginning of the school year. Students who don't have their ID in the morning will report to Door A to check in. Those names will be given to the Bookstore to issue a new ID and the $3 fee will be implemented.
Thank you for your help in continuing to keep Penn a safe place for all students.
Submit photos to Yearbook
You can submit up to 5 photos at a time for consideration to be used the '23-'24 Penn yearbook. Make sure the photos you submit are the original photo; NO SCREENSHOTS as they aren't good quality for printing.
These can be pictures of a club you are involved in, photos with friends from school at different events in or out of school, etc. Anything school-appropriate that relates to Penn students is fair game! Email pennyearbook@phm.k12.in.us with any questions.
Click here for the form to submit photos.
Bethel hosting Writing Contest
Bethel University’s literary magazine, The Crossings, is excited to announce its Annual High School Writing Contest!
The contest invites high-school juniors and seniors to write and submit original, unpublished work for a chance to win one of two scholarships to Bethel University. The publication accepts short fiction, non-fiction, drama, and poetry.
The submission deadline is December 1, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. EST.
The Crossings Online Publication
Home | The Crossings (crossingsjournal.org)
High School Writing Contest Page
Submit | The Crossings (crossingsjournal.org)
Bethel University Website
Snowball Dance set for Sunday, Jan. 14
Penn High School's Snowball Dance, sponsored by the PTO, will be held from 7:30-11 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 14, in the Main Arena.
Details on theme, tickets sales and other specifics will be shared at a later date.
Free and Reduced-Meal applications for 2023-2024 available
Free and Reduced Meal Applications must be filled out each year.
Free and Reduced Meal benefits from last year expire at the end of September.
To access the application form for the 2023-2024 school year, go to SchoolCafe.com
You can also find our menu and nutritional information there.
Nominate a Teacher for the Teacher of the Month, sponsored by McKinnies Realty Homes for Heroes
Our partners at Michiana Homes for Heroes sponsors Penn High School's Teacher of the Month program, and has been honoring teachers for a number of years,. They believe in highlighting those who are making a positive impact in the local community. Please take a moment to nominate a teacher who demonstrates excellence in the classroom, motivation, leadership, community service, creativity, dedication, and professionalism.
Representatives from McKinnies Realty Homes for Heroes will award the Teacher of the Month with an engraved trophy, public recognition in front of peers & students, and a gift. Nominate a teacher for Teacher of the Month here. Thank you for taking the time to nominate a teacher deserving of this special recognition!
Textbook Fees Eliminated and Instructional Material Information
We are hoping you have heard, but we have great news to share regarding student book fees! The Indiana General Assembly passed a bill (HEA 1001-2023) that eliminated textbook and curriculum costs at public schools, which includes school supplies like pencils, paper, and notebooks. Parents will no longer be asked to pay school fees for curricular materials. For more information on the specific details, click here.
We wanted to share that legislation was passed (HB 1447, effective January 1, 2024)
that all schools prepare a catalog of materials found in the school library Alexandria and a response and appeal procedure for materials parents find questionable.
We have that process in place already and it is posted on all school websites Instructional Material Feedback. In addition, secondary teachers will provide their syllabus to you with listed materials and classroom teachers have been asked to create a master list of titles in their classroom libraries. More information will be provided by your teacher in classroom newsletters. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact your classroom teacher or myself.
Important information from the Health Office
Seniors: Get your Meningococcal Vaccinations ASAP and turn in your shot records to the Health Office.
All Students: Please have your parents sign the non-prescription med form in Skyward in order to take Tylenol, Tums or Ibuprofen in the health office. Parents must sign a new form EVERY school year in Skyward.
Passes are REQUIRED from your teacher before you come to the Health Office.
Attendance located at Door C
Attendance is located at Door C.
- Students who get an early dismissal will now be checking out and leaving through Door C.
- Parents who plan to pick up their students early can do so at Door C until 2:40 p.m.
Attendance can be reported through Skyward/Family Access
Parents/Guardians now have the ability to submit attendance reasons - for full-day absences, early dismissals or late arrivals - for approval by the school - through Skyward/Family Access, instead of calling Penn High School.
Click here for more information on Attendance procedures.
Requests can be entered on the day of the absence (i.e. a student is ill) or scheduled in advance (i.e. - a student has a doctor appointment).
Click here for instructions on how to submit attendance reasons through Skyward/Family Access.
In addition, guardians of Penn students who attend the Elkhart Area Career Center are responsible to report their student’s attendance issues.
Contact Trisha Malone, attendance secretary, 574-262-5650 or tmalone@elkhart.k12.in.us.
In addition, EACC offers a new email address: Email: Attendance@elkhart.k12.in.us
P-H-M Health and Safety Overview
Click here for the P-H-M Health and Safety Overview.
Chromebook insurance available
If you wish to purchase Chromebook insurance, please make a $25 payment at the Penn High School bookstore or online at phm.revtrak.net (click “Chromebooks” then “Penn High School” ). Online payments are only accepted until 9/15/23. If you purchase insurance after 9/15/23, your Chromebook must pass an inspection by the Technology Department and the fee can be paid in the bookstore.
Click here for additional information on Chromebook insurance.
Transportation Information for 2023-24 school year
Please click below for Transportation information
Community events open to P-H-M students and families
Jobs available for Penn students
Click here for information about jobs available for Penn students.
Join the Kingsmen Team as an employee
Join an institution committed to excellence. P-H-M is looking for prospective employees in a number of areas.
Click here for the jobs board.
Visit www.phmef.org for info on upcoming P-H-M Education Foundation events
The P-H-M Education Foundation has many new upcoming events. Please visit www.phmef.org for event information, to signup for our quarterly news letter or to find out how PHMEF supports excellence in education in the P-H-M school district.
PNN on YouTube
Click here for the Penn News Network (PNN) YouTube Channel. Subscribe to the PNN YouTube Channel to stay up-to-date on Penn news.
Community Fitness opportunities
Penn-Harris-Madison is happy to pilot free fitness opportunities for the P-H-M community.
Who is eligible to participate: The P-H-M Adult Community and Staff (no students). This includes residents of the school district and non-resident parents/guardians of attending students.
What: Access to walking/jogging tracks, open gym/basketball courts, and weight room
When: Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays at the sites listed below. Note: The Fitness Centers will be closed during designated school recess dates.
- Penn: Weekly on Saturdays and Sundays from 7-9 p.m.
- Discovery: Weekly on Wednesdays from 7-9 p.m.
- Grissom: Weekly on Fridays from 7-9 p.m.
Safe School Helpline now available as an app
The Safe School Helpline® is a confidential way to report student concerns about threats, suicide, drugs, bullying or anything that threatens the safety of our schools. It's Available 24/7. Click to watch a video on how to get in touch with Administration anonymously 24/7/365.
Four Ways to Report to the Safe School Helpline®
Call: 1-800-418-6423 ext 359
Text: TIPS to 66746
Online: SafeSchoolHelpline.com
Mobile App: Download the FREE app from the GOOGLE PLAY STORE and the APPLE APP STORE
- The app makes it easy to anonymously report a safety or mental health concern using your mobile device to text, call, or submit an online form.
Community Resources list
Click here for a listing of non-school community resources available to Penn students and families by businesses area organizations.
Adobe Acrobat Reader will be required to view the pdfs on this page. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, please visit Adobe’s website, at this link http://www.get.adobe.com/reader/www.get.adobe.com/reader/, to download your free version. Or you can stop by the Educational Services Center at 55900 Bittersweet Rd., Mishawaka to pick up a copy.
Random Acts of Kindness Club to meet on Thursday, Dec. 7
The Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) Club will be meeting on Thursday, Dec. 7, in Room 104 until 4 p.m. Please bring a new stuffed animal, or a new game to donate if possible. All are welcome! We will have snacks and fun. We hope to see everyone there!
Science Academic Super Bowl meets on Wednesdays
Science Academic Super Bowl meets every Wednesday from 3:30-4 p.m. in Room 266 (enter through the Fitness Center) in Mrs Tiebout’s Room.
Come learn science trivia from the 80’s and 90’s and compete against other schools in the spring. Everyone is welcome!
SNHS to Meet on First Monday of the Month
Science National Honor Society's will meet on the first Monday of the month, at 3:30 p.m. in Mrs. Tiebout's room, Room 266.
There will be volunteer opportunities throughout the year.
Anyone enrolled in Honors or AP Science with a 3.5 in Science and an overall GPA of 3.0 or greater is welcome to join!
Kingsmen Against Cancer opportunities available
Interested in helping children with cancer?
Join Kingsmen Against Cancer to help make baskets, cards, blankets and more!
Email kwatts@phm.k12.in.us for more information. Help make an impact in children’s lives one smile at a time!
Speech and Debate Team information available
All students interested in joining the Speech and Debate team should stop by Coach Starkweather's Room 192 for information.
Check the website for information: https://www.pennspeechanddebate.com/
Connect with Kingsmen Court
Follow Kingsmen Court !!!
Instagram: @pennkingsmencourt
Twitter: @courtkingsmen
E-mail us with any questions @penn-kingsmen-court-grp@phm.k12.in.us
Freshmen Mentoring set for Dec. 7-8
The last days of Freshmen Mentoring will be Thursday, Dec. 7, and Friday, Dec. 8.
Connect with a Kingsmen Tutor
If students want to meet with a Kingsmen Tutor for academic assistance, they need to see their counselor for a pass.
Counseling Center Staff Directory
Click here for the Counseling Center Staff Directory and contact information.
Scholarship list
Click here for the current scholarship list.
Speed Training set for every Thursday, 7:30-8:05 a.m.
Speed training for all athletes is every Thursday from 7:30-8:05 a.m. Enter through Door G.
Be ready to compete!
Student-Athletes must be picked up at Door D after practice
Parents/Guardians are asked not to pick up student-athletes at Door E due to safety concerns.
Students must register online to participate in Athletics
PTO introduction
Penn PTO is a group of devoted parents and volunteers who work hand-in-hand with administration to support our students, staff and teachers through events that bring together community and show appreciation.
Click here for information.
The PTO provides grants to our teachers, clubs and student groups.
We also coordinate Snowball (an event your student will not want to miss), teacher appreciation week and monthly appreciation events for teachers and staff, as well as organizing and funding special events.
We have meetings once a month and would love for you to join us and learn more. Please email pennhspto@gmail.com to be added to our meeting invite list for a virtual meeting option or check the calendar and join us in person.
- PTO Officers + Chairs
- President – Jessica Saros
- Vice President – Julia Johnson
- Co-Vice President – Shadia Perkins
- Treasurer – Kelley Wassner
- Secretary – Aubrey Saros
- Volunteer Coordinator – Barb Zuidema
- Teacher Appreciation (Monthly Chairperson) – Nabeela Gill *Officers will assist on these events, as needed, and will be responsible for the May, weeklong teacher appreciation festivities
- Snowball Chairs – Shawn + Jessica Saros
- Social Media Chair – Zaina Arain
Student before-school drop-off procedures
Student after-school pick-up procedures
Important School Information
Click on the following links for IMPORTANT SCHOOL INFORMATION:
School Messenger, the alert notification service: https://www.phmschools.org/parents/schoolmessenger
Parent FAQ on Emergency Preparedness:
12th-grade Immunization Requirements:
Skyward and student progress
Dr. Sean Galiher, Principal
Email: srgaliher@phm.k12.in.us
Website: https://penn.phmschools.org/
Phone: 574-258-9503
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PennHighSchool/
Twitter: @SeanGaliher