Goffs Academy Newsletter
June 2021
Message from the Principal
Dear Parents/Carers and Students,
I am writing following a very busy period in school, particularly for students in Year 11 and 13 who have worked extremely hard preparing for their final assessments. Students have demonstrated admirable commitment and adaptability in responding to the many changes we have experienced this year. I thoroughly enjoyed saying a fond farewell to Year 13 on their Graduation Day, with students looking resplendent in their traditional royal blue gowns and mortarboards, and we will celebrate the Year 11 Leavers after half-term. I look forward to celebrating their achievements on Results Days in the summer.
For all other year groups, it has been excellent to get back into the rhythms and routines of school life. I am particularly pleased that we have been able to resume some extra-curricular activities (such as the recent Sport-A-Thon events), as reflected in many of the reports below. These opportunities are at the heart of our school community; I have truly missed them.
After a well-earned half-term break, as they resume on 7th June students will also return to a more ‘normal’ timetable, moving around the school to have lessons in each department area, rather than remaining in their year group zones. This is vital, in enabling students to experience a full and varied curriculum in each subject area, and I am pleased to be able to do that.
I hope you enjoy this edition of the newsletter, and my thanks go to all contributors.
Mark Ellis
House System Update
On Monday 17th May and Wednesday 19th May, Year 7 and 8 students took part in Goffs Academy's first ever Sport-A-Thon House Competition. Students played a variety of sports over 3 hours, and received sponsorship in order to raise money for our school charity, Clic Sargent.
After what has been a tough year for students, with fewer opportunities for coming together to have fun with other students, it was fantastic to see them thoroughly enjoying themselves and getting stuck in!
We even had a Year 7 dance-off led by Miss McBride during a 10-minute drinks break - featuring worms, congas and all sorts! The final result was a superb win for Phoenix House in Year 7, with 7L coming in first place, and Eagle took home the trophy for Year 8.
We were truly blown away by the amount of money the students have raised through these events. On Monday, Year 8 managed to raise £1,110 in sponsorship for Clic Sargent, with Year 7 raising a whopping £4,125 - truly phenomenal!
Below are a few words from some of the participating students.
On Wednesday 19th May, individual forms throughout Year 7, competed in a Sport-A-Thon in order to raise money for the charity ‘CLIC Sargent’. In total, there were four houses (Hawk, Phoenix, Falcon and Eagle) all consisting of two forms in each. We took part in many fun activities over the course of the evening; some games were lost, but in others we emerged triumphant. We took part in football, dodgeball and multi-sport.
Football- During football, a team from each form played against others from a different House. Amazing goals were scored, and brilliant saves were made. Waiting on the side-lines, those who were not participating encouraged the other teams and waited eagerly for the results.
Dodgeball- We also took part in dodgeball, which I really enjoyed. It was very exciting and upbeat as you tried to dodge and throw the balls at everyone. Dodgeballs bounced across the room at high speeds (some knocking into teachers - unintended of course).
Multisport- For our final event, each two forms from one House joined as one whole team to help collect points! There were four balls in total, a basketball, football, puck and netball. Sitting in a row, a teacher called out a number and that many students from each House would have to run into the court and a random ball was chucked into the middle; which ever one was picked, was the sport you would have to play.
Whether we were enjoying ourselves in the action or cheering each other on from the side, we all found it very entertaining.The atmosphere was incredible and provoked everyone else to join in.
Now this was the exciting part… Once we were all settled, the scores were in and it was time to find out who the Sport-A-Thon champion was. As 6th, 5th, 4th and 3rd place were announced, everyone held their breath. Now it was just 2nd and 1st place left, with three forms joint second. The teacher read out the second place winners…by then everyone knew who was first and a loud shriek boomed through the hall from form 7L and our form tutor, Mr Spaul (who seemed more ecstatic than anyone!).
I can’t wait until we will be able to do it next year again!
Lottie Tann 7L
On Wednesday 19th May 2021, Year 7 at Goffs Academy all competed against each other in a Sport-A-Thon. We were sponsored by our friends and family and donated the money towards the charity Clic Sargent which supports young people who suffer with cancer. There were 4 Houses: Hawk, Phoenix, Falcon and Eagle,: with two forms in each House. Every time a team won, they received 3 points, a draw equalled 1 point, and if they lost, 0 points.
The first part of the Sport-A-Thon started at 3:30pm with football. We all made our way to the Astroturf and sat in our forms/teams. Each team had 7 players and would play against another team in another House. In an hour a total of 6 games were played, just in time – before the rain started to fall!
The next game was dodgeball… but whilst the teachers were setting up, music blasting from the speakers led to people starting a dance off between the Houses!
Then it was time for dodgeball. Every team played each other and there was a range of scores towards the end. It was very tense to say the least, but people were encouraging their teammates and the atmosphere was very positive and motivating!
Last, but not least, multi-sports! There were four balls: a hockey ball, a basketball, a netball and a football. A teacher would call out an number and two Houses, before throwing in a random ball. The number shouted indicated the number of players from each House to play. Everyone had a go at playing and eventually it was time to reveal the winners.
All of the forms gathered together and waited anxiously to hear the results, the points were so close together three forms came second! But in the end the winner was… 7L!
Isabella Walker 7L
There was a Non-Uniform Day on Friday 21st May in honour of Mr Appleyard, a beloved and greatly respected member of our community, who sadly passed away last year. Mr Appleyard was the heart of the Goffs community, serving as a teacher here for 32 years. As well as his role as an outstanding educator, Mr Appleyard tutored, trained and guided many of the teachers at Goffs Academy, who try to embody him in their teaching every day.
Students were asked to partake in the theme of red and white, as a tribute to two things that Mr Appleyard held dear: Arsenal Football Club, and the Tudor Rose.
The proceeds of this day were donated the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust. Thank you to all who participated in the day.
Miss King and Miss Fleet
Directors of the House System
Wellbeing Update
This term has been one of the busiest for the Wellbeing Team, as well as for all teachers in the school. We provided the Year 11 and 13 students a space to come in early and have a free breakfast, to help them prepare for their assessments.
The LGBTQ+ Society (Prism) is now up and running, and will preparing for our Pride celebrations next half term.
Mental Health Awareness week:
This year, Mental Health Awareness Week is focused on the idea of connecting with nature. In a year when we have often been stuck in our houses, it is even more vital that we go out, connect with the world around us, and start to enjoy nature.
Connecting with nature is not just about going out and walking, running or cycling (even though that is a good way to connect) it is also about thinking about the importance of nature.
As part of Mental Health Awareness Week we have been in each year group's assembly - the resources are available via the link below.
During our assemblies we set the students a challenge, to show us how they connect with nature. With the support from Mrs Tripper in the LRC, we asked the students to do this in the form of a poem. Some of the excellent examples are shared below:
Why I Love Spring
Day Home
As well as arranging these events for the students, we also held a Parents' Webinar where we discussed the stigma of mental health, and the best approaches to support young people with their mental health.
This is the second Parents' Webinar we have run this year, and we have received some great feedback from parents:
- “It was very informative and especially some interesting facts that most of us had confused.”
- “It was fabulous. I am a mental health first aider at work and it was great to see from a kid’s point of view. Really enjoyed it. More parents need to see this.”
- “As a parent with year 7 child, I found this very informative.”
If you would like to watch the session then you can follow the link below:
Student Support:
We take pride in the quality of our pastoral provision. Some of the programmes we are currently running are:
- Safe Space with Krystle (our Youth Worker).
Students are welcome to come into the Safe Space room at lunchtime and have a space where they can have their lunch and play some board games. If students would like to use this space, they should speak to Krystle or Mr Lewis.
- Morning Mindfulness with Mr Lewis.
In these sessions students who suffer from anxiety regarding coming into school can have a quiet space to start the day, completing the usual form time activities, but in a smaller group.
- Place2Be.
Place2Be continue to provide specialist counselling for students who need it.
- Prism.
Prism is our LGBTQ+ society, here at Goffs. The society meets every two weeks in their bubbles and looks at different themes in the world to do with the LGBTQ+ community. Our focus for the coming term will be focusing on the lead up to Pride and how we can celebrate this joyous event.
- Free Being Me.
This is one of the newest schemes we are running. In these sessions, Krystle will be working with many girls from different year groups, supporting them with body confidence issues.
If you would like to find out more about these schemes and to see whether or not your child is able to attend, then please do get in contact with us.
Mr Lewis
Student Wellbeing Lead
Fitness Is Back!
With the re-opening of the Fitness Suite from 26th May, students have been really engaging with the machines, and weights, supported by our own personal trainer, Alex Antoniou.
Alex has been with the school for 3 years now and is an excellent practitioner. He has provided personal advice for students who want to focus on improving their general fitness, getting faster, improving their endurance and or strength for sport, all of which is completely FREE for the students.
With a variety of cardiovascular machines such as rowers, cross trainers, cycling machines and treadmills, students can really improve their endurance. We also have weight machines and free weights, all of which are monitored by Alex to provide safe training, which the students can use to increase their muscular strength and muscular endurance.
Many other extra-curricular clubs have now resumed - please do encourage your children to attend the relevant clubs as advertised in the Parent Bulletin each week.
We are a little closer to returning to inter-school fixtures with a few Athletics meets scheduled at Wodson Park. In the meantime, the school are putting on Inter-House competitions for the students to get involved in, so please ask them to speak to the House Team, the PE department or their Learning Manager for the dates and activities coming up.
This will culminate in the schools Sports Day towards the end of the academic year which we expect, based on previous years, to be an amazing event for all to participate in.
Mr Ashdown
Associate Assistant Principal
Head of Physical Education
Inter-House Competitions
It was amazing to be able to run two Inter-House competitions this half term for both Year 7 and 8, which saw both year groups participate in a rounders and dodgeball event.
Both year groups had amazing representation from all four Houses, and the events saw some fantastic sportsmanship throughout both events and excellent skills shown by both year groups.
The Year 7 rounders winners were Falcon who impressed with some excellent batting skills and some even better fielding. Eagle were a close second, with Hawk in third and Phoenix in fourth.
The Year 7 dodgeball was very difficult in some challenging conditions however the most important element was seeing our Year 7 students with big smiles on their faces enjoying the afternoon. The final standings were Phoenix in first place, Falcon in second place, Eagle in third place and Hawk in fourth.
The Year 8 competition saw some much better conditions but with the same competitive edge. The Year 8s have missed out on lots of sporting opportunities since joining Goffs due to the pandemic, so it was amazing to see so many students turn up to take part.
Once again there were many excellent displays throughout all Houses, but a special mention to all the Eagle girls, who showed an excellent desire to motivate each other throughout the afternoon. The final results for both competitions saw Phoenix in first place, Eagle in second, Falcon in third and Hawk in fourth.
As a department we are really looking forward to running more Inter-House events in the future which we hope will see lots more Year 7s and 8s participating and engaging in many different sports.
Mr Spaul
Duke of Edinburgh Award
During the school closure period we were unable to do training for the DofE expeditions, but since returning to school training has resumed and we are looking forward to going out on expedition in June. Students have been working on their volunteering, skills, and physical sections. Below is an insight into what Aleksandra Kolenda has been doing for her sections:
I have been really enjoying completing my Bronze Duke of Edinburgh this year! Although it has been different due to the coronavirus pandemic, I have found that I have still been able to work on my DofE sections and gain many valuable skills.
For my volunteering section , I have been using the website ‘Zooniverse’ (https://www.zooniverse.org/) to complete various activities in order to help with Citizen Science Research. The website allows me to volunteer and complete activities that are suited to my interests and hobbies. One of the best things about it is that by volunteering, people are helping professional researchers to find out more about a specific topic. I have found it a really fun and engaging way to still volunteer, even if there are restrictions.
For my skills section, I have been participating in a course called ‘NHS Cadets’ for 2 hours every week. It is held via Microsoft Teams and the course involves me learning about different topics in the healthcare industry. I have found it a great way to engage my brain, and I have found the course extremely interesting because it has provided me with knowledge that I would not have gained if I hadn’t participated. There have also been many guest speakers from the healthcare industry speaking to us about their jobs and their experiences, and I have definitely learnt a lot from these talks, as they have been incredibly insightful. I have found it a really useful way to widen my knowledge.
For my physical section, I have been completing the NHS Couch to 5K app. I have found that the app has been a really fun and easy way to slowly ease yourself into running, by firstly alternating between a 60 second jog and a 90 second run. You complete 3 runs per week, and they get gradually harder as the weeks progress. I have found it to be a great and motivating way to do some exercise and I have also really enjoyed visiting nearby parks in order to get some fresh air.
Overall, I have found that despite the circumstances, I have still managed to work on my Duke of Edinburgh, and I have really been enjoying completing all of my sections!
Aleksandra Kolenda
When I first heard we were having an assembly with Paul Hannaford, I admit I was a little hesitant. I didn’t think we all needed to have an assembly about topics such as drugs, gangs and knife crime. An hour later, I had a completely different view.
There was something about this assembly that was eye-opening. A realization that we are getting older, and these things can happen to us. These things could happen to any of us soon if we aren’t informed properly.
Drugs. Gangs. Knife crime. To some, these words could seem “cool”. Other people wouldn’t want to ever be associated with these words. In fact, many of us could never imagine ourselves being part of a world like that. This is probably the main reason why I felt like being in that hall was unnecessary. However, being in Paul Hannaford’s assembly stopped me from disregarding these sensitive subjects. The ones I didn’t like to think about. I had to encounter these issues face on. And I must admit, it made me realize that subjects like drug use and knife crime are subjects that need to be spoken about and not dismissed.
So why do I think Paul Hannaford's assembly was so effective? The answer is purely because it was his story. We weren’t bombarded with tedious statistics or meaningless facts. The fact that we were hearing about a story from a survivor such as himself was quite shocking. I know that as a year group, we were all astounded at how he managed to come back from such an awful time in his life. Paul stressed that if any of us were to ever live a life like he did, we may not get so lucky. I thought this was a very important point to make. He was also clear and got to the point - Paul spoke of serving time in jail and losing everyone that used to be close to him. We learnt that it’s simply not worth it.
I am happy for Paul Hannaford and grateful that he managed to gain his life back. He was able to acknowledge his mistakes and is continuing to spread his message. However, I think the most important thing to take away from his assembly is simply that he never envisioned, at our age, he’d be part of a gang, do drugs or go to jail. He tells us he was lucky. So many others went through his exact story and didn’t come out alive. Thank you to Paul Hannaford.
Maria Neocleous
Year 9 D&T Speaker Project
Students in Year 9 have been designing and making some fantastic speaker boxes this term, taking their inspiration from 20th Century design movements including Art Deco, Bauhaus and post-modernist design. They assembled their own electronics and soldered a PCB board, creating some creative prototypes using CAD and CAM alongside the machinery and tools within the workshop.
More designs to follow in the next newsletter;
At Goffs, we take the safety of our students very seriously and pride ourselves on having a culture in which children are safe, and all have a trusted adult they can talk to if necessary.
We recently held a suite of assemblies as part of our relationships and sex education provision. The purpose of these assemblies was to provide our students with age-appropriate and accurate information about consent, including the law, consent in a digital context, staying safe online and support services.
Below is one student’s experience of these assemblies:
The assembly itself definitely was an educational one. The presenter was very straightforward and would explain certain points she’d make and answer any of the questions that were asked in a calm manner, clearly illustrating to us that this wasn’t something to be ashamed of and that all questions asked will not be judged.
Consent should be something that is widely considered, no matter what a person may say or do, some people have to come to terms with it that that is what the person wants, it’s not just about themselves, it’s about the other person/partner too.
In my opinion, consent should be given verbally, that way there is a limited chance of a miscommunication which can cause problems further down the line. What I mean by that, is that the person should verbally be able to say “Yes” to a request, or if the person asks if they want to do anything.
We also learned about the important non-verbal cues to be aware of in such situations. Overall? I found the assembly insightful, as it gave me more of an outlook on behaviour which is right and wrong in different scenarios.
Paula Brazauskas
English Department News
Virtual Author Visit
In March, Year 7 had the privilege of virtually meeting the author Sara Grant who gave students advice on how to create exciting stories. In addition, Sara asked students to come up with their own characters, setting and plot ideas and Sara created stories using students' ideas.
Sara loved the imaginative responses she received and created some whacky story ideas. After a brilliant assembly, a number of Year 7 boys attended a creative writing workshop with Sara. Sara gave students valuable advice on how to write creatively and then students began to write their own stories using the advice given.
Once completed, the stories were sent to Sara to read and give feedback prior to a second workshop in April. This was a fantastic opportunity - feedback from a highly acclaimed author! In their second workshop students developed their stories further using the personal advice from Sara. We cannot wait to read the final stories and hopefully Sara has inspired students to become budding authors.
We look forward to welcoming Sara again next year, but hopefully in person this time!
Goffs Spelling Bee is Back!
We are excited to announce the Spelling Bee final will now go ahead for our KS3 pupils.
This was a great way to help children improve their spelling, increase their vocabulary and develop correct English usage that will help them all their lives.
The final will take place during the second week back after half term, where finalists will battle it out in the hall - whilst their year group watches on TEAMS.
We will award first, second and third place for Years 7,8 and 9.
The lucky winner gets a £20 voucher for Love to Shop!
KS5 English
Year 12 have been completing consolidation clocks for The Great Gatsby, displaying all the vast knowledge they’ve learnt this half term.
As Year 12 embark on the coursework unit, the English department will be scheduling workshops on plays and novels that teachers adore - we look forward to getting stuck into them.
English KS3 Reading List
Here at Goffs Academy we endeavour to promote a school-wide reading culture, in the hopes of enriching pupils’ learning and creativity. Reading is a vital skill in any walk of life and enables students to be able to make the most out of their experience at school.
While in Years 7, 8 and 9, you should try to read a wide variety of types of books. Don’t just stick to one author, or one genre. Experiment with something new. That is one reason why this list is arranged in genre-based sections. As well as reading books, don’t forget that newspapers and good magazines are also excellent reading material and will get you used to a range of reading experiences that will set you up well for GCSE and beyond, as well as broadening your knowledge and understanding of the world in which you live.
The following websites are recommended and feature news and views about all types of books written for young people. So, as well as using this reading list, why not check the websites out too and see what other people are recommending? They will also give information about brand new books.
Maths Competition
8 of our students took part in a Mathematics Competition against other schools in Hertfordshire and did rather well. Here is a message from Efe Er 7Q telling you all about it:
“On Tuesday 4th May 2021, my team members (Nathan, Emily and Samuel) and I participated in the Year 7 Hertfordshire Maths Competition and successfully reached the Finals representing Goffs Academy! The challenge consisted of four rounds, including general maths questions, a memory round and an estimation round. We were given 90 seconds to complete each question and to submit our answers.
It was a thrilling experience and my teammates and I enjoyed it very much. There were many mixed emotions, including massive tension whilst waiting for the winners to be announced. Everybody was jumping for joy when it was announced that we won the first heat and the staff there - Mr Yelland & Mr Constantinou – were also very helpful and cheerful about the results.
Overall, the competition was such an enjoyable time and we are all looking forward to represent Goffs Academy to the best of our ability at the finals on 9 June 2021!
We also had a team from 7W1 enter in the same heat. They finished 4th in the heat but did so well they have also qualified through to the final. So a big well done to Shungu, Ashvin, Hollie and Alexander.
All the pupils were a credit to themselves and the school, working collaboratively and resiliently to achieve the great scores they have.
Thanks to Mr Constantinou and Mr Soteriou for helping out and we look forward to telling you about the final next half-term.
Some pictures of the guys in action are below.
Mr Yelland
MFL Update
We would like first of all to start by saying how our quickly our students have settled back in to being around their friends, their teachers and their school environment and how engaged they have been in their Modern Foreign Language learning.
Over the last term students have been involved a range of activities to develop their awareness of language and culture around the world.
Prior to the Easter holidays students were taught on how Easter is celebrated in France, Spain and Italy. This gave them the opportunity to develop and enhance their cultural awareness of music, food and traditions in these countries. To develop this knowledge and awareness even further some students did independent projects.
Below are some examples.
To further develop our students’ knowledge of Modern Foreign Languages our current Year 9 students were able to experience Italian taster lessons. This was an experience they thoroughly enjoyed and has resulted in a number of students choosing to study Italian as a GCSE.
Over the last term, not only have students developed their learning by their engagement in lessons, but also by actively being responsible for their independent work. Our students use Languagenut.com for French and Spanish and ThisisLanguage.com for Italian as platforms for extended learning to develop key vocabulary and grammar knowledge. It is outstanding to see how many students independently complete additional tasks to deepen their knowledge further.
Here are the results of students' achievements for the whole school:
The class with the highest number of points achieved is: 9E1 / SP
The students with the highest number of points achieved are:
· 1st Place: Michael Aboh 7A
· 2nd Place: Bubi Mehmet 9I
· 3rd Place: Sienna Layton 7Y
The class with the highest number of points achieved is: 11C / It1a
The students with the highest number of points achieved are:
· 1st Place: Caitlin O'Brien 11C
· 2nd Place: Jessica Marlow 11B
· 3rd Place: Callum Everard 10C
Mrs Theodorou
2nd i/c MFL
Ex-student Photography Achievements
Morgan Tomkinson Burden left our Sixth Form 3 years ago to complete a BA Hons in Photography at Middlesex University.
She has gone from strength to strength in her practice and in her final year has also worked as a ‘Student Learning Assistant’, supporting the University tutors with first and second year students.
Recently her work has featured in Umbrella Magazine. A link is attached to the article where it showcases Morgan’s work on photographing areas of the North Circular.
Morgan is hoping to go on to complete a Masters next year.
Miss Brown
Head of Art and Photography
Work Experience
Next year I am aspiring to study medicine. Work experience is vital in strengthening my application , however due to the Covid-19 crisis, work experience at a hospital was unfortunately not possible. However, I was fortunate to come across Medic Mentors through school, which provided a virtual work experience. This programme ran for 6 weeks and provided an insight into the different professions in the medical industry and all the different roles that there are. It was interesting to learn about the numerous rewards and challenges that these various professions and areas of medicine involve.
During each work experience session, a different scenario was carried out; in these scenarios actors would take on the roles of patients and doctors, and we would observe what a typical day at a hospital would look like. For example, one session was based around a patient who had diabetes; we were shown a scene where the patient described their symptoms, in this case tiredness and pains around joints, and we were then asked to identity the causes. They would then show us how doctors assess and treat patients and the procedures behind it.
Each work experience session was different, allowing for an insight into the various roles in the medical industry. This was interesting as we had the chance to interact and ask any questions, as well as discuss what we were seeing, with other work experience students. We weren’t able to see any live operations as actors were used, nonetheless it was still interesting to see an insight into the typical day of a doctor, as the scenarios were very realistic.
We learnt about many different things like key skills of a doctor, four pillars of medical ethics, Gibbs reflective cycle etc; all key topics which come up frequently in medical interviews, to help us prepare for them. Furthermore, Medic Mentors gave lectures after each scenario, which were based on preparing for applying to universities(such as what to include and write in our personal statements, which I found very helpful).
I particularly enjoyed that, despite the fact it was virtual, it still provided an accurate representation of work experience in an actual hospital. Furthermore, it was also very interactive with many quizzes and opportunities to ask questions and reflect after each session. I would definitely do this again and I would recommend it to others who wish to gain extra work experience.
Austeya Talkus
Year 12
The Career Files – We Are All Scientists
Like science, but not sure that you are cut out to be a doctor? Like animals, but you don’t think you will get the grades to be a vet? Following on from the last edition of the newsletter we are now going from V-Z.
Volcanologist No – not a vet! we all know what vets do, but what about thinking about something a little bit different? Volcanologists study volcanoes – an ideal job for someone who likes to travel and wants to use their love of science in an outdoor setting. The job requires a bachelor's degree as a minimum in geology, geophysics, or earth science. However, a bachelor's degree typically provides little specialized knowledge of volcanoes and will only allow someone to obtain an entry-level position in the field.
Waste Management. You can go into this career with either a degree or a HND depending on the qualifications you have. Most people enter the career after a degree in geography but there are opportunities to take masters qualifications for those who are ambitious. Employers tend to look for pre-entry experience, which can be paid or unpaid. Volunteering on environmental or recycling projects can allow you to build up contacts and get your name known.
X ray specialist. To get onto a degree course you usually need: two or three A levels, including physics, chemistry or biology/human biology, along with five GCSEs (grades A-C), including English language, maths and science. Or you could have alternative qualifications, including:
- BTEC, HND or HNC which includes science
- relevant NVQ
- science-based access course
If you already hold a relevant first degree, you can apply for an approved 2 year accelerated programme in therapeutic radiography.
Yield Engineer. Yield engineers work closely with process engineers to improve product yield and to troubleshoot process flow from root causes to equipment tuning. Equipment engineers own and lead the stability, improvement, maintenance, and performance functions of extremely advanced tools. You must possess a PhD. in an Engineering or science discipline.
Zoologist. These guys study the origin, development, behaviours, and habitats of different living species. And no – you don’t need to work in a zoo – there are plenty of outdoor opportunities in other areas. Whether working in far flung countries or working on an ecology project closer to home the opportunities for employment are wide and varied. A subject such as animal science can give very similar knowledge to a zoology degree and may well be suitable for entry into similar careers. Some employers look for candidates who have relevant postgraduate qualifications (such as an MSc or PhD), particularly for work that requires specialist knowledge.
A-Z all completed now – and I do hope that this has given a wider impression of some of the careers that use science as an entry point. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Mrs Nicholson
Goffs Academy
Email: admin@goffs.herts.sch.uk
Website: goffs.herts.sch.uk
Location: Goffs Academy, Goff's Lane, Cheshunt, Waltham Cross, UK
Phone: 01992424200