St. Pius X Catholic School
A Year of Mira Gratia
Week of Monday, Jan. 22 - Sunday, Jan. 28th, 2024
What's Happening This Week:
Tuesday, 1/23 Coffee with Mrs. Puertas 8:10 - 9:00 am
Wednesday, 1/24 - $2 Jean Day
Wednesday, 1/24 - Rosary 7:55 am
Wednesday, 1/24 - 100th Day of School
Thursday, 1/25 - Science Fair
Thursday, 1/25 - Home and School Association Meeting 5:30 pm
Friday, 1/26 - Mass 8:15 am, 8th grade will be serving
*Remember to bring a non-perishable food item
Friday, 1/26 - Early Dismissal 12:00 NO AFTERCARE
Friday, 1/26 - 3 Week Progress Reports
Sunday, 1/28 - OPEN HOUSE 8am - 3pm
Sunday, 1/28 - School Mass 1:00 pm
Sunday, 1/28 - Friday, 2/2 Catholic Schools Week
Survey and Intent to Return
Your opinions are important to us. Thank you to those that filled out the survey and the "Intent to Return" form. If you have any questions or need help filling it out please call the office
Sus opinones son importantes. Gracias a las familias que completaron la encuesta y la forma de intencion para registracion del proximo ano. Si tienen alguna pregunta o necesitan ayuda por favor de llamar a la oficina.
Coffee With Our Teachers
Join us on Tuesday, January 23rd
We invite all parents to come by and have a hot cup of coffee with Mrs. Puertas. Math, Religion and Guidance Topics in middle school will be discussed, as well as answer any questions or concerns.
Where: School Library
Time: 8:10 am - 9:00 am
Home and School Association Meeting
Important information will be discussed on JANUARY 25
at the Home and School Association Meeting at 5:30 pm in the Community Center
Parents who attend will receive a free dress pass for their child(ren) to use on Monday the 29th
Students Participating in the Speech Festival will perform at the H&SA meeting. Come cheer on our students.
Early Release
Please help us spread the news about our OPEN HOUSE
We need student and PARENT ambassadors to help with the Open House. Please encourage your child(ren) to serve our school as ambassadors. Please call the office for more information.
For families receiving financial assistance, you are required to volunteer 40 hours per year.
SUNDAY, JANUARY 28 8am - 3pm
1:00pm Mass to celebrate our parish for the start off of Catholic Schools Week
Everyday for Catholic Schools Week we will be celebrating.
Sunday, 28th- Celebrating our Parish
Monday, 29th- Celebrating our Community
Tuesday, 30th- Celebrating our Students - FREE DRESS FOR ALL STUDENTS
Wednesday, 31st- Celebrating the Nation
Thursday, 1st- Celebrating Vocations
Friday, 2nd- Celebrating Faculty, Staff, and Volunteers
Stay tuned for more details next week.
How 'bout our MIGHTY RAMS!!
Last Friday our boys varsity basketball team beat St. Jo's with a score of 33-27!
Top offensive player - Adan Mora
Top defensive player Jose Valverde
Our Varsity Lady Rams basketball team beat Loretto Academy 30-8, on Friday
Top offensive player - Maya Ramos
Top defensive player Alondra Chacon
On Saturday, we had a loss against St. Raphael with a score of 15-16.
Top offensive player - Maya Ramos
Top defensive player Alejandra Nevarez
GREAT JOB RAMS! Keep it up
Come out and support this week's games
JV Lady Rams Team - Wednesday, 1/24 at 5 pm at St. Joseph's against St. Clement's
JV Boys Gold Team - Wednesday, 1/24 at 4 pm at St. Pius against St. Pius Black Team
Varsity Boys Team - Saturday, 1/27 at 9:15 am at St. Jo's against Fr. Yermo Spartans
Varsity Lady Rams -Saturday, 1/27 at 10:30 am at St. Jo's against Loretto Academy
Jan. 28 8am - 3pm & Jan. 29 - Feb. 2 8am - 4pm
Tickets on sale at the school office
Ash Wednesday Enchiladas, Feb. 14, Tickets $10/ plate
We have the opportunity to make enchiladas for our community on Ash Wednesday. Parishioners have signed up to donate food items that we need but we still need your help. Please bring donations to the school.
-Corn Tortillas (Mission or Guerrero)
-Shredded Cheese
-Shredded Lettuce
-ToGo Containers
-Cutlery Packets 200 count
-Plastic Cups
-Large Foil Trays
REMINDER: For families receiving financial assistance, you are required to volunteer 40 hours per year. Failure to fulfill the required hours for this year will affect your eligibility for next year's financial assistance
RECORDATORIO: Para las familias que reciben asistencia financiera, deben trabajar como voluntarios 40 horas al año. No cumplir con las horas requeridas para este año afectará su elegibilidad para recibir asistencia financiera el próximo año.
Correction to the calendar
*Speech Festival is on Wednesday, January 31st