Driscoll Middle School
Rachel Hicks Your Student & Family Liaison Communication
Ways Your Student and Family Liaison Can Help
- Assist with school supplies, clothes, etc
- Connect you with your child's teacher
- Help you create a Skyward account, so you can check on your child's grades
- Provide you with a list of resources for rent, mental health, food, shelter, etc
- I am here to listen :-)
- Parenting survival skills
- Resume Building
- Health and Nutrition information
- Translation of Spanish to English
Your Student and Family LIaison
Workshops and field trips are intended for parents, guardians, and community members unless otherwise stated.
December 6th, 8th, 12th, & 14th
In-person ESL classes for the adult Learner @ Driscoll Middle
School from 9:30-11:30 A M
December 6th
Virtual Class- Make Tamales Family Night @ 6:30 P M
In this class, I will show you how to make delicious tamales using an Instant Pot. Don’t have an Instant Pot? No worries, you can make them using a traditional pot. For more information, please email me at rhicks1@neisd.net or call me at 210-356-3229.
Click on this link to join the class – See you Tuesday, December 6th at 6:30 P M
December 5th and 12th
Virtual Beginners Conversational Spanish Class- 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
December 7th and 14th
Virtual Book Study - Permission to Feel by Marc Brackett, PhD
@ 11:30 A M. Don’t have or haven’t read the book? IT’S OK - You can still join the discussion. Click on this link to join the book study
On Going
One on One Parenting is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays and every other Friday. Call 210-356-3229 to schedule a one-on-one parenting appointment.
Fill A Box. Feed A Family.
The San Antonio Food Bank helps many in our community. Currently, they are requesting donations through their holiday Fill A Box. Feed A Family Campaign.
“In our community, where one in four children and one in five adults struggle with hunger, many in our community simply do not have the resources to enjoy holiday meals. Each box you donate nourishes individuals and families in need this holiday season” (San Antonio Food Bank). A $30 donation will fill an entire box! Below is the link if you would like to DONATE A BOX ONLINE
January Book Study
The Self-Driven Child: The Science and Sense of Giving Your Kids More Control Over Their Lives by William Stixrud Ph.D. (Author), Ned Johnson
A limited supply of books is available to reserve your copy email me at rhicks1@neisd.net
Don't Give Up
Making sure our kids grow up to be responsible, self-driven, respectful, honest, hard-working, and kind humans can be exhausting. But as exhausting as it is, the time to set the groundwork is now. Kids depend on their parents and family to show them by leading by example, guiding them, and teaching them. Children don't grow up to be amazing adults on their own. So whatever we do, we can't give up on them. The time will come when they will thank you for being there for them every step of the way. (Rachel Hicks)
Model Good Behavior
"Consider how you interact with others, even when your child isn’t watching. Do you say “Thank you” to the checkout clerk at the market? Do you steer clear of gossip about neighbors or co-workers? Do you use a friendly tone when addressing waiters? It goes without saying that you directly influence how your children will be. If you want to raise a good child, conduct yourself in the way you want your child to act". (Katherine Lee is a parenting writer and a former editor at Parenting and Working Mother magazines).