Kings Early Childhood Center
March 2023 News
Parent Survey
Kings Early Childhood Center Parent Survey
Thank you so much for your time!
Notes From the Nurse
Dear Parents/Caregivers
For the next several weeks I will be conducting vision and hearing screenings here at the preschool. Each screening is performed according to Ohio Department of Health guidelines. The goal of these screenings is for early detection of vision or hearing issues. Parents/Caregivers will be notified if further vision or hearing screenings by a specialist are indicated for their child. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at any time.
David Shassere
Kindergarten Registration is Open for 2023-2024
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 2:30 pm
Phone: 513.459.2932
Fax: 513.229.0376
Email: centralregistration@kingslocal.net
Yearbook Order Timeline Extended
It's not too late to order your yearbook for this year!
Go to ybpay.com. Yearbook ID Code: 14503322. School Name: Kings PS & Childcare
Preschool Registration
Upcoming Events
March 17- Happy St. Patrick's Day!
April Spring Conferences will be scheduled with you by your child's teacher.
May 25- Last Day of School & Childcare
Summer Camps Options
Sibshops 2023
Sibshops is a nationally acclaimed program. Sibshops provide peer support as well as support from professionals and volunteers from the Cincinnati Children’s. Each session is a carefully designed “event” which celebrates the many contributions made by brothers and sisters of kids with special needs. Sibshops acknowledges that being the brother or sister of a person with special needs is for some a good thing, others.
To register, contact the Perlman Center
Phone: 513-636-4601
Email: perlmancenter@cchmc.org
Website: www.cincinnatichildrens.org/perlman
Preschool Power 5
- Critical Thinking
- Collaboration
- Communication
- Problem Solving
- Career, College, & Life Readiness
All Pictured Below!