CPA Tiger Talk
September 12-16, 2022
Translation Support
If you prefer, our liaisons will be happy to translate or explain any announcements in Tiger Talk or answer any questions you have about CPA. Contact Maikao Lee at 651-280-4545 (Hmong), Mariana Majil at 651-289-3742 (Spanish), or Paw Nay Bu at 651-280-4591 (Karen) for support.
Words of Wisdom
"Aerodynamically, the bumble bee shouldn’t be able to fly, but the bumble bee doesn’t know it so it goes on flying anyway." ~Mary Kay Ash
Have you ever witnessed someone accomplishing what the world said he or she could not, like a bumble bee taking flight? With encouragement, people can take flight despite the challenges they face.
In the middle of the word encouragement stands the word courage. When we encourage others, we literally pour courage into them, prompting some heartfelt action toward their fuller potential, helping them fly even when the odds are stacked against them. To encourage means to hearten, embolden, inspire, advocate, and enliven. Encouragement is a gift we give others, an act of generosity. And when we encourage them, we ourselves are heartened.
Ethical Principle of the Month
Dates to Remember
Monday September 12: Board of Directors Meeting, 6pm
Wednesday September 21: International Day of Peace
Friday September 30: Early Release Day (Dismissal at 1pm)
Monday October 10: Board of Directors Meeting, 6pm
Thursday October 20 & Friday October 21: No School (MEA Break)
highlights from last week at CPA
Follow CPA on Social Media to Stay Connected!
High School Students: Join STUCO!
Sign up by Friday September 16 to get involved! Direct any questions to Ms. CB or Kumu Yerri!
Athletics Update
The 2022-2023 athletics season is underway. Any students who are still interested in joining the soccer team can register online on the CPA website. Students must be registered before they can join practice.
Please note that there are ongoing scams from companies that claim to stream athletic events online, then ask for your credit card information to access it. CPA does not stream our games online, and you should not give your credit card information to these scam companies.
Volunteers & Chaperones
Every Meal Weekend Food Support
The Every Meal program is available to everyone, regardless of income. You can register by filling out this form or completing the paper registration that will be coming home with your child.
We expect to begin distributing weekly bags of food to enrolled students at the end of September.
CPA Uniform Policy
All students must wear:
- A CPA shirt as the outermost layer
- Blue, Black, Khaki or Gray Solid Color Pants or Shorts
- OR Girls’ Navy Uniform Jumper, Skirt or Skort (elementary only)
Please review the full uniform policy in our Family Handbook for further details. Thank you!
Attention CPA Families!
If you haven't already done so, please complete the application as soon as possible. If you prefer a paper copy, please contact the CPA office.
CPA is Now Enrolling!
CPA is still accepting enrollment applications for the 2022-2023 school year. We have openings in Kindergarten, 5th Grade, and 10th-12th Grade.
If you have any family or friends who are looking to join a new school community, please encourage them to apply and send them this link! Thanks for your support.
If your phone number, address, or enrollment plans change, please call 651-776-5151 to let us know. Thank you!
Community of Peace Academy
Email: connect@cpapk12.org
Website: cpapk12.org
Location: 471 Magnolia Avenue East, Saint Paul, MN, USA
Phone: 651-776-5151
Facebook: facebook.com/CPATigers