Little Trojan News
Centerburg Elementary Newsletter - October 2023
From the Principal - Mr. Thompson
Please check PowerSchool often to keep informed of you child's progress in each of his/her classes. If you need help logging in to PowerSchool, please contact the school.
As the weather gets colder, please ensure your child is coming to school with a jacket.
The end of the first quarter is fast approaching. Those students with perfect attendance will be notified about the perfect attendance field trip once we have all of the details set.
Below is information about the Permanent Improvement Levy that is on the ballot November 7th.
Third Grade Reading Guarantee
The third grade students will take the Fall State Test during the week of October 24th. They have multiple chances to meet the promotion score to go onto fourth grade including an alternative Reading assessment that they can take in February and/or May. Once a student has met the promotion score once they do not need to take the alternative test. All third graders will take the Fall and Spring State Test.
On Friday, October 20th we celebrated with a Pie in the Face and Silly String Assembly.
Mr. Schmidt, Mr. Dodrill, and Mr. Thompson were the three highest votes last spring for a Student Council fundraiser. With the most votes came a pie in the face! We didn't get to do the assembly last spring due to the fire.
All students who sold 11 or more mumkins were able to silly string the principal. Mr. Dodrill and Mr. Schmidt decided to stick around and get sprayed too!
49 cans of Silly String!
Mr. Schmidt is covered!
Mr. Dodrill covered!
Welcome New Staff!
Morgan Tiller is the new K-2 Intervention Specialist! She is an alum from Centerburg and graduated in 2019. She recently graduated from Marietta College and double majored in special education and early childhood education. She's very excited to be back in Centerburg, and starting her dream of teaching in her hometown.
YES Concerts - Youth Enrichment Series
Youth Enrichment Series
Each year the Knox County ESC's Gifted Coordinator sets up the YES Concerts for Knox County schools to enjoy the arts. All of the performances are held at the Memorial Theater.
1st grade went to see Sarah Reed a Musical story teller.
2nd and 3rd grade went to see Dylan Shelton, Puppeteer story teller and Matilda Jr.
5th grade went to see Erin Paton - World Class Drummer
2nd Grade - Puppets
2nd Grade - Puppets
1st Grade - Sarah Reed - Story Telling through Music
Walk, Ride, or Roll to School
Get Healthy Knox County Coalition sponsored the Walk, Ride, or Roll to School on October 4th. Thank you to PTO for providing snacks and to everyone who joined us!
School Social Work Corner - Mrs. Mann
Book Favorites
Adrian Simcox Does Not Have A Horse - by Mary Campbell
*Story about empathy
Lili Macaroni - by Nicole Testa
*Story about teasing and self-esteem
Ruby FInds a Worry - by Tom Percival
*Story about anxiety
Little Cat Hide and Seek Emotions - by Audrey Bouquet
*Story about emotions
My Secret Bully - by Trudy Ludwig
*Story about relational aggression
Upcoming Events
November 7 - Election Day
November 9 - Parent Teacher Conferences
November 16 - Parent Teacher Conferences
November 22-27 - Thanksgiving Break
November 29 - Picture Retake Day
November 30 - Student of the Month
Happenings in the Classroom
4th Grade
In 4th grade, students have been learning about Earth's Surface: weathering, erosion and deposition (see game pictures with blocks) in Science. They raced each other to weather the tower of blocks, erode them to the other side of the line, then deposit them in a new location. Very fun!
In English they have started working on using quotation marks correctly. Our "actors and actresses" did a splendid job, according to the "audience".
In Social Studies, they have begun researching the different prehistoric peoples of Ohio. (Today we explored Prehistoric Indian Mounds and created our own!)
Weathering, erosion, and deposition game
Science Experiment
Quotation Marks
Scaredy Squirrel
In reading class, we read the book "Scaredy Squirrel." There are other books to the series, one including "Scaredy Squirrel Has a Birthday Party." I checked out many books in the series from the public library for the students to read for AR. We read the book and had mini cupcakes for Scaredy Squirrel's birthday on October 3rd! - Mrs. Kotzin
Firefighter visit
October is Fire Safety Month
The Central Ohio Joint Fire District came to teach our 3rd graders about Fire Safety and show them around a Fire Truck!