Kirk Fenton News
30th June 2023
Please look on our website www.kf.starmat.uk for up-to-date information.
Dear Parents / Carers,
What a wonderful and busy week we have had at Kirk Fenton this week!
We started the week with a visit from Polar Preet Chandi who talked to the children about her solo expedition on foot to the South pole and across Antarctica. She explained that she is far from what people imagine a polar explorer to be. The children had lots of great questions and even had a go at pulling her training tyres across the playground to see how heavy they were and how strong she had to be. She was a super speaker and was able to present one of our pupils, Clara Murray, with a certificate, photo and a test tube of Antarctic ice water as a prize for designing a logo for her sledge on the expedition. What an inspiring way to start the week!
Also on Monday, we had our open classrooms after school. Thank you to all the parents that came into school to see their children's work and classrooms. The children enjoy showing you the work they are proud of doing.
Wednesday saw Coehlo and Hughes classes go out on their trip to the Castle Museum in York. They had a fantastic day and the museum contacted me to say how wonderful and knowledgeable they had been which is always great to hear. Thank you to the parents that helped out for the day and well done to all those children for representing our school so well.
Today we are celebrating Pride in diversity at Kirk Fenton with the children coming in their own clothes to show how unique each of our pupils is. We were visited by an RAF nurse who spoke to children about her role in the RAF focussing on gender equality . Again the children asked lots of interesting questions and learnt that their gender should not hold them back in achieving their goals.
We will end the week with our Friends of Kirk Fenton Summer Fair which is sure to be a wonderful gathering - fingers crossed that it stays dry. Many thanks to the Friends for organising this event and thank you to you for coming to support our school.
Have a lovely weekend,
Karen Williams
Head Teacher
Good Work Awards
This week's certificates were awarded to the following children:
Donaldson - Jacob and Skye
Hughes - Harry and Blake
Coelho - Harry and Tom
Rosen - Tom and Sophie
Milligan - Evie and Albert
Zephaniah - Oliver G and Oliver H
Shakespeare - Sadie and Eloise
Angelou - Lola and Lucie-Mae
Hot Chocolate Friday
Well done to the following who earned the hot chocolate award:
Donaldson - Matthew
Hughes - Elin
Coelho - Bobbie
Rosen - Erin
Milligan - Harvey
Zephaniah - Skyla
Shakespeare - Elspeth
Angelou - Joe
Winning Team
Message from Head Pupils
This week has been very busy and full of activities. Firstly, we've had 2 non-uniform days, one where we brought in generous donations for the chocolate tombola and the other to celebrate the diversity in our school. To add to this, the year 6 class had a bake-off where we were challenged to create the best sweet treat. To finish off the brilliant week, tonight it’s the summer fair! Have a lovely weekend and we will see you ready and refreshed next week!
Head Pupil certificates went to Tilly B and Lucie-Mae.
Niamh and Lillie
Y6 Transition Day to Tadcaster Grammar School and Sherburn High School
Music Performance for KS2 Parents
This year, our KS2 children have been working hard every week with Mrs Moulds, developing their skills on their musical instruments. Parents and carers of children in year 3, 4, 5 and 6 are warmly invited to a musical performance, so they can share the pieces they have been learning, on the following dates:
Parents of children in year 5 and 6: Tuesday 4th July at 2.45pm - 3.15pm
Parents of children in year 3 and 4: Wednesday 5th July at 2.45pm - 3.15pm
**MENU CHANGE** Y6 Leavers' Lunch, Tuesday 25th July
Musical Performance
Tuesday 4th July, 2.45pm Y5 & Y6
Wednesday 5th July, 2.45pm Y3 & Y4
Moving Up Days
Wednesday 5th & Thursday 6th July
Y6 TGS & SHS Transition Day
Thursday 6th July
New Starters EYFS Transition Morning
Wednesday 5th & Thursday 6th July, 9-11.30am
New Starters EYFS Parents Meeting
Thursday 6th July, 4-5pm
Usborne Book Fair
Wednesday 12th July, 3-4pm
Rosen Class Trip
Thursday 13th July
Y5 Sleepover
Thursday 13th July
Milligan & Zephaniah Class Trip
Tuesday 18th July
Y5/6 Leavers' Production
Tuesday 18th July, 6.30pm
Wednesday 19th July, 2pm
Y4 Onsite Camp
Thursday 20th - Friday 21st
Donaldson Class Trip
Friday 21st July
Y6 Leavers' Lunch
Tuesday 25th July
Y6 Leavers' Service in Church
Tuesday 25th July, 2.15pm
Term Ends
Tuesday 25th July
Staff Thank You's
If anyone would like to say thank you to or has any positive comments for a member of staff then please complete and submit the form below.
Thank you to everyone for your help, donations and support for our summer fair. Despite the rain there was a lot of people enjoying the games, tombola, raffle, bbq, cake and drinks.
As ever, you can always set up EasyFundraising as an easy, free,
way to help raise funds for the school whilst you shop.
(Easy Fundraising will link to: https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/kirkfenton/)
Registered charity no: 1154660
Like us on Facebook for up-to-date information www.facebook.com/FriendsOfKirkFenton
STAR MAT Vacancies
Please click on the following link for details of our current vacancies:
Feeling frazzled?
Feeling the heat and pressure of family life?
Join our Parenting courses & events to discover ways to stay cool and calm in the middle of it all.
Sunshine and blue skies beckon (although there are no guarantees with the British weather!). As the summer approaches, we look forward to cloudless skies, BBQ's and relaxing with friends and family. But as the temperatures rise, so can the heat in our family life! Tempers can fray with the longer days; our patience can be stretched to the limits with the season of school exams.
At Family Matters York, we understand!
We would love to support you and your family in helping you to stay cool this summer. We offer FREE parenting courses & events across the city to give you a safe space to learn and share ideas with others, to help make your family life more enjoyable this summer.
Sign up to our parenting courses - starting soon:
We would love to see you.
For an overview of our upcoming June/July 2023 courses, click here
PARENTING SUPPORT: To book a place or for further info contact:
Jen Wootten Tel: 07393 147259
Email: jenwootten@fmy.org.uk
Or you can find more information about our courses on our website https://fmy.org.uk/york/