Stanley Avenue School Newsletter
Term 2 Week 10 2022
Have a safe and Happy holidays with Whānau and friends! see you all on the 25th July
Hello, Kia ora, Chomreabsour, Mālo ni, Ni hao, Kia orāna, Talofa lava, Namaste, Hola, Hallo, Chào bạn, Bula Vinaka, Kumusta, Guten Tag, Mālō e lelei , An-nyeong-ha-se-yo, greetings to all our School Families.
From the Principal’s Desk
Kia ora Tātou
Well, here we are at Week 10 and the last day of term! This term has flown by and we have all been super busy.
I would just like to take this chance to thank everyone for the support this term as I tackled the huge job of trying to fill in for Mr Byers. We have had a successful term with great results in school and out of school with the likes of Epro8 and our Rippa Rugby.
We are all looking forward to having John back with us and for our learning journey to continue.
Have a safe and relaxing holiday break. Enjoy the time you get to spend with whānau
and we look forward to seeing you all back here safe and sound next term.
Ngā mihi nui
Di Meyler . 😊
Welcome to our Newest Members of Stanley Avenue school
We hope you are enjoying being a Stanley Avenue learner and look forward to seeing your smiley face around the school each day.
Upcoming Events
- 8 July Last day Term 2
- 25 July First day Term 3
- 27 July Pact Conferences
- 28 July Pact Conferences School closed at 1pm
- 15 Aug BOT Meeting 6pm Staffroom
- 17 Aug Stanley Ave Cross Country Boyd Park
- 29 Aug - 2 Sept Winter Olympics Sports Camp 2022
- 7 Sept Wig Wednesday Waka Colours
- 7 Sept BOT Elections. Watch this space
- 19 Sept Hockey Big day Out Ngatea
Board of Trustee Elections 2022
Nominations will be open for the election of 5 parent representatives to the school board from Wednesday 13 July 2022
Extra nomination forms can be collected from the school office from 25th July when school reopens for Term 3.
Nominations close at Noon on Wednesday 3rd August.
Kim Hayes
Returning Officer
Tough Guy and Gal Refunds
We are sorry for any inconvenience.
Thank you
PACT Conferences
We encourage you to attend the Mid- Year PaCT Conferences being held in Week 1, Term 3 on Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th July. Time slots will be 15 minutes in length. Here at Stanley Avenue School, we place great emphasis on strong home-school partnerships for learner success.
Key purposes:
- For teachers to enhance their relationships with their students’ family/ whānau and vice versa.
- For teachers, parents, family/ whānau to discuss and unpack the mid-year report.
- For teachers, parents, family/ whānau to discuss next learning steps and how students' can be assisted at home.
We use an electronic booking system for interviews. For parents who have internet access, simply log onto the website http:www.schoolinterviews.co.nz , enter the school code v6xye, or use the QR code, then enter your details, choose your child’s teacher and an interview time.
If you do not have internet access, we ask that you ring Kim at the office 8848 479 or pop in and make an appointment.
A form has been sent home this week as an indication of how your child/children will be leaving school on the early closing day (Thursday 28th July). Alternatively, this is will be available from our website and Facebook page.
Please return this form before Wednesday 27th July
Stanley Ave Kids Club Holiday programme
Half days, full days or a whole week. Loads of fun activities. Morning and afternoon tea provided.
Monday 18th to Friday 22nd July
8 am - 5.30am Daily
Fees: $20 Half day $30 Full day
WINZ Susidies Available
Inquiries to Kat Kelsey 07 884 9624 or 027 2821191
Dont forget your Yummy Apple Stickers and Bags!!!
This year is the 25th anniversary for the Yummy Apple Sticker Promotion. For the next two terms Stanley Ave will be taking part in this promotion to try and earn some amazing sports equipment!
All you need to do is purchase any of the Yummy apple varieties and bring the stickers to school! Alternatively, if you purchase a bag of these apples, send the cut out from the bag to school.
Every point counts!
1 sticker = 1 point
1 cut out = 10 points
If you have any questions, please contact Miss Williams in Room 7.
Stanley Avenue School Enrolment Scheme
Details of pre-enrolment procedures and subsequent balloting procedures for July- August 2022
The board advises that five spaces for new entrant students and five spaces for Years 1-8 students are likely to be available for the period of 26th July 2022 to 29th August 2022.
Applications close 9 am, 26th July 2022. If the number of out of zone applications exceeds the number of places available, students will be selected by ballot. If a ballot for out of zone places is required, it will be held at 10 am, 26th July 2022.
Application forms are available from our school office.
Phone 07 8848 479 or alternatively contact Di Meyler (Acting Principal) on 027 272 2227
Email: office@stanleyave.school.nz
Thank you
Di Meyler
Acting Principal
Oxford Pies Fundraiser
Please make payment by internet banking 03 1573 0009816 00 (Name and Pie order in the reference please) or return the order forms with the cash to the office by Tuesday 9th August.
Delivery will be on Thursday 18th August. Orders can be collected from Room 12.
Additional order forms are available from the school office.
Below is a list of the products available, and the info regarding returning the forms and payments:
FAMILY SIZE PIES $9.00: Mince, Mince & Cheese, Curry Mince, Steak, Steak & Cheese, Steak & Onion, Pepper Steak, Bacon & Egg, creamy veg
FAMILY FRUIT PIES $9.00: Apple, Apple Crumble, Apricot, Boysenberry, Blackberry & Apple, Lemon Curd, Rhubarb & Apple
*6pk Mince Savouries $6.50
*6pk Mixed Savouries $6.50
*5pk Mince lunch pies $12.00
*5pk Mince & Cheese lunch pies $12.00
*5pk Bacon and Egg lunch pies $12.00
*5pk Steak & Cheese lunch pies $12.00
*5pk sausage rolls $9.00
*6pk Choc Lamingtons $6.50
*6pk Raspberry Lamingtons $6.50
Rippa Rugby Finals 2022
Our students say.....
It was a freezing, windy day in Paeroa. The field was slippery and muddy and all the players were falling over. The year 7&8 boys won 2 out of 4 games out of the whole day and the year 7&8 girls won 2 out of 4 games too. We were on the edge of going home but we persevered and made it into the semi finals!
Xavier Van Kuijk
It was a good start to the day, because In our first game we came away with a really good win, and that gave us confidence for the rest of finals day. We won all of our games and we were very suprised, but thrilled, that we made the semifinals. We were really excited to have made it this far, but sadly we lost our semifinal in the last few minutes by one try. We had a great day and played really well as a team. We also loved our little surprise Kit
Kat at the office when we returned.
Tyela Van Kuijk and Maddie French
Saturday Netball 9th July Prizegiving and Fun day
Winter Olympics fundraising SAUSAGE SIZZLE Thank you
A huge thank you to all our parent helpers this term, and to all our generous sponsors....and to all of our wonderful families for purchasing sausages and supporting our team. This is an amazing camp and will be the highlight at Stanley Avenue for so many of these students.
Keep an eye out in Term 3 for some more exciting fundraising events.
Have you considered becoming a Homebased Educator and working from home?
Kia ora my name is Leanne, and I am the Waikato coordinator for JeMMa’s Homebased Education and Care.
If you’re a qualified early childhood teacher, stay at home parent or just want to work from home and willing to train towards Level 4 Early Childhood Education and Care, we would like the opportunity to share with you about joining our team of educators.
We are looking for Educators now in your area!
Thames, Ngatea, Paeroa, Waihi, Te Aroha, and all surrounding areas
Find out more at https://www.jemmas.co.nz/become-an-educator/
Find out more - Contact Leanne on 0274949773 / or
Call JeMMa’s on 0800536627 or email: enquiries@jemmas.co.nz
Stanley Ave School Bank Account Details
Contact Us - Whakapā mai
Email: office@stanleyave.school.nz
Website: https://stanleyave.school.nz/
Location: Stanley Avenue School Stanley Avenue, Te Aroha 3320, New Zealand
Phone: +64 7-884 8479
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stanleyaveschool/