July News
Principals update
Our exciting camp news is that we have secured a lease for the land that is directly behind our current playground, beyond the trees. We now have an additional 2 acres of open field space for our campers to run and play games. We are very excited about this additional space. We will have access to this space for the remainder of the summer. This will give us time to find a long term solution to our mud issue on the big playground. The additional space will only be used by the campers. Pre-K and Younger will continue to play on the regular playground areas. We are looking forward to a great summer!
Splash Days
Staffing Changes
Miss Rachel will be filling in in PK for the summer as we have quite a few Toddlers off for the summer. Miss Rachel will continue to open in the Toddler Room and will return to there full time at the end of the summer.
Mr. Harvey will continue to be in PK, but will also be helping to fill in as a camp counselor. This will typically be on swimming or trip days as needed.
Miss Jessica (Beginners) will be here all summer but due to a small group of Beginners for the summer, she will be filling in to cover various places over the summer to cover vacations etc. She will return to FT in the Beginners in the Fall.
Room Changes for Fall
Water Bottles - Be sure to take them home daily to be washed. Also, be aware that we do refill them regularly throughout the day so if your child water comes home full we have probably filled it here at school. Water Bottles may only contain plain water.
Sunscreen - Be sure to send your children to school/camp with sunscreen already applied. We will reapply for the afternoon.
Vacation Credit - Vacation Credits run from July 1st to June 30th. You must have been enrolled for 6 months to earn a vacation credit. If you would lie to use your vacation credit you must notify us in writing prior to the vacation week.
Tuition - is due on Friday of the prior week. We will also accept it on Monday morning of the current week. Please be sure to drop your checks off in a timely fashion.