Location, Location, Location!!!!
with Mrs. Berry
WEEK OF December 3
Teasley Vision Statement:
Fancy Nancy Word of the Week
Celebration: acknowledge an important event or happy
Globe Trot Scott
Globe Trot Scott travels around the world to celebrate different holiday traditions. As he visits each location, he will send us pictures about his travels. We will continue our Inquiry Lessons on each continent as we travel with Scott. We will learn all about the important countries, clothing that is necessary for the weather in each area, and the yummy food!!!! As always, we would love to hear about your family traditions!!! Please send in pictures or artifacts from your home so that we can add them to our inquiry center. The students will have the chance to explore all artifacts and research about their holiday traditions, traditions of the families in our classroom, and from children all around the world. Thank you so much for your continued support with all of our Inquiry Learning!!!
Curriculum Corner
We are almost finished with our second IB unit! We wanted to extend a “thank you” for helping support us through this learning experience. We are excited to begin working on our second summative activity. Students will be working on a super cool travel brochure to describe a continent. Encourage your child to research the continent that interests them! Information can be found on www.cobbdigitallibrary.com We can’t wait to see what our inquiring firsties come up with!
Culture: The arts, social behaviors, or norms in society
Here are some helpful hints for helping with IB units:
Ask how the weather has changed over the course of each week
What signals do we have for the change in seasons? What instruments do meteorologists and climate scientists use?
Check out Google Maps/Weather for updates on weather conditions
Lines of Inquiry
Location has effects on temperature (connection)
We use a variety of tools to measure multiple types of weather (form)
Locate Continents (form)
Patterns of change in weather bring seasons (change)
We have studied the continents of North America, Antarctica, South America, Europe, Asia, and Australia.
This week we will travel to Africa.
IB Unit: Location
Central Idea: Location and weather patterns impact people
Learner Profile Traits:
Ask me what I’m learning!
Math- What is the equal sign? What does it mean? How do I determine missing addends?
Writing- How do I write an informational writing piece?
Daily 5/Language Arts- How do we determine the author’s purpose for writing stories? How do I identify the main idea? How do I retell stories using key details?
Phonics- What are letters and letter blends?
IB Unit: How do location and weather patterns impact people?
Specials for the Week
Learning Lab
December 11th: 4th/5th Chorus Performance
December 12th: Wear Pajamas for $1
December 13th-14th PAWS Giving Market
December 20th and 21st: Early Release Days
December 22nd- January 7th Winter Break: NO SCHOOL
Berry's Busy Bees
Email: tara.berry@cobbk12.org
Website: https://berrysbusybees.blogspot.com/
Location: Teasley Elementary School, Spring Hill Parkway, Smyrna, GA, USA
Phone: (770) 437-5945