Goodness Grows News
January 2023
Newsletter #59
Happy New Year From All of Us at Goodness Grows!
After a wonderful Christmas break, our crew was glad to be back at GG. Everyone jumped
right back into the routine of working, learning, and growing together.
January Adventures
This has been a fun-filled and busy month. Cameron Fortune came back to work with us during his college break. We love having Cam here! We have taken some field trips, including one
to Pizza Hut to celebrate Rachel's birthday and to thank Cam for spending his vacation with us.
We have also enjoyed planning and shopping for seeds for this year's CSA. We have made jam, done some baking, worked on puzzles, played some games, carried lots of furniture, and much more.
Every week brings something interesting here at Goodness Grows!
Disappointing AmazonSmile News
Much to our dismay, Amazon announced the end of AmazonSmile, the program that let shoppers choose an organization to earn money from their purchases. Like many non-profit organizations, we have benefited greatly from this program. It was a wonderful opportunity for GG, helping to bring in needed funds to pay our clients and keep our programs running. Unfortunately, Amazon decided they, "plan to wind down AmazonSmile by February 20, 2023. To help charities that have been a part of the AmazonSmile program with this transition, we will be providing them with a one-time donation equivalent to three months of what they earned in 2022 through the program, and they will also be able to accrue additional donations until the program officially closes in February. Once AmazonSmile closes, charities will still be able to seek support from Amazon customers by creating their own wish lists."
We thank all of our amazing supporters who helped GG by selecting us as your charity of choice. We rejoiced every time we received our AmazonSmile funds and we appreciate all of you! While Amazon says they don't feel that this program made a big enough impact, we assure you that, especially for small non-profits like GG, it made a huge difference to us!
Chicken Soup With Pastor Mike
CSA 2023
People have been subscribing since before Christmas! We cannot wait for CSA pick up days to start!
Work Hard, Have Fun!
Harbel's Market
We love being part of this fabulous local market. Check it out one of these weekends.
There will be a lot going on during the month of February!
Market & Museum Hours ~ Friday & Saturday: 12-9pm / Sunday: 12-6pm
Fitness For ALL
Last fall our folks enjoyed a visit from instructor Bethany Crouch. In fact, the picture on the flyer below was taken right here! Bethany led everyone in exercise and yoga, encouraging all to participate to the best of their ability. She is ready to share her skills with even more people now, leading yoga classes and private strength training sessions. We are glad to help spread the word and share what she is doing, growing goodness in her own special way!
Living Luxe Designs in Columbiana
Goodness Grows is celebrating the opening of our friend Beth's gorgeous shop in downtown Columbiana. This is a new location for our jams (Thanks, Beth!) plus it's a place to find an array of unique and beautiful items. Check out some of what they offer by visiting their Facebook page. Living Luxe Designs is a woman-owned and operated business led by Youngstown natives Beth Kufleitner and DJ Rigby, Interior Designer, BFA.
GG wishes them both much success and happiness!
5 N Main St, Columbiana, Ohio
(Top floor of the Main Street Theater)
Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday: 12-7 PM
Other hours by appointment
How Can You Support GG?
1. Online Shopping! ~ Through February 20, 2023, use Amazon Smile and choose Goodness Grows as your charity of choice. Then, you get your items and we get 0.5% of the purchase price through this program! Check it out online at
2. Volunteering! ~ Give of your time and get back lots of love & smiles! We enjoy having people pitch in to help with jam making, crafting, gardening...whatever we're working on. Maybe you even have a skill you could teach us!
3. Donating Items! ~ We are always in need of basic jam making supplies such as regular 8oz. canning jars, lids, sugar, and white vinegar.
4. Purchasing Our Products! ~ Proceeds from jam & crafts go right back to our programs.
5. Charitable Giving! ~ As a small non-profit, Goodness Grows depends upon generous supporters who give monetary support. A contribution to Goodness Grows is tax-deductible, to the extent allowed by law. As you are pondering what organizations to support in this new year, please consider a gift (one-time or on-going) to Goodness Grows. Your donations help us to continue our mission of working with people of all abilities.
There is good work being done right here and we would love for you to be a part of it!
Check out our website & Facebook page!
Location: 2310 W South Range Rd North Lima OH 44452
Phone: 330-549-9408