Charles Town PROWLER
October 17, 2022 - October 21, 2022
What's Happening This Week:
Today marks the end of the 1st 9-weeks! The year is cruising by and we couldn't be prouder of our students.
We had a great homecoming week last week. It felt great to host our first dance after a 3 year hiatus. As an administrative team, we could not have asked for better behavior from the 400 students who attended the dance. Thank you to all of the parent chaperones! We could not have had a successful dance without your help.
Next week we will have school pictures on 10/26 and 10/27, please check the schedule below for the exact day your student will have their picture taken.
We are looking forward to the cool, crisp fall weather this week. Reminder for students to wear jackets to and from school to as the weather begins changing. We will continue to go outside at lunch as long as the temperature (including wind chill) is above freezing.
Ms. Reed
Recap of Homecoming Week
We Love our Panther Cheerleaders
Rockin' Out Mr. Lannon
Kiss the Cow
Panther Pride Spirit
Decade Day
PJ Day!
Dance the Night Away
Message from the Nurse:
viral illnesses have already started circulating. Please encourage your student to do lots of handwashing.
If your child is ill, please keep them home. They must be fever free (without fever reducing medications) before returning to school.
Please contact the Nurse directly with questions:
Nurse Dent
304-725-7821 ext 3210
CTMS Picture Day(s)
Students will have their school pictures taken during SOCIAL STUDIES classes on 10/26 or 10/27. Please use the schedule below to determine when your students pictures will be taken.
- 10/26: Plank, Eddy, Agunsday, Meadows, Daly, Baker
- 10/27: Moody, Lannon, Green, Make-Ups from 10/26
CTMS PTO Spirit Week
Winter Sports Coming Soon!!
Students must have a physical on file with the school or turned in the first day of practice to be eligible to participate. Students must also carry a 2.0 GPA to be eligible.
Girls Basketball starts, Monday, October 31
Boys Basketball starts, Monday, November 7
Wrestling (co-ed) starts, Monday, November 7
π Weekly Shout-Outs
Mrs. Pulsifer's Science 8 Classes
Mr. Green
Shout out also to Mr. Moody for participating in this event with a select group of his 8th grade WV Studies students.
6th Grade Social Studies
π Important Dates
October 24-28 - PTO Spirit Week
October 25 - Parent Teacher Conference 6:00-8:00
October 31 - Halloween - students may dress up - however - NO weapons and face must be visible and school appropriate.
October 31 - Girls Basketball Begins
November 7 - Boys Basketball and Wrestling Begin
November 8 - No School Election Day
November 11 - No School Holiday