2023-2024 Back to School Newsletter
As we prepare for the first day of school, we wanted to share some important information with you. Our mission is that “All students will graduate with their cohort college and career ready”. We cannot compromise our expectations of what we believe all of our students deserve. The best way to explain our expectations is to share those expectations with you:
In order to attend Palm Beach Gardens High School, you must be dressed appropriately
- Tops must have sleeves
- Pajamas/sleepwear, bedroom slippers, and swimwear are not permitted
- Headwear cannot be worn inside
- Bottoms must be below mid-thigh
- Undergarments and midriff are not be exposed
- Distracting images (as defined by school administration- illegal, offensive) are not permitted
In order to be a learner at Palm Beach Gardens High School, you must be in class on time and engaged
- Arriving at school or class late is tardy. In order to gain entry to class, tardy students must get a pass.
- Cell phones and headphones are not used in the classroom unless directed by the teacher
Success Tips for the First Days of School
- Gates open for students to enter campus at 6:50 am each school day.
- Student drop-off for car riders is on the South side of the school. Enter from Holly Drive. Lilac Street entrance is for staff and student parking ONLY.
- FREE hot breakfast is served beginning at 7 am.
- All students will enter through our main "Jurassic Park Gate" and pass through metal detectors (expect delays - please arrive early) to enter campus.
- At entry, students will scan their new student ID (when issued). Returning students should use their prior year's ID until the new student ID is received.
- Dress Code expectations will be enforced beginning on day one.
- Students will follow a 7-period day schedule on 8/10 & 8/11.
- Students should review their schedule on SIS (save a screenshot) to reference where to go on the first day.
- Arrive at bus stops early, expect delays in morning and afternoon buses.
- Textbooks, Chromebooks, and new Student ID badges will be distributed in the first weeks of school.
- Students should bring notebooks, pens, calculators, and supplies beginning day one. Expect to receive information on additional school supply items as needed for each course.
- Lunch is FREE for ALL students again this year. During the first few days of school, lunches may take additional time and the lunch times may be modified based on need, but we will make sure there is time in each lunch period for every student to be served and eat school lunch.
- Parents should sign up for "Student Conductor" and SIS Gateway to review their student's attendance and academic information.
- Visitors to PBGHS will be required to present identification. Entry to campus will require passing through a metal detector.
Student Schedules
Safety Reminders
In order to ensure the safety of all Palm Beach Gardens High School stakeholders, you must follow safety expectations each day. These safety expectations include passing through metal detectors as you enter the campus, having your Student ID for entry & as requested, and keeping our campus secure by not opening doors or allowing anyone on campus.
Here are some procedures to remember as you pass through the metal detectors
- Single file
- Bags across the front of the chest or center of the back
- Chromebooks & Large Binders must be removed from the backpack
- Wait your turn & be polite
- In the event that the detector goes off, politely follow the directions
Register Your Ride - 2023-2024 School Year
The School District of Palm Beach County requires that all students who will be using bus transportation for the 2023-2024 school year, register with the Transportation Department.
The Register Your Ride portal is now open. Parents and guardians must complete a brief registration to ensure their child is assigned to a bus. The child must have a student ID to use when registering.
Instructions in English, Spanish, and Haitian Creole.
- Choice Program students can receive transportation regardless of their proximity to the Choice school (more than two miles). Parents must provide transportation to the closest bus stop in order to be eligible.
- Bus stops will only be available within the Choice Transportation Zone for each school, and additional stops will not be created. Visit the Choice Transportation Zones webpage to select the relevant school and view maps.
Answers to frequently asked questions can be viewed on the Transportation FAQ website. For additional assistance, contact the Transportation Call Center at (561) 357-1110.
PBGHS 2023-2024 Calendar
Are You Registered for SIS Gateway?
Palm Beach Gardens High School
Website: https://pbgh.palmbeachschools.org/
Location: 4245 Holly Drive, Palm Beach Gardens, FL, USA
Phone: 5616947300
Facebook: facebook.com/PBGHSofficial
Twitter: @PBGHSofficial