Scott City Elementary School
Fridge Notes November 2023
Contact Information
410 E. 8th Street
Office Phone: 620-872-7660
Principal: Dr. Shawn Roberts
Secretary: Icy Butler
November Calendar
November 3 No School Professional Development Day
November 4 Saturday SCORE
November 9 SCHS Musical Matinee (Students will attend)
November 10 Veteran's Day 8:30 a.m.
November 14 Beaver Backers
November 16 1st & 2nd Grade Matinee @ SCHS 2:00
1st & 2nd Grade Program @ SCHS 7:00
November 21 Career Day
November 22 No School Thanksgiving Break
November 23 No School Thanksgiving Break
November 24 No School Thanksgiving Break
November 27 Site Council
Saturday SCORE ART
Free for all students
November 4
December 2
January 13
February 10
March 2
April 6
May 4
Parents as Teachers
Veteran's Day Program
First and Second Grade Program
First and Second Grade Holiday Program
The first and second grade classes will present a holiday program on Thursday, November 16 at the Scott
Community High School auditorium. There will be an afternoon matinee at 2:00 p.m. and an evening performance
at 7:00 p.m.
Students will wear their regular school clothes for the matinee performance. Students should wear nice clothes for
the evening performance. Please, no high heels or flip-flops, they are not safe on the risers.
First grade will meet in the S.C.H.S. chorus room and second grade students will meet in the S.C.H.S. band room.
There will be someone in the main hall to help direct you to these rooms. Please do not send your children to
these rooms until 6:40. Proper supervision will not be available until that time.
The last song of the evening will be a combined first and second grade grand finale. Following their combined
performance, students will return to the chorus and band rooms. Parents may pick their children up at those
locations. This is to avoid confusion and ensure the safety of our students.
Thank you. Mrs. Green
Thanksgiving at SCES
Parents are welcome to come eat Thanksgiving lunch with your child. Thanksgiving lunch will be held on Tuesday, November 21 during your child's lunch time. If you are planning to attend, please RSVP by Wednesday, November 15 so we can plan accordingly. Please call the SCES office. It is recommended that lunch tickets be purchased a head of time because the office will likely be busy that day. Tickets can be purchased for $4.60.
Lunch Schedule will be 30 earlier than regular schedule for K-2nd grade. Thanksgiving lunch times:
Preschool 10:55
Kindergarten 11:00
1st Grade 11:30
2nd Grade 12:00
Preschool 1:00
Upcoming December Fun
Dec. 4 - Wear Plaid
Dec. 5 - Dress like a Snowman (Scarf, top hat, mittens, etc)
Dec. 6 - Wear Red - (Like Rudolph's nose)
Dec. 7 - Wear Green - (Like a Christmas Tree)
Dec. 8 - Wear Blue (like a winter wonderland)
Dec. 11 - White out - Wear White
Dec. 12 - Holiday Headwear
Dec. 13 - Ugly Sweater
Dec. 14 - Crazy Christmas Socks
Dec. 15 - Pajama Day (Polar Express)
Dec. 18 - Grinch Day
Dec. 19 - Fancy Dress up Sing-a-long & Christmas party fancy (sparkle, glitter, ties, etc.)