Galileo Gazette
September 2023
Important Dates
4--Labor Day--No School
6--Picture Day
13--Wagons Ho
20--No School--Professional Learning/Collaboration Day
26--Lockdown Drill
Student Drop Off Times
o Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday—8:45
o Wednesday—9:00
o Students are not to be dropped off prior to these times as there is no supervision for students until the times designated.
Parking Lot Procedures
Picture Day on Wednesday, September 6th!
- Please make sure your child wears tennis shoes on their PE days.
- Tennis shoes need to be able to stay on the foot at all times preferably with velcro or shoe laces.
- No sandals, flip flops, crocs, boots, dress shoes, etc.
Health Office
Hello Galileo Parents,
I am Rebekah, and I am the new RN here at Galileo. I will be on-site 3 days a week and will work in collaboration with Chrystalyn Coulter, our Health Tech, who most of you may already be familiar with.
I wanted to point out a couple of things, so everyone is aware:
1. If your child has a change in diagnosis, condition or you need to provide any kind of medical/health update, please contact me or Chrystalyn directly through email.
This could include broken bones that occurred outside of school hours/sports injury, dental work, change in medications, etc.
Email zavaletta.rebekah@westada.org to contact me directly.
Email coulter.chrystalyn@westada.org to contact Chrystalyn.
Please do not send health information ONLY to your students' teacher, please CC us as well. Sometimes this information can be lost in translation and never make it to our office. It is imperative that we remain aware of any changes in your child's health so that we can adequately care for them on campus.
2. We do not have any OTC medications in our office outside of Children's Acetaminophen/Acetaminophen.
If you want your child to have PRN Motrin on hand for individual situations, then this needs to be brought into our office in the original packaging and not have an upcoming expiration date (i.e. September 2023). These also need to come with completed Medication Consent and Authorization for Release of Confidential Information forms. I have attached these for your reference. You may also come to the Health Office and fill them out on-site.
Please email me or Chrystalyn with any questions or concerns. We are here to help!
Here's to a healthy school year!
Eighth Grade Math Team Building Activities
Galileo PTO Info
Our PTA switched to a PTO to keep more funds at Galileo and keep our volunteer hours more efficient. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. With the change, we have some new information:
website: galileopto.com
email: galileostempto@gmail.com
phone: (208) 505-4766
PTO Meeting: September 12th, 11:40am - 12:50pm
Come find out what we are working on and how you can get involved! We currently have a few Board and Committee Chair positions open and we always need more volunteers for our events to be a success. Light lunch provided.
GIVE Week is September 25-29th!
Please join us in our annual PTO fundraiser while giving back to the community! This year we will be collecting donations for: Women & Children's Alliance, Idaho Food Bank, Star Outreach & Book it Forward. We will be holding multiple raffles to help meet our fundraising goal; if you, your company or someone you know is interested in donating a gift card or gift basket, please email us. If we meet our fundraising goal, this will be our one and only fundraiser for the year. $50 per student allows us to fund all PTO events and activities for the year. Visit: galileopto.com to donate and find out more information.
Galileo Clubs are starting up in September!
Most clubs will open registration the week of September 5th. Check out the Clubs/Programs page on the PTO website for club information, registration dates, dues, and club start dates.
Volunteers needed for Run/Walk Club on September 7th! Email PTO if interested.
Middle School Back to School Bash
Galileo's middle school will be having a "Back to School Bash", their 1st fun, social event of the school year, on Thursday, September 28th from 6:00 - 7:30. We would love for parents to volunteer or help in any way they can.
STUDENT ID'S ARE REQUIRED FOR ENTRY. Pizza, water, soda and treats will be provided. Any extra donated items will go toward future mid-level events.
Please CLICK HERE to volunteer or donate needed items.
Thank you!
Your Galileo Middle School PTO Team
Middle School Art Program
Galileo STEM PTO offers a FREE Art Program to the Middle School students. This is a non-credit program offered to all Galileo Middle School students who enjoy art instruction and learning new art techniques.
The Art Program will be on Wednesday mornings from 8:30-9:15. Start date is to be determined. The program will be offered weekly, unless we are out of school for a collaboration day. Students will need to have their own transportation to school. If your student wishes to participate, they need to commit to coming on time or they will not be able to complete their art projects.
Due to the success of this program and limited classroom space, we will only be able to accommodate 25 students, this will be on a first come basis. Please sign your student up by clicking HERE.
If you would like to help with this program, please reach out to the Galileo PTO at galileostempto@gmail.com.
Robotics Teams 4th-8th Grade
Galileo STEM Academy's robotics teams will be participating in a demonstration day event at Touchmark Senior Living on Saturday, October 14th.
Ham Radio 4th-8th Grade
3D Print Competitive Team 5th-8th Grade
Please Close Gate
In an effort to keep our students safe and our campus secure, we ask that you please close the gate behind you when you enter the school grounds using the walking path.
Thank you.
No Parking Zone
Closed Campus for Safety
Lost and Found
Arrival and Dismissal Times
Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri.
(Students may arrive beginning at 8:50 am)
9:05 am – First bell
9:10 am – Tardy bell
3:55 pm – Dismissal bell
(Students may arrive beginning at 9:05 am)
9:20 am – First bell
9:25 am – Tardy bell
3:55 pm – Dismissal bell
Reporting Student Absences
Attendance Line
(208) 350-4106
Please call the attendance line before 9:30am if your child will be absent for any reason, or will be late to school. Please state your child’s name, teacher and reason for absence. If you are planning a vacation and your student will be absent three or more days please fill out the notification of absence form found here. This form does not excuse the absences, but will help keep everyone informed.
Secretary - Jennifer Damiano - damiano.jennifer@westada.org
Assistant Secretary - Angela Meyers - meyers.angela@westada.org
Safe School Assistant - Melissa Dahlen - dahlen.melissa@westada.org
Nurse - Rebekah Zavaletta - zavaletta.rebekah@westada.org
Website: https://www.westada.org/o/galileo
Location: 4735 West Saguaro Drive Eagle, Idaho 83616
Phone: 208-350-4105