Northwest News
May 2022
It is hard to believe that we are reaching the end of the year. It is such a happy and sad time in school! We are so proud of what our students have learned and how hard they have worked! But we can’t help but be sad that our time together is almost over!
As teachers, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for sharing your child with us! Watching them grow and learn reminds us daily of why we teach. Thank you also for all of your support! It makes such a difference in both your child’s and our lives! Have a great summer! (and read a lot!)
First Grade
We are almost finished with first grade! The year has gone fast. In ELA class time we are working on writing about our opinions and giving reasons; comparing and contrasting different texts, characters and information; main topic and key details; and the differences between Informational Text and Literature. In Math we are deep into adding and subtracting numbers up to 100 and learning different strategies to do that. In Social Studies we have learned about how all of us are different and the same in many different areas of our culture. In Science we are working on Engineering Design. We will be building things with different tools and see what makes our structures better or worse. The first grade teachers are encouraging families to continue the student’s learning throughout the summer. Read books together, discuss the why and what whenever you can, give them experiences with a walk in nature, a visit with friends and family, and one-on-one time with someone.
Second Grade
Finishing Module 7: Problem solving with length, Money, and data. Starting on Module 8: Time, Shapes, and Fractions as equal Parts of Shapes.
In reading students are working on Unit 6 understanding specific strategies to use to understand the text.
Writing: In writing students will have an understanding that opinions and reasons are connected.
Reading Ideas:
· Have your child continue practicing their reading fluency and their comprehension during the summer.
Math Ideas:
· Have your child practice their math facts addition and subtraction during the summer.
Third Grade
In 3rd grade each student has been working very hard throughout this school year and we were able to finish all our math modules for our grade level and reading units.
In math, we finally made it to our last module and it was a lot of review of a variety of topics studied throughout the year, using all four operations. There were word problems, geometric shapes, perimeter and area.
In Reading we have read books about Government. We read “What is Government?”, “Who really created democracy?” and “A More Perfect Union.” In writing, the students picked a topic from government and presented it to the class. In foundational skills, the students have worked on prefixes im-, in- and multisyllabic words.
For Social Studies, the students have learned about the 3 branches of Government: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branch.
The students have been excited to participate in our Field Trip to Kansas Kids Fitness Day where all 3rd grade from the whole district gets to play fun games outside. We have enjoyed playing the math board games. Thank you so much for helping your child with that activity. The school year is almost over and our students can’t wait for summer.
Fourth Grade
We can’t believe May is already here! We had a great 2021-2022 school year!
Math: We are finishing up Module 7: Exploring Measurement with Multiplication. Our topics included are: Topic A: Measurement Conversion Tables, Topic B: Problem solving with Measurement, Topic C: Investigation of Measurements Expressed as Mixed Numbers, and Topic D: Year in Review.
Reading: We will be wrapping up Unit 4 Module B. In this module Readers will understand that both literary and informational texts can be analyzed for ideas and information. Writers understand that writing uses reasons and evidence to support ideas and information. Learners will understand how innovative ideas spark economic growth.
Social Studies: In our unit this quarter, students will recognize and evaluate how limited resources require choices. They will analyze the concepts of opportunity cost and cost-benefit in the context of choices made in Kansas and another region and draw conclusions about these choices. Students will examine how natural, capital, and human resources are used in the production of goods and services. They will analyze the roles of consumer, producer, saver, investor, and entrepreneur. Students will examine the reasons for economic specialization and how that leads to trade between regions of the United States. They will trace the production, distribution, and consumption of a particular good in the state and regions. Students will describe how a market economy works in the United States and consider the role of the government in the market economy.
Science: In out unit this month, our focus will be Energizing Everything. In this unit, students explore energy. Students investigate how energy is stored, how it can make objects move, and how collisions transfer energy between objects. Students also construct devices that convert energy from one form into another, such as heat into motion and electricity into light.
Fifth Grade
It’s hard to believe that the end of the year is here! Our fifth graders have accomplished so much and we always get emotional seeing them move on to Dodge City Middle School, but we are also so very excited for them. In this last month we have and will continue to cover lots of review in math as well as a few fun concepts such as the Fibonacci sequence.
In reading we are still digging into exploration with texts that are both fiction and nonfiction. We have learned how exploration has shaped our perspective of the world as well as the fact that we are explorers too.
In science we are having fun with chemical reactions. Watching how acids react and making things change color and fizz.
In social studies we have reached the point in history where the United States has been formed and we are studying the documents that laid its foundation.
We hope these last few days together will be fun and memorable for them as they move on. Now a Cardinal, forever a Tornado.
Kindergarten has been preparing for their music program that is on May 13th at 2:30 p.m. They also learned about the music story Peter & the Wolf in which they matched characters with their instruments.
1st grade has been learning & identifying the solfege notes: sol & mi. They have also been working on rhythms: quarter notes, eighth notes, & quarter rests, & labeling rhythms with ta, ti, or a /.
2nd grade has been learning the musical work of Carnival of the Animals in which they wrote in their listening journals describing the dynamics, tempo, range, & instruments playing in each movement. Each movement represents an animal or characters and the music depicts how they would sound. They will be taking a test at the end of the unit.
5th grade has been working extremely hard preparing for their rhythm & treble clef assessment. They have had to identify rhythms, write out 4 beat rhythms, identify notes on the treble clef staff, transfer 4 beat rhythms to the treble clef staff.
11- Late Start
13- Kinder Program 2:30
24-Last day of school