Kirk Fenton News
7th July 2023
Please look on our website www.kf.starmat.uk for up-to-date information.
Dear Parents / Carers,
First of all this week, a huge thank you to the Friends of Kirk Fenton for organising the Summer Fair on Friday last week. There was a great turn out, even in the pouring rain and the Friends estimate a profit of around £1700 which will go towards updating the chromebooks in school and providing a second class set. Thank you to everyone who came to the fair and helped to make it such a success.
It was lovely to meet our new intake of Reception children and their families in school this week as the children all moved up to meet their new teachers for next year. The children coped beautifully with the moves and enjoyed doing some activities which will allow their new teachers to get to know them before starting officially in their new classes in September. It is scary just how quickly these days come round each year!
We have had a complaint through the local police regarding poor parking around school and particularly on Laurels Farm Drive due to people blocking drives so that residents can't get in or out. The police will be doing random checks over the next couple of weeks during busy times so please ensure that you park respectfully.
Have a lovely weekend,
Karen Williams
Head Teacher
Good Work Awards
This week's certificates were awarded to the following children:
Donaldson - Theo and Jacob
Hughes - Betsy and Chester
Coelho - Arthur and Theo M
Rosen - Joseph and Jacob
Milligan - George and Joshua
Zephaniah - Laurence and Seeley
Shakespeare - Jacob and Eli
Angelou - Freya, Lucie-Mae, Scarlett, Will and Fred
Hot Chocolate Friday
Well done to the following who earned the hot chocolate award:
Donaldson - Jonah
Hughes - Elyssia
Coelho - Beau-Bella
Rosen - Roxy
Milligan - Bertie
Zephaniah - Ollie Y
Shakespeare - Alexa
Angelou - Ivor
Winning Team
Message from Head Pupils
This week has been exciting and full of change. The transition days were this week with all students being able to experience two days in what will be their new classes next year and year 6 visiting their new secondary schools. The classes had the challenge to impress their new teachers- in which they succeeded! Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the run up to the summer holidays whilst the sun is still shining!
Head pupil certificates went to Alexa and Lillian.
Niamh and Lillie
A huge well done to everyone who has been practising their maths skills recently. It has been great to see so much effort across the school. Our Rockstars of the week are Alexa K, Milo PJ, Samantha D, Finlay O, Georgia K, Archie K, Tilly B and Bea O. Well done!
Our KS1 and FS children have been working so hard, our Numbots superstars this week are Matthew M, Jacob P, Austin B, Hugo O, Tom O and Min B. Well done everyone!
Bag2School, Wednesday 12th July
Usborne Book Fair, Wednesday 12th July
**MENU CHANGE** Y6 Leavers' Lunch, Tuesday 25th July
Please drop your bags off on Wednesday 12th July, by 9am
Usborne Book Fair
Wednesday 12th July, 3-4pm
Rosen Class Trip
Thursday 13th July
Y5 Sleepover
Thursday 13th July
Milligan & Zephaniah Class Trip
Tuesday 18th July
Y5/6 Leavers' Production
Tuesday 18th July, 6.30pm
Wednesday 19th July, 2pm
Y4 Onsite Camp
Thursday 20th - Friday 21st
Donaldson Class Trip
Friday 21st July
Y6 Leavers' Lunch
Tuesday 25th July
Y6 Leavers' Celebration in School
Tuesday 25th July, 1.30pm
Y6 Leavers' Service in Church
Tuesday 25th July, 2.15pm
Term Ends
Tuesday 25th July
Staff Thank You's
If anyone would like to say thank you to or has any positive comments for a member of staff then please complete and submit the form below.
Thank you to everyone who supported the Summer Fair last week, despite the rain it went really well and we raised over £1.7k! A fantastic way to end the year and helps us push over the line to get some new Chromebooks for the school.
If you have been contacted about a raffle prize but haven't yet collected from the office, please do drop by and collect your prizes.
We have a final Bag2School collection of the year on Wednesday 12th July, so if you're having a pre-summer hols clear out - bring it in then.
And finally, we're planning a gin tasting evening with Hooting Owl Gin for September. Tickets will be going on sale soon, so keep a look out for details of the event and how to buy tickets.
As ever, you can always set up EasyFundraising as an easy, free,
way to help raise funds for the school whilst you shop.
(Easy Fundraising will link to: https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/kirkfenton/)
Registered charity no: 1154660
Like us on Facebook for up-to-date information www.facebook.com/FriendsOfKirkFenton
STAR MAT Vacancies
Please click on the following link for details of our current vacancies:
Cool Milk Competition
Parents head over to Cool Milk's Instagram @coolmilkscheme to find the pinned post with the instructions to enter. Send in your best family milk moustache photo by tagging us in the photo on Instagram, following us on Instagram and tagging 3 friends. The lucky winner will receive a trip to Chessington's 'Christmas Festive Sleepover' for a family of 4 including the perks below:
- Enjoy a PURRRfect Christmas Adventure during Winter’s Tail (December 9th-10th 2023)!
- -1-night stay at Chessington World of Adventure Resort in the premium-themed Gruffalo Room (breakfast included) for 2xadults, 2xchildren
- - Entry to our Theme Park & Zoo for selected attractions and activities
- - Meet & greet with Father Christmas (available to book nearer to your stay)
- - Access to the Savannah Splash Pool
- - Rangers Academy hotel entertainment
The deadline to enter is the 13th of September 2023.
Feeling frazzled?
Feeling the heat and pressure of family life?
Join our Parenting courses & events to discover ways to stay cool and calm in the middle of it all.
Sunshine and blue skies beckon (although there are no guarantees with the British weather!). As the summer approaches, we look forward to cloudless skies, BBQ's and relaxing with friends and family. But as the temperatures rise, so can the heat in our family life! Tempers can fray with the longer days; our patience can be stretched to the limits with the season of school exams.
At Family Matters York, we understand!
We would love to support you and your family in helping you to stay cool this summer. We offer FREE parenting courses & events across the city to give you a safe space to learn and share ideas with others, to help make your family life more enjoyable this summer.
Sign up to our parenting courses - starting soon:
We would love to see you.
For an overview of our upcoming June/July 2023 courses, click here
PARENTING SUPPORT: To book a place or for further info contact:
Jen Wootten Tel: 07393 147259
Email: jenwootten@fmy.org.uk
Or you can find more information about our courses on our website https://fmy.org.uk/york/