The IMS Connection
Volume 21, Issue 4: December 2023
December 2023
Season’s Greetings Parents/Guardians,
It is hard to believe it is December already. Lots of fun activities and events have occurred at Islip Middle School with even more to come. The holiday concerts are upon us and are the best ticket in town. We look forward to seeing you here as we bring in the New Year Cheer!
Our community has come together to help those challenged by the economic struggles this holiday season. The middle school has been bustling with generosity and once again the C.A.R.E. Club collected dozens of boxes of food for our local food pantry. A heartfelt thank you to all who donated to the cause.
As we enter the second marking period, we encourage all of the students to reflect on the many accomplishments of the first quarter. Children should reflect on grades, attendance, and positive participation and question could tomorrow be even better than today. What has worked well and what can be done differently. Parents are always welcome to contact the school counselors to arrange parent meetings. The guidance office phone number is 631-650-8550.
From all of us at IMS, we hope this holiday season is filled with joy and laughter with your family and friends.
I wish you and your family the happiest of holiday seasons and the healthiest New Year.
As always, feel free to contact me at tmartin@islipufsd.org.
Warm regards,
Dr. Timothy Martin
Islip Middle School
December 2023
Tis the season IMS Families,
Food drives, decorations, concerts, and all the celebration the holidays bring is happening at the IMS. We are fresh off Elf, our amazing school musical (Thank you to Ms. Montuori and her team, cast and crew). Lady Liberty as well as Ellis Island were visited and enjoyed by the eighth grade. It was beautiful day to be in the city that never sleeps, New York City (special thanks to Ms. Cabanas and her team of teachers and parents who chaperoned the rich and thought provoking experience for our students).
Tis the season, peace on earth, family, friends, and festivity. That’s what this holiday season is all about. A time of giving and seeing that it is of value to live in the world and not of it. The musical and food drive were an example of just that… great inspiration, teamwork, celebration, and entertainment. The community, district wide, was amazing for both events. We truly represented, supported, and cheered as one.
We look forward to a December that is packed full of Holiday concerts, Middle School basketball, and volleyball games, not to mention a cookie and some eggnogg from time to time. Our advisories are hailing Habit 1 and Habit 6, Be Proactive (you’re in charge) and Synergize (together is better) respectively. IMS advisories will be involved in discussions and activities that encourage students to express ways we can pay it forward with the gift of giving. They will also be working together in designing a snowman and on December 22nd there will be a contest regarding who created the most unique and creative snowman. Good luck!
“The holiday season is a perfect time to reflect on our blessings and seek out ways to make life better for those around us.” – Unknown
I am grateful for the opportunity to work with such wonderful teachers, staff, and students. Each one of our students is a blessing within themselves. I would also like to welcome our Dean of Students, Ms. Jamie Wright. She has been a wonderful addition to the team.
Curt Juengerkes
Assistant Principal
December 2023
Season’s Greetings Islip Middle School!
My name is Jamie Wright and I am excited to be joining the IMS Community as your new Dean of Students. In my short time here I have come to understand and appreciate the sense of family that is Islip Middle School.
I wanted to share a little about myself. I’ve been working in education for nearly twenty years as a teacher and administrator. I have three children, Lucia, Leo and Sebastian. I also have a toy poodle named Buttercup. We are big sports fans and cheer hard for the Jets, Yankees, and Rangers. Interesting fact about me, I love to travel and I have been to five of the seven continents.
One thing I love about IMS is the focus that our school places on being a positive member of the school community and embracing everyone’s differences. It is so important to not only respect each other’s differences, but to appreciate and learn from them. We need to celebrate what makes each of us unique.
I am so excited to have ended up working in such a wonderful community. The teachers, staff, and students have been extremely welcoming and I look forward to developing relationships with each of you.
Enjoy the holiday season,
Jamie Wright
Dean of Students
December: The Gift of Giving "Pay it Forward…"
During the month of December, our Advisory focus will be on paying it forward. Parents can enrich our theme by discussing topics such as, “It is important to do good deeds for people.” Repay acts of kindness by being kind to someone else rather than the person who was kind to you. This helps to spread acts of kindness to a greater range of people.
Renaissance Rave
Happy Holidays! We are thrilled to share that our first Renaissance Raffle was a HUGE success! We had fun and prizes. 7th & 8th grade students were recognized for their 4th quarter successes from last year. All 6th grade students were invited to participate to see what Renaissance is all about. All new entrants were invited to partake in the festivities as well!
We are looking forward to continuing to celebrate all of the efforts and accomplishments of ALL of our IMS students!
Keep up the great work, effort, and kindness! IMS is truly a special place!
December 2023
November was a month for showing gratitude – and we sure are grateful for our students! In observance of World Kindness Day on November 13th, students helped counselors create The IMS Chain of Kindness! On their way to lunch, students stopped by the table set up by the counselors outside of the dining rooms and filled out slips of paper stating one way they could show kindness. Students came up with incredibly thoughtful and insightful ways, including “helping a new student” and “complimenting someone’s outfit”. We are so lucky to have such kind-hearted students!
A large part of what school counselors do is help students prepare for post-secondary opportunities. It is important to begin developing students’ career awareness and college readiness at a young age. Students will continue to expand on this when they get into high school and help them find their ideal career. A person’s ideal career should incorporate these four factors: personality, values, skills, and interests.
During the month of November, counselors went into the 7th and 8th grade classrooms and introduced students to a program called Naviance. Naviance is a beneficial tool that helps students to discover what careers or colleges may be best for them. This program will be utilized by students throughout high school as they begin to decide what career path they wish to pursue. For students looking to pursue college, Naviance is the actual program used to electronically apply.
Speaking of college and career readiness, check out this link below, by SUNY.edu. This link clues middle schoolers into why middle school matters when thinking about college – even though college seems so far away! This article gives tips such as getting involved in extracurricular activities, courses that colleges look for on a high school transcript and being careful about what you post on the internet. Remember, what you post follows you throughout your life! It’s never too early to begin preparing for your college and career experiences!
Students have settled into the routine of being an Islip Middle School student. We are working towards becoming lifelong learners using technology! ELA students completed a Short Story Unit. They have mastered elements of literature and the use of Figurative Language. Now they have jumped into Red Kayak. They are hooked already! They are working on becoming proficient in writing a paragraph that includes details, elaboration, and evidence from text to respond to their reading.
In Science, we have studied the topic of cells and are working on studying the systems of the human body. We are looking into how our body is organized and works as a machine. Remember to exercise and eat healthy to keep your body strong and working properly!
In Social Studies, we are traveling back in time to our first ancient civilization of Mesopotamia. We will be exploring the daily lives of Mesopotamians, as well as their code of laws, writing systems and the geography of land. Next we will travel to Ancient Egypt to visit the tombs of the pharaohs.
In Mathematics, students are using a variety of strategies to solve ratio problems. Ask your mathematician to show you how they use tape diagrams, double number lines, and ratio tables to figure out answers to some complex problems! Stay tuned for our next unit of arithmetic operations. As always, review notes daily to help with weekly assignments.
Please continue to check the parent portal for grades, make sure to replenish school supplies as needed (pens and pencils), and always recharge the laptops! Have a happy, healthy, and safe holiday season.
The 7 Red team has placed emphasis on building good character and striving for academic success. In Mr. DeBatt’s, Mrs. Mills’, and Mrs. Bloch’s science classes, the students are exploring the properties of matter with a focus on density and buoyancy. They are excited to begin a chemical reactions unit in the near future, which will include many exciting hands-on labs and activities.
In Mr. Ackermann’s and Ms. Guadagnino’s Pre-Algebra classes, the students just began Unit Rate, which will prepare them for creating and graphing proportional relationships in the month of December. Every month brings the students one-step closer to the eighth grade Algebra Regents.
In Social Studies with Mr. Pedersen, students are exploring origins of the thirteen colonies and subsequent events that led to the birth of our great Nation, while focusing on source documents related to our core values of freedom and democracy.
In Spanish, Mrs. LaBella’s students are learning how to make cultural comparisons. During the month of October, students compared the Mexican holiday Day of the Dead with the American holiday Halloween.
In English with Mr. Cox and Mr. Taff, the students have been closely reading various genres. This is a skill that is hoped to carry across the curricula and throughout the students’ academic careers. Also, the students have and will continue to analyze authors’ use of elements in literature as well as their relevance to non-fiction and the real world.
Gladly, Mr. Soto is co-teaching in many of our classes to provide additional support for all students, especially our English language learners.
Furthermore, our team is super excited for our trip to see Elf: The Musical. Wholeheartedly, Team 7 Red is optimistic about having a wonderful experience.
In the month of December, students in art class had the opportunity to explore a variety of fun concepts and mediums.
Students in 8th Grade that take art had the opportunity to experience drawing from life in a setting that imitated a college-level art course. They studied composition, lighting, and perspective while observing and sketching a variety of everyday objects arranged thoughtfully in the classroom. Guided by Mrs. Haraden, they discovered the art of capturing the essence and details of objects through their drawings, honing their observational skills and exploring different shading and texturing techniques to bring depth to their still life compositions.
Students in 6th grade that take art have been expanding their knowledge of acrylic paint. Students learned how to mix a gradient of colors that ranged from dark to light. They applied this knowledge to a painting that featured an atmospheric perspective landscape. Students had the creative freedom to design their own landscape, which included themes such as the beach and mountains.
Both classes also had the opportunity to delve into the world of Pablo Picasso, a pioneer of modern art. Students were introduced to Picasso's diverse artistic phases, from his early realistic works to his revolutionary Cubist period. They learned about his innovative approach to art and how he reshaped conventional perspectives through fragmented forms and bold colors, challenging the norms of representation in art. Students utilized their knowledge of cubism to create their very own Picasso-inspired portrait.
As Picasso famously said, "Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up." Mrs. Haraden’s art classes at Islip Middle School aim not only to teach technical skills but also to nurture the creative spirit within each student. By exploring diverse art forms and learning from the masters like Picasso, students were encouraged to embrace their imagination and unique artistic voices.
The exploration of still life, acrylic paint, and the iconic work of Pablo Picasso provided Islip Middle School students with a rich tapestry of artistic experiences. These experiences not only expanded their artistic horizons but also fostered a deeper appreciation for cultural diversity and creativity—an invaluable lesson that extends far beyond the confines of the classroom.
Welcome to Ms. Sheridan’s Writers’ Café!
This winter, 8th grade ELA teacher, Ms. Sheridan, will be hosting Writers’ Café, an after-school enrichment activity, geared towards students interested in creative writing and expression. On Thursday afternoons, 7th and 8th grade participants will gather in Ms. Sheridan’s classroom to craft original poems, written pieces, and other artistic works. For their first project, café members will create poems associated with cherished winter memories. All final pieces will then be published in a winter-themed anthology. In order to create an atmosphere reminiscent of an authentic café, Ms. Sheridan will provide decadent treats and background music to truly set the scene in her classroom. Most importantly, the café’s cozy and relaxing environment will promote student interaction and engagement. During weekly sessions, students will be encouraged to chat with one another and share personal experiences related to their writing. Within the café’s setting, every student’s unique voice and perspective will be warmly welcomed. Join us for our first session on Thursday, December 21st!
Veteran's Day
On Wednesday, November 15th, the sixth grade students visited Top Golf in Holtsville for a few rounds of golf and some lunch. This trip allowed for students to work cooperatively with others in their bays, calculate the distance and point value of the balls hit, as well as move their bodies. Fun was had by all, students and teachers alike.
National Junior Honor Society helping out at CRES's Family Fun Halloween Night.
National Junior Honor Society getting crafty at the MS Spooktacular.
3 - 7th & 8th Grade Winter Concert, 7pm, MS Auditorium
10- 6th Grade Winter Concert, 7pm, MS Auditorium
11- BOE Meeting, 7:30pm, CRES
15- MS/HS Progress period ends
25-1 Winter Recess, District Closed
*Unless otherwise noted, all Board of Education meetings will begin with an Executive Session at 6:45 PM. The public business meeting portion will begin at approximately 7:30 PM.
1- District Closed, New Year's Day
8- MS/HS PTA/SEPTA Joint Meeting, 7pm, MS Library
10- BOE Meeting, 7:30pm, HS Auditorium
11- Grade 8 to 9 Parent Transition Meeting
15- Distcrict Closed, Martin Luther King Jr. Day
16- MS Late Winter Sports Begin
22- Student Support Services Workshop, 6pm, HS Community Room
26- MS/HS Marking Period Ends
*Unless otherwise noted, all Board of Education meetings will begin with an Executive Session at 6:45 PM. The public business meeting portion will begin at approximately 7:30 PM.
Website: islipufsd.org
Location: 211 Main Street, Islip, NY, United States
Phone: 631-650-8500
Facebook: facebook.com/IslipMS
Twitter: @IslipMS