North Kirkwood Middle School
September 16, 2020
After School Help and Tutoring
Every Friday from 8:30am-12:00 and some evenings Monday-Thursday, many of our Content TAs will be available via Zoom to assist students. Every Friday from 12pm-3pm, our teachers will offer Virtual Office Hours via Zoom. Often, staff will make appointments with students they would like to see. When that is the case, they will make parents aware. However, this is also a time for students to "pop-in" to a virtual office to receive help. Please note: the nature of this system means 1:1 Zooms may occur.
TA Support
Mary Jane Bishop (ELA) → Monday-Thursday available until 4:45pm
Abby Kushina (All Contents) → Monday/Wednesday available from 4pm-7:30pm; Tuesday/Thursday available until 5:30pm; Friday morning available from 8am-12pm
Paige Sinclair (Encore/World Language) → Friday morning available from 8:30-12pm
Will Tayloe (Social Studies) → Friday morning available from 8:30-12pm
Jill Villani (Math) → Friday morning available from 8:30am-12pm
Pioneer Tutors is a new program that provides NKMS students with free virtual academic support from Kirkwood High School tutors. Tutoring will be split into four breakout rooms based on the core subjects of English, Math, Social Studies, and Science. Drop-in sessions will be held every Wednesday from 6-7 PM and Thursdays from 3-4 pm. Please sign up for each session using this link (Kirkwood email needed to access): https://rb.gy/jkun3n. Use https://kirkwoodschools.zoom.us/j/99486347106 to join each Zoom tutoring session.
NKMS Student of the Week
Congratulations to the following Students of the Week! To be chosen Student of the Week, a student must display outstanding school citizenship. They must also serve as a positive role model for their peers by modeling the "NKMS R-4"; being responsible for their learning, character, respect and relationships.
6 East - Gus Gruendler
6 Central - Jordan Cranson
6 West - Matthew Bowers
7 East - Grace Cockrill
7 West - Machiah Murphy
8 East - Gia Pride
8 Central - Joey Harrison
8 West - Abby Monroe
Wellness -Lucy Vermillion
Encore - Sam Sudekum
Please join our virtual PTO meeting tonight, Wednesday, September 16th, from 7:00 - 8:00 pm. at the following Zoom link.
We hope you can join us!
Library Curbside Pickup & Book Return Info
If you/your child would like to request books for curbside pickup, fill out the book request form. If the above dates and times do not work for your family or if you are unable to come to the school, please email me at brandy.fink@kirkwoodschools.org so we can work out an alternative plan to get books in your hands! To see more library news and opportunities, click here.
Missing Assignment Report
From the Counseling Center
Attendance Reminder
Heart and Sole
Confidence is NOT cancelled. Joy is NOT cancelled. Teamwork is NOT cancelled. Girls on the Run and Heart and Sole are NOT cancelled. It’s not too late to join a team! Registration is open for teams with spots available until September 18th. This fall, we’ll work as a team to set goals, celebrate what makes us unique, build friendships, and strengthen our physical and emotional health! Find your team at THIS LINK or by calling 314-862-6266.
Heart and Sole is the Middle School Program! There are scholarships available. Please pass the word!
Virtual Practices will be Tuesday and Thursday 4-5 pm and will start September 22, 2020.
Glory Marathon
The Glory Virtual Run/Walk Marathon is the first major fundraiser for this endeavor.
This is not your average marathon. This race was designed for people of all fitness levels. The challenge is to complete a full marathon by running or walking 26.2 miles over the course of the month of October while supporting a great cause. If you are passionate about educational equity and are looking for a way to set and achieve a goal for yourself, please check out this event.
Find more information and register for the event here. Please direct any questions to Aimee Moore at aimee.moore@kirkwoodschools.org or Cindy Freeman at freemancs@gmail.com.
NKMS Helpful Links
My School Bucks - pay for iPad Insurance and donate to PTO Progressing North
NKMS Yearbook order - school code is 8019
North Kirkwood Middle School
Email: nkmsnews@kirkwoodschools.org
Website: kirkwoodschools.org/nkms
Location: 11287 Manchester Road, Kirkwood, MO, USA
Phone: (314) 213-6170
Facebook: facebook.com/northkirkwoodmiddleschool
Twitter: @NKMSchool