Equity in Education
Professional Learning Experience Spring Series
Please Join Us
Please join us for free sessions open to all school workers in our region. Collective post-pandemic hope invites us to acknowledge that one size cannot fit all. We have seen that opportunity and success are not equally available to all. We responded to local calls for information, community, and action to address entrenched inequity; we have invited experts in equity to facilitate the following sessions:
Spring Series: Session Offerings
Session 1 - Beyond Virtue Signaling: A Framework for Identifying Inequity in School Settings
When: Wednesday, February 24, 4:30-6 (optional discussion, 6-6:30)
Presenter: Christa Agiro (Professor, Teacher Education, Wright State)
Description: Learn what we know through research by contemplating examples and evaluating data that demonstrate where inequities in education hide in plain sight. Learn to spot local variations national trends of inequity concerning race, gender identity, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, dialect, nationality, religion, and more.
Session 2 - Success Stories: Best Practices for Promoting School-Wide Equity
When: Wednesday, March 17, 4:30-6 (optional discussion, 6-6:30)
Presenter: Amaha Sellassie (Instructor, Sociology & Director of Center for Applied Social Issues, Sinclair) & Christa Agiro (Professor, Teacher Education, Wright State)
Description: Schools across the nation have had successes in addressing inequities, some nearly erasing existing opportunity gaps. Examine school-wide methods and strategies that have successfully promoted equity and inclusion.
Amaha Sellassie
Christa Agiro
Session 3 - Addressing Opportunity Gaps: Ensuring that Students and Teachers of All Backgrounds Can Thrive
When: Wednesday, April 7, 4:30-6 (optional discussion, 6-6:30)
Presenter: Christine Quiblat, Bretton Williams, Kineta Sanford, & Darsheel Kaur (A diverse panel of current and former teachers)
Description: Listen to stories about how diverse teachers and students have been empowered and disempowered, as well as how the success of some promote the success of all. Thematic stories, interspersed with research and methods, provide a pathway for creating a welcoming and affirming atmosphere that promotes retention and celebrates success for all.
Session 4 - Backward Designing Antiracism Education
When: Thursday, April 29, 4:30-6 (optional discussion, 6-6:30)
Presenter: Dawn Harris (Author, Speaker, Teacher, Curriculum Specialist)
Description: Use backward design to create antiracist education learning targets in content areas. Discover methods for assessing racial awareness, and identify student-centered methods to promote antiracist concept and skill development.
Session 5 - Choosing to See: Attending to and Interpreting Students’ Experiences
When: Thursday, May 20, 4:30-6 (optional discussion from 6-6:30):
Presenter: Catherine Bornhorst (Executive Director of the National Network for Educational Renewal; Instructor, Primary Education, Miami University)
Description: Better support diverse students academically and emotionally, and critique assumptions and deficit narratives often embedded within our interpretation of students’ lives. Develop conceptual tools for responding to and interpreting student information toward more generous and affirming narratives.
Catherine Bornhorst
Session 6 - Collective Reflections on Equity
When: Thursday, June 10, 4:30-6 (optional discussion, 6-6:30):
Presenter: Michael Carter (Senior Advisor to the President & Chief Diversity Officer, Sinclair)
Description: Participate in collective meaning-making through reflections on images and quotes on equity. Explore cultural wealth while sharing stories that illustrate the need for and images of the power of justice in education.
Discussion Leaders for Spring Equity in Education Series
Dr. Christa Agiro
Dr. Corinne Brion
Dr. Nicole Carter
Sharon Goins
Dr. Leslie Neyland-Brown
Dr. Nimisha H. Patel
Quatez Scott
Dr. Neisha Wiley
Additional Session Information
All sessions are organized by the Teacher Education Department and the Office of Partnerships and Field Experiences at Wright State University. All sessions will take place on Zoom and require separate registration. Upon registering for each session, you will receive the Zoom link for the session. Certificates of attendance including clock hours will be emailed following each event. We look forward to your participation!
Email: amy.elston@wright.edu
Location: 3640 Colonel Glenn Highway, Dayton, OH, USA