Friday Final
October 21, 2022

How has D123 formed meaningful learning partnerships with parents, families, and the broader learning community?
School District 123 values the learning partnerships that are formed between our families, students and staff. Each year District 123 strives to ensure that all members of the learning community are able to connect with classrooms, and the school system in valuable and meaningful ways.
District 123 has intentionally created opportunities for connection including:
Meet & Greet Opportunities
School Open Houses
Family Conferences (In-Person, Virtual, and Telephone)
Remind, Seesaw, and Email Communication Tools
Individual Classroom Curricular Newsletters
Principal Tuesday Take Home Communication
District 123 is using ThoughtExchange so everyone has a chance to share their perspectives and understand what’s most important to our learning community. Please share your thoughts and then rate at least 20-30 of the thoughts that others have shared. Come back often until Nov 4, 2022 to rate new ideas. Your thoughts, ideas, and input are extremely valued and appreciated.
District 123 launches the Safe2Help crisis reporting system
District 123 has partnered with Safe2Help Illinois to give students a safe and confidential way to report potential threats or crises. Safe2Help was launched by the State of Illinois in December 2020 and aims to help prevent suicide, bullying, school violence and other threats to school safety.
With Safe2Help, students can connect with a trained crisis professional during their own crisis, or to report a potential threat. Students can submit a Safe2Help alert via the following ways:
- Website: https://app.safe22helpil.com
- Text: SAFE2 (72332)
- Phone: 844-4-SAFEIL (844-472-3345)
- App: "Safe2Help Illinois" app available in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store
- Email: HELP@Safe2HelpIL.com
All alerts are responded to by a trained Safe2Help crisis professional. Safe2Help is available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
District 123 staff are not the initial responders to the alert and will receive each alert after the Safe2Help professional provides support. District 123 staff will review alerts sent by Safe2Help during regular school hours, unless the nature of the alert necessitates immediate school action.
Learn more about Safe2Help and District 123's crisis resources.
November 12 - Community Leaf Raking
D123 is proud to take part of this excellent community service event.
- Nov 12, 2022
- 9:00AM - 12:00PM
- Meet at OLHMS - 5345 W 99th St
All D123 families are invited to help rake leaves for those community members who may have difficulty doing it on their own. All volunteers should meet at OLHMS - 5345 W 99th St at 9 am. After raking during the morning, volunteers are invited back to OLHMS at 12 pm for lunch.