OLHMS Weekly
~Week of 11/15/21~
Reminder - NO SCHOOL 11/22 to 11/26
Mustang Families,
We are all looking forward to a much needed and well-deserved November break! As we give thanks and spend some quality time with our families, let us all be reminded how truly fortunate each of us are! We have had many reminders throughout this first Trimester, but the Veteran’s Day tribute certainly reframed our perspective. The past couple of weeks have been an emotional roller coaster. I am confident that our school and district is safe for our scholars and our entire school community while being very proud of our partnership with the OLPD and D123 District Office to ensure and secure our learning environment. All of this being said, it will continue to be all of our responsibility to maintain our vigilance and host conversations with our scholars about the use of social media and the magnitude of their decisions. I am equally proud of our scholars for demonstrating incredible confidence and resilience over the entire First Trimester and look forward to an outstanding Trimester Two! Have a wonderful break Mustangs!
Here are a few updates and reminders:
COVID Update: We have seen an uptick in COVID positive cases over the past couple weeks. We will continue to proactively utilize SHIELD testing while maintaining our layered approach to mitigate future cases. We appreciate everyone’s support and understanding as we continue to navigate together.
SHIELD Testing: Wednesday, 11/17/21 will be our 8th COVID-19 SHIELD testing at OLHMS only for those that have already completed the OPT-IN form and signed their student up in Skyward Family Access.
The SHIELD Illinois program is a quick, simple, and non-invasive COVID-19 screening test. Students that have opted-in to the program will provide a small amount of saliva that is tested at a professional lab. Results of the test are then provided to families and our school district within the days following. The program offers students the opportunity to reduce or waive quarantine requirements in the event of close contact with a positive case or if the student demonstrates symptoms. You can opt-in to the program at any time by accessing Online Forms in Skyward Family Access. More information about the SHIELD Illinois program can be found at: d123.org/shield-illinois-testing-program
Scholars should not be eating or drinking 1 hour before being tested.
Registered families will only receive results in the event that a student tests positive.
Please reach out to the school if you have registered via Skyward and the system didn't accept it.
Lunch: Here is the link for the November Lunch Menu.
Join Music boosters
Congratulations Jimmy!
Congratulations to 7th grade OLHMS Concert Band member, Jimmy O’Shea! On Saturday, Jimmy participated in an all-day event with the Illinois Music Education Association’s District One Junior High Division Music Festival at Lincoln-Way Central High School in New Lenox, IL. The festival involved over 250 students, who were selected by audition in October from more than 60 schools throughout the southwestern metropolitan Chicago area. We are proud of you, Jimmy, for representing OLHMS at this prestigious event!
First Student Bus Driver Recruitment
Here is the flyer to apply today with First Student Bus Company- Drivers Needed!