HMS Insider
December 1, 2023
Important Upcoming Dates:
12/4-12/6 HMS Spring Musical Auditions (Morning from 7:30am to 8:30am in Cafeteria)
12/4-12/7 HMS Spring Musical Auditions (Afternoon from 4:30pm to 6:00pm in Cafeteria)
12/4- HMS Boys Basketball vs FPMS (7th Home/8th Away)
12/5- HMS Advanced Theatre UIL One Act Play Public Performance (6:30pm in HMS Cafeteria)
12/6- HMS Girls Basketball vs FPMS (7th Home/8th Away)
12/7-12/8 HMS Theatre Arts Holiday Elementary Tours
12/7 Wilco Girls Basketball Tournament @ HMS begins @ 5:30pm
12/8 HMS Band Regional Band Clinic @ CPHS
12/8 NJHS Holiday Party (HMS Cafeteria from 4:30pm to 7:00pm
12/9 Wilco Girls Basketball Tournament @ HMS 8am to 4:00pm
Please check our website for a complete list of campus events
Email: hms@leanderisd.org
Website: hms.leanderisd.org
Location: 100 North Vista Ridge Boulevard, Cedar Park, TX, USA
Phone: 5125703400