Archer Update #24
February 2, 2024
We're happy to introduce you to P-H-M bus driver Greg Trytko as the inaugural Culver's Bus Driver of the Month!!! Greg drives Bus #117 for Moran Elementary School. Greg is a '78 Penn grad and has been with P-H-M going on seven years. Greg is praised for his positive attitude and his willingness to cover extra routes when needed. So far this school year, he has completed 41 field and athletics trips--adding up to almost 250 hours! We are beyond grateful for Greg. Thank you to Culver's and the P-H-M Education Foundation for being partners in recognizing our valued school bus operators.
Do you have a bus driver you want to nominate for Culver's Bus Driver of the Month? We want to recognize elementary, middle and high school bus operators. Click here to fill out the nomination form. Winners will be announced on the last Wednesday of every month.
SHINE into 2024
A friendly reminder from the IMC:
We'll be sending letters home soon with invoices regarding overdue library book replacement costs. We kindly ask that you remind your student(s) to return or renew their books within the next week. We appreciate your help in getting our books back on the shelves!
In this edition of the Archer Update you will find the following information:
- Spreading the Love - Lollipop Sale
- National School Counseling Week - Feb. 5-9, 2024
- 21st Century Scholars Program - Attention Parents of 7th Grade Students
- PTO Updates
- In Case of Inclement Weather - School Closing E-Learning Information
- Teacher Job Fair for PHM
- Reporting Student Absences
Friendly Reminders:
- Drop-off begins at 8:50 am and students will be marked tardy if they aren't in their seats by 9:05 am. Dismissal begins at 4:00 pm for car riders and buses depart by 4:08 pm.
- Unless approved by the building principal, no visitors or guests are allowed in the building.
Discovery Middle School is ranked #2 in the State of Indiana for top performing middle schools (this is out of about 300). Our teachers continue to be prepared to provide the most targeted, engaging lessons to help all our students reach their fullest learning potential. Our students are some of the best in Indiana and possibly the world! Thank you for sending us your finest!
A Message from Dr. Leniski, Chief Operating Officer, PHM
Best Practices in Safe Possession and Storage of Firearms
As required by Indiana Code (IC) 20-19-3-30.4, the Indiana Department of Education and the Indiana State Police developed resources to serve as best practices regarding the safe possession and storage of a firearm in a home with a child.
Spreading the Love - Lollipop Sale
National School Counseling Week February 5th-9th, 2024
Dear Discovery parents,
Next week is National School Counseling Week! Each day, your student will receive an announcement on their school counselor's Canvas page regarding a different student support topic. If you have any questions, please contact your child's school counselor.
6th grade: Sarah Horn (shorn@phm.k12.in.us)
7th grade: Autumn Stout (astout@phm.k12.in.us)
8th grade: Abbi Harder-Lopez (aharder-lopez@phm.k12.in.us)
21st Century Scholars Program - Attention Parents of 7th Grade Students
2. PTO 5 Minute Form
3. Facebook
4. Box Tops
5. PTO Scholarship
1. ATTENTION 8TH GRADE FAMILIES: The last physical Scrip card order that can go towards the DC trip is Sunday, February 4. E-gift cards can be earned through the end of February. If you have any questions or need help getting started, please contact Laura Nayee at laura.nayee@icloud.com or Elizabeth Cichowicz at ema817@aol.com. Thanks!
Scrip is a national fundraising program for non-profit organizations. The PTO runs this program at DMS to help families save money toward their student’s trip(s) while at Discovery. The way it works is you buy physical or eGift cards at regular face value and earn a rebate between 2% and 20%. Of that rebate, 90% goes into your child’s DMS Trip Account and 10% goes to the PTO. It’s like earning free money! It’s a great way to save money without much hassle. Please see the form link below on how to get started.
School Trips for Free (23-24) info sheet. https://bit.ly/ScripInfo23-24
2. Please take a few minutes to fill out this quick "5 minute form". This helps us get to know you and your areas of interest/involvement in the PTO.
3. Once you have filled out the 5 minute form, please join us on our closed Facebook page at “Discovery Middle School PTO” to stay up to date with PTO and school events. You must fill out the 5 minute form in order to be approved into the group.
4. Help our school earn money by submitting Box Tops. It’s all electronic and it’s easy! Download the app, add Discovery, and start scanning your receipts. It’s a quick, easy way to earn cash for our school!
PTO Scholarship Info
Every year, the DMS PTO awards two scholarships to graduating seniors, who were previous DMS graduates, and are pursuing a post-secondary education. Both scholarships this year will be for $1,000 and are for those former students who graduated in 2020. Application details are available on the DMS website under School Info > PTO > PTO Scholarship or by following this link https://discovery.phmschools.org/dms-pto-scholarship. The info has also been advertised to current seniors at Penn High School through Naviance, Canvas, and Twitter. If you have/know a graduating senior/former DMS student, even if they attend a different high school, please share the info with them. The application deadline is February 28th.
In Case of Inclement Weather - School Closing E-Learning Information
PHM Teacher Job Fair
Reporting Student Absences
Another option is to go to your Skyward Family Access Account and follow these steps:
- Click on the Attendance Tile for the child who will be absent.
- Click on the Absence Requests Tab
- Click Add Absence Request on the right side of the screen
- Enter Start and End Date
- Check All Day if the absence will be the entire school day
- Attendance Reason - Choose from the drop down menu
- Comment - Add any information regarding the absence reason
- Click SAVE in the upper right hand corner
Discovery Middle School
Website: https://discovery.phmschools.org/
Location: 10050 Brummitt Road, Granger, IN, USA
Phone: 574-674-6010