Huskie News
October 2021
Elementary Updates
It has been a busy first month of school for our young Huskies! It has been full of developing routines within the school day and interacting with students, staff, and parents. Thank you all for your support as we continue to Learn Under Construction.
Over the past month we have been completing NWEA baseline testing with all students in both math and ELA. We are wrapping that process up with students this week.
As with the start of any school year, there are many different kinds of sicknesses that are floating around out there. Obviously, we want every student to remain in school; however, if your student has a fever, is vomiting, has diarrhea, has bad pain, or coughing that will not stop, then they will not benefit from being in school. Please keep students with these symptoms home until they are symptom free for 24 hours without medicine.
Homecoming week for Breckenridge is October 4th- 8th. The elementary school is going to follow along with the High School āRoadtrip Across Americaā. The spirit days are as follows:
Monday- Trip to Texas (Country Western Attire)
Tuesday- Trip to California (Hawaiian Attire)
Wednesday- Trip to Vegas (Bright/ Neon Attire)
Thursday- Trip To Washington DC (Patriotic Attire)
Friday- Trip Back Home (Blue and Gold Attire)
Upcoming Dates to Remember:
Elementary Book Fair - October 25th-29th. Times posted below.
Parent Teacher Conferences- October 27th and 28th 4:00-7:00 p.m.
Halloween Celebrations are in the process of being planned. More Information to come
Ā½ Day of school October 29, 2021
--Andrew Fillwock, Elementary Principal
Breckenridge Elementary School Book Fair
The Book Fair will take place from October 25th through October 29th. Times are as follows:
Monday & Tuesday - 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Wednesday & Thursday - 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM, 4:00 PM-7:00 PM
Friday - 8:00 AM - 11:15 AM
Mrs. Chovanec's Puppy Parade
Mrs. Chovanecās first grade class read a story about a dog who learned to read. They made puppy floats at home to celebrate reading, and then shared their floats with their friends by having a parade! Enjoy the photos below!
Art with Mrs. Frye!
Breckenridge Elementary Celebrates Dot Day!
September 15th is International Dot Day. I always read The Dot by Ken Reynolds to my new kindergarteners at the start of the school year.
The story is about a child who "just can't do it" but throughout the pages realizes that they simply need to "make a mark and see where it takes them".
Photos are below of their art work that accompanies this story!
FFA Updates
The FFA has got their Broiler Chickens! We are raising 50 this year, and they will be for sale in November.BEAN SOUP IS BACK!
Bean Soup will be served at the Homecoming Game again this year. Make sure you don't skip this BHS tradition!
Updates from Mrs. Avina
Ojo de Dios
Trip to Madrid & Barcelona, Spain
Open to middle & high school students and parents. Enroll online by clicking HERE. Use Avina-2438 to register, or call 1-888-310-7121.
For more information or any questions please e-mail Mrs. AviƱa (BHS Spanish teacher) - mavina@breckhuskies.org.
Risk Free booking until February 1st with monthly payment plan.
Upcoming Important Dates
October 22 - End of Marking Period
October 27 & 28 - Parent Teacher ConferencesOctober 29 - PD Day - 1/2 day
Nov 2 - PD Day - No School
Fall Sports are underway! Below are schedules for each sport - just click on the name of the sports schedule you would like to see.
Summer bond work is starting to wind down. It was a bit more difficult to get some of our projects completed as quickly as we'd hoped due to limited resources. Our HS HVAC project is awaiting several finishing touches, but the HS gym will be able to be used very soon. The MS bleachers and lockers throughout the HS/MS have been installed and both look great!
Work on the Elementary addition is ramping up. All PK-5th grades are fit snugly and making things work this year. Our electives like art are taking place in the cafeteria and band is on a cart and visiting each classroom. Title pull outs are taking place where we can find a quiet spot like the hallway or the library. The new addition will be taking shape with exterior walls. The intention is to have the building enclosed before the winter months, and interior work will take place this winter. Our staff in both buildings should be commended for their ability to be flexible and adjust to the changes that construction has caused for them in their work.
Plans for next summer's bond work are wrapping up and those projects will begin next spring. We're looking forward to the completed projects and making our school a safe, clean, and inviting environment for learning and our community. Thank you for your continued support of Breckenridge Community Schools as we continue to "Learn Under Construction".
-Wade Slavik, Superintendent
Blue's News!
Happy first day of school!
Cat nap? Never heard of it.
Labor day? I thought you said Labrador day!
Box Tops for Education
BCS App!
Click HERE to download on Google Play.
Click HERE to download on the Apple App Store.
Keep the Huskies Healthy!
If your student is a close contact of someone who has tested positive for Covid, we recommend that the student stays home for 10 days. Students may return after the 10 days or with a negative Covid test result and no symptoms.
If your student is a close contact and has no symptoms, they may remain in school as long as they remain symptom free.
If your student is named as a contact and verbalizes or demonstrates any symptoms at school, they will be sent home for 10 days or until a negative COVID test result has been received.
Contact us!
Website: breckhuskies.org
Location: 700 Wright Street, Breckenridge, MI, USA
Phone: (989) 842-3182
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Breckenridge-Community-Schools-691994270900150/