Feed 6 Packaging Event at OLHMS
Feeding our Neighbor One Meal at a Time
How did Feed 6 Begin?
Floyd purchased truckloads of corn, which they could barter for the grain. Because Floyd and Kathy knew the villagers had almost nothing with which to trade, they asked for construction supplies and local pastor suggested "baskets." To their surprise, they saw hundreds of women approaching with stunning hand-woven grass baskets to the barter site. One by one, they traded baskets for grain.
Kathy asked leaders in each village what they needed to make their villages sustainable, and they named four essential things: water, food, medicine, and education. The Outreach mission created its base on those four needs, which are the four promises of Outreach. Over the last 17 years, Outreach has helped package around 580 million meals that have been distributed across America and around the world. At OLHMS, we are proud to host the 9th annual Feed 6 Packaging Event that will help feed starving people around the world.