The Heart of Haleʻiwa
May 7, 2021
In this Issue...
- Garden Beds and Greenhouse Updates
- Read Aloud: What Teachers Can't Do
- Literacy Corner: May Moʻolelo & Lullaby Series
- Artist in Residence
- Sixth Grade's Harvest by Kadin Mikolyski
- Social Gatherings by Nurse Connie
- Haleʻiwa HELPS by Mrs. Nakamura
- Kindness Ambassador
New Garden Beds for Kalo Garden
Our greenhouse is set up and ready to use!
Literacy Corner
May Moʻolelo & Lullaby Series
Date: May 10, 2021
Time: 5:45 - 6:30 pm
Guest Reader: Aaron Mahi
Puke: Maka the Tree Snail Discovers His Worth
Date: May 24, 2021
Time: 5:45 - 6:30 pm
Guest Reader: Sam Kaina
Puke: The Story of Hula
Artist in Residence
In the video below, you can see the second graders practice making sculptures with different feelings. They also learned how to use high, medium and low positions with their bodies.
We have also included some fun pictures from Kindergarten.
Sixth Grade's Harvest by Kadin Mikolyski
Farming plants are helpful for the environment. They give us air to breathe. They also give us fruit and vegetables to eat. Without farming, Earth would not be the same.
Social Gatherings by Nurse Connie
Social Gatherings
With the school year near the end, and as we make plans to celebrate milestones with friends – we need to proceed with awareness and caution. Planning and attending social events will require attention to detail in order to make these memorable experiences safe. Here are a few things to consider to help us gather safely:
Prevention: Remember, COVID mainly transmits through people’s mouth and nose when they are close to each other (less than 6 feet for 15 minutes or more) and especially when indoors with poor air flow.
Wellness Checks before Arrival:
Each guest performs a wellness check at home on the day of the event. Do not attend if you have any symptoms or you are supposed to stay home and quarantine: You may use the CDC screener below and ask guests to show a screen shot or print out when they arrive.
Sign In for Contact Tracing Purposes Upon Arrival:
Have guests sign in and provide their contact information upon arrival in case needed for contact tracing later.
Implement Universal Masking During Event:
Ask everyone attending to bring a well-fitting mask to wear
Mask breaks only when outside and distanced from others
Best Places to Gather:
Outdoors is best
If Indoors: Choose a large, well-ventilated room that allow people to distance
Know your Personal COVID Risk: Risk for COVID is not the same for everyone. Find out yours by clicking on the risk assessment tool below:
Know your Local COVID Spread, Guidelines and Updates:
Updates on Fully Vaccinated Individuals:
Kindness Ambassador: Cassius Manalo-Tantog
Contact our "THOH" Team
Phone: (808)637-8237
Twitter: @HaleiwaElement1