Tornado Talk
Northwest Elementary November 2022
November Calender
10- Third Grade Music Program
22- Thanksgiving Feast23- No School Thanksgiving Break
24- No School Thanksgiving Break
25- No School Thanksgiving Break
Kinder News
Please remember a coat every day! If the temperature is over 32*, we will go outside. It gets cold!
We continue to work on learning letters and sounds. We practice sounding out words and learn new ones. In math, we are working on shapes, numbers and understanding quantities. We are busy!
First Grade
October has flown by for 1st grade and we are preparing for November. We had a lot of fun for our Red Ribbon week, and so many participated. It was neat seeing all those creative dress up days!
Math- We have started our Module 2. In this Module we will be working on adding and subtracting bigger numbers. With this we will be working on several different strategies, like counting on/backwards and finding a ten.
ELA- We are in the middle of Unit 2, where we are learning to find key information and writing facts with details. We are also discovering many different countries and what students do in school, in those countries.
We will be celebrating our Thanksgiving Feast on November 22, 2022. Fliers have went home for this and will need to be returned soon. We always look forward to having our families enjoy this day with us.
Be on the lookout for more information from Northwest as well at your 1st grades.
Thank you!
First Grade Teachers
Ms. Barrientos, Mrs. Doussa, Mrs. Falcon
Second Grade
Second Grade Reading update
Start Unit 2 Module B Making Decisions
· Understand that knowing the structure of a story helps comprehend the text
· Opinion writing
Foundational Skills
· Contraction words
· r-controlled vowel sound
· high-frequency words
Math update
Module 4- building fluency in two digit addition and subtraction within 100 using different strategies
Third Grade
Third Grade November 2022
Happy November! We have many exciting things coming up, and are excited to share them with you and your students. First, our Market Day was a success. The students learned what it was like to be both producers and consumers, and had lots of fun! The items the students brought were nicely made, and the posters were so creative! Thank you for working with your student on this fun learning experience.
Multiplication and division are back in math! We are learning and solidifying more strategies on how to solve multiplication and division problems. We work a lot with word problems to help students identify what they are solving. In reading, we just finished a great book called "The Year of Miss Agnes" and have compared the way they do things in 1948 Alaska to how we do things in 2022 Kansas. For this unit students will also get the chance to create their own chapter at the end of the book! We have started science back up and are talking about life cycles and the circle of life.
The third grade has their music program on November 10 at 6:30 pm. They have been working hard on the music and are excited to get to perform! Thanksgiving is at the end of the month, and there will be no school November 23-25. Thank you for a great year so far, we are excited for the holiday season and all the fun things that go along with it at school!
Mrs. Stefan, Mrs. Carmona, and Ms. Connolly
Fourth Grade
November Newsletter 4th Grade
Happy November! We are ready to continue another great month filled with learning!
Math: -We will be continuing Module 3- Multi-Digit multiplication and Division. Topics covered this month will be: Topic C: Multiplication of up to Four Digits by Single-Digit Numbers, Topic D: Multiplication Word Problems. Topic E: Division of Tens and Ones with Successive Remainders, Topic F: Reasoning with Divisibility, Topic G: Division of Thousands, Hundreds, Tens, and Ones, and Topic H: Multiplication of Two Digit by Two-Digit numbers.
*Practicing multiplication and division math facts at home will be great help!*
Reading: We will be continuing Unit 2 Module A. In this module, readers will understand that themes in literary texts can be interpreted from dialogue and descriptions. Writers will understand that dialogue and description reveal character traits and story themes. Learners will also understand that cultures interact with and interpret nature in different ways. For our performance based assessment, students will write a tall tale that includes an element of nature and displays the characteristics of the genre: larger-than-life characters, a problem that is solved in a humorous way, and exaggeration of characters and events.
Social Studies: In our unit this month, students will investigate settlement patterns to draw conclusions about a sense of place, first in Kansas, and then in relation to five geographic regions in the United States. Students will compare and contrast the Kansa with one prominent tribe from each of five geographic regions in the United States in the context of their geographic, cultural, political, and social characteristics.
Science: In our unit this month, students will continue to investigate structures and functions of the human body. Students explore how our bones and muscles are interconnected, how our eyes interact with light and impact our vision, and how our brain responds to stimuli in our environment.
Thank you for your continued support at home!
-4th grade team (Mrs. Egger, Miss Blankman, and Ms. Gleason)
Fifth Grade
Fifth Grade November Newsletter Article
By Gene Struzik
November is often a time for us to reflect on the many blessings we have, family gatherings, and a time to celebrate our successes and remember the many challenges we have overcome. As teachers, we have an opportunity to take part in your children's lives, help them overcome struggles, and share in their efforts every day. It is truly a partnership between parents and teachers to prepare them for the future.
As we look forward to the weeks ahead, your students will learn how people have overcome adversity against all odds. It all starts with "The Road to Freedom," a realistic fiction book about slaves' hardships to escape to the north by using the Underground Railroad. We will also read about the struggle women had to earn the right to vote in this country through the book "Operation Clean Sweep." We will also read the non-fictional story about Cesar Chavez and his struggles to get fair wages for day laborers working on farms during their harvest. Finally, we will end this unit with your students writing an opinion speech about inequality or injustice that they have learned about, experienced in their own life or that exists in the world around them.
In math, your students are finishing a module on long division, and we are getting ready to start a new module on adding and subtracting fractions. These lessons will incorporate their understanding of their math facts, finding common multiples, and simplifying fractions. Although factions may seem scary to students at first, they should be confident to solve any fraction addition or subtraction problem that comes their way after this module.
We will learn about the water cycle in science, which is an essential issue for all of us living in Southwest Kansas. Your students will learn that saltwater makes up most of the water on our planet, only emphasizing how important finding freshwater is to all of us. We will learn about water vapor and how it forms clouds and condensation on cold drinks. The lessons will help your students understand that freshwater is not only found in lakes and rivers but is also stored underground in aquifers.
Your students will continue to learn about life in the early European colonies in America. These lessons will help your students understand the struggles of creating new settlements. The frustration that the settlers had with dealing with their leaders far away in England. They will also learn more about the uneasy relationship between the settlers and the American Indians.
Again, as we approach the month of November, we have many things to be thankful for and celebrate. We look forward to celebrating your students' many successes this month. We are confident that together we can help them achieve more than they ever dreamed possible. We all want to wish you and your family a safe and enjoyable holiday season and a very Happy Thanksgiving.
Mrs. Scheve’s Music Classes
Kindergarten-Each week the students usually have a focus song they are working on that we do at the beginning of class for a few minutes each day or every other day for the week and some of the songs also involve playing instruments that they get to play with the song at the end of the week. They have been continuing to work on beat, the dynamics of loud and soft, and tempos of fast and slow.
1st grade- Each week the students usually have a focus song they are working on that we do at the beginning of class for a few minutes each day or every other day for the week and some of the songs also involve playing instruments that they get to play with the song at the end of the week. They have been learning about beat vs rhythm, working on dynamics of loud and soft, tempos of fast and slow. With rhythms they have been working on quarter notes, quarter rests, and eighth notes.
2nd grade- Each week the students usually have a focus song they are working on that we do at the beginning of class for a few minutes each day or every other day for the week and some of the songs also involve playing instruments that they get to play with the song at the end of the week. The students have been working on rhythms, identifying the tempos in musical pieces, and learned how to follow along on a listening map to a 7 minute orchestral piece.
5th grade-Worked very hard preparing for their music program themed “On Broadway” in which there were solos, speaking parts, and instrumental parts. The students did very well on their performance!
October was fun in the library! We acted out many stories - some complete with costumes! Students learned about fairy tales and folklore and the fourth and fifth grade started working on Reference sources.
Mrs. Groth joined us as the 4th and 5th grade Librarian and she will be starting 2nd semester half time as the 3rd through 5th grade Librarian. I will continue to be the K-2 librarian after Christmas. We have many exciting things planned for all the kids!