MBHS Library Orientation
Everything You Need to Know
Go to Classlink to access Sora, Destiny Discover and the library webpage.
Access Sora through Classlink or by downloading the Sora app to access Ebooks and audiobooks. You can also link your account to your free Jefferson County Library account in order to access resources from the public library.
Use Destiny Discover to search for books, eBooks and audiobooks. Log in to access eContent. Check out our collections for content specific curated resources, and learning resources for databases, which include much more digital content.
MBHS Library Webpage
The library webpage includes important information and includes access to our databases.
Login to your WEPA account to upload documents. Or login directly on the kiosk to access your documents.
Spartan Quest
Take an epic quest through the virtual library!
Amy Jackson
Amy is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters