Principal Update
Mills Family Newsletter, August 23, 2022
Dear Mountain Lion Families,
Happy Tuesday to you! We are off to another great week at Mills.
Did you know that the first PTA general meeting and Principal Coffee of the year will be held tomorrow, August 24 at 3:30pm in the Mills library? I will be sharing our campus priorities, highlighting successes/celebrations, and discussing school safety. Join us if you can!
It looks like we may be getting more rain this week. You should have received specific communication from your child's classroom teacher regarding rainy day/bad weather dismissal. If you decide to change your child's mode of dismissal, the earlier you email your child's teacher, the better! If the decision is made to move to a Rainy Day dismissal, you will receive an email via School Messenger.
Keep reading for more information about Safety Drills, Back to School Nights, and a note from our counselors!
Take care and stay healthy.
Angela Frageman
Joe Dan Mills, Jr. Elementary
Safety Drills for August
This summer, our campus engaged in a detailed safety audit of all campus exterior doors (portables included). As an added measure, our campus conducts daily safety checks to ensure doors are shut and locked.
Mills will be conducting an evacuation drill and a lockdown drill during the week of August 29th. Our teachers and staff are trained in what to do during each drill. Please note that we never call them 'active shooter' drills.
Thank you for your support and cooperation in keeping all Mountain Lions safe.
A Note from Our Counselors!
Meet Elise Edwards! From Elise:
Having been a pioneer and champion of Social Emotional Learning since I first became an Austin ISD counselor in 2001, I have dedicated my life to understanding children's needs from a lens of empathy, understanding, and an ever-evolving growth mindset. I have always striven to meet children where they are, discover their strengths, and assist them in their areas of growth. Be it through classroom guidance, small groups, or 1-1 interactions, I feel I am able to get to know my students and build trusting relationships imbued with unconditional positive regard and acceptance.
Children need consistency and reliability in the relationships they form with trusted adults, and it is always my goal to share my commitment to them with these cherished values. I believe all students have an important role to play as valued members of their school community; as learners, friends, and leaders they will discover their unique gifts and share them with the world.
This belief underscores my excitement to be a part of Mills Elementary School, and I look forward to getting to know each and every one of our students, working with all stakeholders in our community to provide the wrap-around support and guidance they dearly deserve.
Linda Whatley is returning this year! From Linda:
I have been in AISD for nineteen years and have served as a counselor at Mills for all nineteen years. I enjoy the variety of things I get to do as a counselor. My favorite connection with students is the classroom guidance activities we do in all classes on a biweekly basis. My hope is that these activities, which cover a variety of topics, will not only be enjoyable learning experiences, but will be preventive counseling opportunities as well. In my mind, preventing a less than positive behavior is much more important and much easier than correcting one.I look forward to another year of working with and learning from our students, staff and parents.
Fun fact: It has, however, come to my attention in the last few weeks that I am really not very good at retiring! So, here I am, back at Mills for another year of opportunities!
I feel strongly that school should always be a place where hope grows. Mills provides such a place for all of our Mountain Lions. Here’s to a great 2022-2023 school year for our Mills family!
Back to School Night FAQs
A) August 31, 5:30pm-6:30pm for PK-2nd grade and September 1 5:30pm-6:30pm for 3rd-5th grade
Q) Do my kids attend this event?
A) BTS Night is only for adults.
Q) Where do I go for BTS Nights?
A) Your child's teacher will be communicating specifics regarding location. They are generally in your child's classroom.
Q) What will be shared during BTS Night?
A) Academic scope and sequence, Grade specific information, school info, and more!
Upcoming Dates
August 24: PTA General Meeting & Principal Coffee, 3:30pm-4:30pm, Library
August 31 : Back to School Night Pre-K-2nd Grade, 5:30pm-6:30pm
September 1: Back to School Night 3rd Grade-5th Grade 5:30pm-6:30pm
September 5: Student & Staff Holiday, Labor Day
September 10: Dirt Club Workday
September 12: Campus Advisory Council (CAC) Meeting via Zoom 3:30pm
September 21: Fall Pictures
September 28: Parent Conferences
October 3-7: Custodian Appreciation Week
October 7: Elementary Early Release at 1:30pm
August 17 Principal Newsletter
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