Dolphin Dispatch Weekly Update
Week of December 18th
🗒️A Note From the Principal.....
Hello Dolphin Families!
Another great week! Just a few reminders as we head into the week:
- Our annual December to Remember Spirit Days wrap up this week! See below for the calendar of spirit days.
- A HUGE thank you to our PTA for the Holiday Store! It is a big undertaking each year, and the set up, staffing, and clean-up is a true labor of love! A big shout-out to all of our parent volunteers who helped to staff the store! We LOVED having you here!
- Reminder - students may not have any medicines at school. As we have reached the sniffle and sneeze time of year, this is a reminder that students may not carry around medicines to use throughout the school day. This includes nasal sprays, medicated cough drops, and inhalers. If a student requires the use of an inhaler at school, it can be kept in the office along with a doctor's note.
- Winter Break is almost here! Our winter break is fast approaching! Our last day of school is this Thursday, December 21st, which is also a minimum day with all students being released at 11:40am. We hope you have a safe, restful, and happy winter break, and we will see you back on Monday, January 8th!
Have an amazing week!
#DBEShowYourTrue Colors,
Erika Parlog
🎉December to Remember Spirit Day Calendars
🎉Printable Spirit Day Calendars
😄What's Happening This Week
- Monday, December 18th - Hats and Scarves Day
- Tuesday, December 19th - Candy Cane Day
- Wednesday, December 20th - Plaid Day
- EARLY RELEASE DAY- TK - 12:30, K-3 - 12:45, 4-5 - 1:15pm
- Thursday, December 21st - MINIMUM DAY - ALL STUDENTS DISMISSED at 11:40am Pajama Day
- Friday, December 22nd - NO SCHOOL - Happy Winter Break!
📸Celebrating our Hard Working Students of the Month!
This month we recognized our Students of the Month for "Working Hard." We had a wonderful breakfast provided by our PTA and sponsored by Beacon Wellness. Superintendent Castaneda joined us to congratulate our amazing students!
📱Download our new APP to stay up-to-date with everything you need to know!
🍕 Monthly Lunch Menu
🔔Bell Schedule🔔
📅Attendance Matters!
Please call in for any absences.
- Attendance Line: (925) 809-7541
- Email:
- Absent phone calls begin to go out at 10am. We do our best to have all calls and emails entered by that time. If you have ever been in our school office in the morning, however, it can be a very busy place!
- Absences can only be recorded within 72 hours of the absent day. Please contact the office asap if your child is absent, and provide a medical note if a physician is consulted or seen. It is considered a truant day if the absence is not reported by a parent/guardian.
- Students must be here to learn. While there is A LOT of research around the importance of school attendance, the most important thing to know is that children have to be here to learn. Just missing 1 day a month, over the 10 month school year, at 6 hours a day is 60 HOURS of learning time lost. There is no amount of work we can send home that takes the place of being here. 😊
💡 Reminders
1. Don't Forget to Join Our PTA!
So many of the great things (art, library, stem lab, field trips, and more!) that happen on this campus are due in large part to the support of our PTA! A strong PTA is also a sign of a strong school community. Please click the link and join today!
2. Have a question❓
- Classroom routines, procedures, concerns - Begin with an email or phone call to the teacher. You can expect a response within 24 hours (not including weekends.)
- School policies and procedures - Begin with the website, then the main office with a phone call or email. You can expect a response within 24 hours, if not significantly sooner.
- PTA Events and questions - An email to is a great place to start! Sometimes these can be answered on our parent Facebook page Discovery Bay Elementary Parents.
3. Assume positive intent, there is a lot of it! 🤗
- We have the BEST TRIFECTA of students, staff and families!
- Everyone who works here does a lot with a little (we have an amazing small town with small town resources) and we all wear many hats. We do our best to be perfect, may sometimes get it wrong, but we will always do our best to make it right.
- We really do love what we do, and we cherish the privilege of caring for your child. In the beginning of the year we are all getting to know one another, so please help us to learn your child's unique needs and preferences.
- Our volunteers are incredible, and we need them! Please remember all they do for us, and be sure to thank them for the generosity with their time.
Discovery Bay Elementary
Phone: (925) 809-7540
Principal: Erika Parlog
Office Manager: Heather Capelli
Attendance Clerk: Barb Morgan