Washington County Regional Center
Kirkwood Community College - October 2018 Update
Cael Yeggy - Kirkwood Kids Camp to College Student
Washington Regional Faculty Spotlight - Aaron McGlynn
Washington County Families Save Thousands in Tuition Expenses in 17-18
Cael Yeggy - Kirkwood Kids Camp to College Student
Cael Yeggy had no idea that the summer after 7th grade would be a pivotal moment in his future career decision-making process. The Kirkwood Washington County Regional Center first offered the local Kirkwood for Kids Camp that summer. Cael’s mother, Mandy, saw that the camp was offering a Welding Creations course for middle school students and encouraged Cael to sign up. Mandy recalls seeing the camp brochure and her thought process at that time. “I remember that Cael already had an interest in learning to weld because he has watched his Grandfather Keith, and Uncles Tony and Ben do it. I thought sending him to camp would be a good idea for him to learn a skill that he’d likely use in the future.”
Looking back, Cael is happy that he signed up for Kirkwood for Kids camp that summer. He had never welded before but thought that it sounded like fun. He learned some basic welds during summer camp that developed a baseline skill level which allowed him to start helping on his grandfather’s and uncle’s cow/calf operation each summer and winter in which he often finds himself welding and making gates.
During Cael’s sophomore year he started thinking about taking Kirkwood Washington County Regional concurrent credit academy classes and worked with his guidance counselor to sign up for the Advanced Manufacturing/Welding academy that he is enrolled in now as a junior. Cael was excited to learn that the same teacher he had for welding summer camp was also going to be his college academy instructor.
Jim Otto, Washington County Regional Advanced Manufacturing and Welding academy instructor, had Cael in camp as a 7th grader. “I actually remember Cael from that summer. He was a good kid that caught on quickly and really excelled in camp. I was excited to see him show up to Kirkwood the first day and see that his passion for welding has not diminished over the years. He’s going to do great in this academy experience and has a great career ahead of him.”
Cael shares that he “had a good experience at Kirkwood before during summer camp and wanted to learn more as a college student. I know that welding is an in-demand career field and something that I will always be able to fall back on, even if I decide to explore other avenues as well. I think this academy experience will help me to decide if this is in fact the route I want to go for a career after high school.”
Cael’s parents were supportive of him enrolling in the Advanced Manufacturing/Welding academy. His mother Mandy feels that it is going to be great opportunity for Cael to develop skills now in high school that will provide him with multiple options after high school. She is familiar with the career industry stats and knows that job-opportunities will be plenty, not only in Iowa, but also across the U.S. “Cael is at an exciting time in his life. He is young and has so many opportunities before him. It would be fun to see him use his industry certifications and skills to travel and see the world, while earning a great paycheck in the process.”
At the end of the Advanced Manufacturing and Welding Academy experience Cael will have the opportunity to earn his OSHA certification, National Institute of Metalworking Skills (NIMS) certifications in CNC Lathe and CNC Mill operations, and American Welding Society (AWS) certifications.
Washington Regional Faculty Spotlight - Aaron McGlynn
A key component to the success of the Washington County Regional career and technical academy opportunities offered to high school students is having a skilled industry professional leading the experience. We are excited to welcome our newest industry professional, Aaron McGlynn, as the instructor for the Architecture, Construction and Engineering (ACE) Academy.
Aaron’s professional experience has taken twists and turns beginning with general education coursework at Iowa Central Community College, then 13 years with a local lumberyard, and currently custom home building and cabinetry at Cabinet Works in Wellman, IA. He has always recognized the value of a high school student learning as much as they can about career opportunities while in high school. Because of this, he has worked extensively with Kirkwood’s Workplace Learning Connection (WLC), a high school intermediary that provides work-based learning experiences and opportunities to high school students. Aaron has mentored WLC students in both job shadows and internships as they consider the ACE industry as a potential career. The experiences that he had while working with high school students “on-the-job” further sparked his interest in making the jump into the classroom to teach students in the ACE Academy.
In addition to industry experience, Aaron also is very active with professional industry organizations. He is a past president of the local Home Builders Association, now sitting on both the Home Builder Association state and national boards.
Aaron believes that high school students should consider architecture, construction, and engineering fields of study because of the variety of professional options in good paying careers. When the ACE Academy concludes next spring, he expects his students to have basic knowledge of the industry and real world expectations of being in the workforce.
Aaron is married with two children. His wife Nicole works as a social worker at the Children’s Hospital at the University of Iowa and his daughters are Morgan (age 5) and Moriah (age 3). He is an avid Hawkeye and Cubs fan, enjoys fishing, yard work, and woodworking in his spare time.
Washington County Families Save Thousands in Tuition Expenses in 17-18
There are many ways high school students can earn college credit in high school (CCHS) through Kirkwood. Options range from taking one or two college level classes all the way up to completing a sequence of courses in a Career Academy.
These experiences are primarily designed for juniors and seniors, allowing them to experiment with different academic areas and learn their true passions before committing to one subject area in college. Regardless of the CCHS option they choose, students earn both high school and college credit, and it is at no cost to them. Washington County families are directly impacted each year with this tuition cost savings.
During the 2017-2018 academic year 651 students from Washington Regional partner school districts – Washington CSD, Highland CSD, Mid-Prairie CSD, Lone Tree CSD, Keota CSD and WACO CSD – earned a total of 5,743.5 credit hours, which translates to a tuition cost-savings of $930,447!
There are many benefits for students earning college credit in High School. Students are able to experience hands-on, real-world scenarios and training. In some academies, students can earn industry-recognized certifications for immediate employment opportunities. Students experience the rigor of college coursework, are better prepared for college classes after high school graduation, and are saving money along the way.
October 15-19, 2018
Manufacturing isn't what it was years ago. Today's manufacturers offer high-skilled positions with lots of future potential. Manufacturers in Iowa's Creative Corridor will open their doors to help the public understand what's created here in our own backyard. Learn more about what they do, what jobs might be possible for you or someone you know, and be proud of the cool things local employers create.
2018 Participating Manufacturers
ADM- American Profol - Apache - Barnes Manufacturing - Centro - Civco Medical Solutions -
Clickstop - Climate Engineers - Engineered Building Design - Evergreen Packaging Eq.- Goodwill Contract Services - Highway Equipment - In Tolerance - Midwest Metal Products - Monsanto - MSI Mold Builders - Newell Machinery - PMX Industries, Inc. - TSF Structures
How to Tour
There's no cost for taking a tour during the Advancing the Future Manufacturing Tour. Just check the 2018 tour schedule for dates and times of tours, and show up at the manufacturer of your choice at the listed time. Make sure to pay attention to safety notices and follow all posted signs.
For more information contact Barb Rawson at (319) 398-2754 or at Barb.Rawson@kirkwood.edu or visit www.kirkwood.edu/advancingthefuture
Adult Literacy Program - Washington County Regional Center
Kirkwood’s Washington County Regional Center offers an Adult Literacy Program for adults in the community who are seeking to improve their reading, math, or computer skills. Volunteer tutors receive training and support. They typically meet with an adult learner once a week. Participation is free for tutees, though they must take a diagnostic reading and math test when they enter the program. This is a rewarding program for both tutors and learners, and we want to be sure people in our community know about it!
To learn more about the program, visit the Adult Literacy page on our Regional Center website, here.
Want to practice speaking English in a fun and informal group?
Join our English Conversation Group on Wednesday nights!
Where: Re-Book Room, Washington Public Library
When: 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Cost: Free
Fall dates:
October 3, 10, 17, 24
November 7, 14, 28
December 5, 12
Questions? Email Erin.Elgin@kirkwood.edu
This program is brought to you by Kirkwood Community College and the Washington Public Library
Who doesn’t love cupcakes? Show off your creativity be decorating a few of your own cupcakes with a Halloween/Thanksgiving theme. Students will decorate and take home six cupcakes. Ages 6-12.
Tuition: $19
Materials Fees: $5
Date: 10/18/18
Time: 6PM to 7:30PM
Come and join us again for this popular, fun and family friendly painting class for ages 5 and up. The instructor has chosen a Halloween painting and will make it easy for you to create your very own art master piece. Step by step instructions will be provided so even little hands will have no problem creating a work of art. It’s about having fun, socializing and of course eating cookies! A parent is required to attend with the child. Parents will choose if they would like to paint alongside the student. Student only painting tuition: $15. Parent can register for a reduced fee of $10 when attending with their child. Registrations must be made by calling 319-653-4655 or in person at the Washington County Regional Center.
Tuition: $15
Materials Fees: $7
Date: 10/23/18
Time: 6PM to 8PM
Aspiring artists and metal working hobbyists: Learn to fabricate a piece of metal garden and yard art just like those on display at art festivals. Bring your imagination. This is a basic welding course. Fundamentals of welding are taught during the first class. These techniques are practiced during class while creating your personal “art” pieces. Materials fee $10.
Tuition: $99
Materials Fees: $10
Date: Saturdays, Starting 11/03/18 and Ending 11/17/18
Time: 9AM to 12PM
This course is geared for the beginning babysitter. Instruction includes first aid, infant and child CPR, what to do in case of choking, safety issues, diaper changing, games, and easy meal ideas. Learners must be at least 10 years old to register.
Tuition: $30
Date: 11/17/18
Time: 1PM to 5PM
Come and join us again for this popular, fun and family friendly painting class for ages 5 and up. The instructor has chosen a Christmas painting and will make it easy for you to create your very own art master piece. Step by step instructions will be provided so even little hands will have no problem creating a work of art. It’s about having fun, socializing and of course eating cookies! A parent is required to attend with the child. Parents will choose if they would like to paint alongside the student. Student only painting tuition: $15. Parent can register for a reduced fee of $10 when attending with their child. Registrations must be made by calling 319-653-4655 or in person at the Washington County Regional Center.
Tuition: $15
Materials Fees: $7
Date: 12/11/18
Time: 6PM to 8PM
Cookie decorating for Christmas! Come and join us for a fun and festive time decorating holiday cookies. Pre-baked cookies and frosting, sprinkles, etc. will be provided. Each child will receive four different holiday shaped cookies to decorate. Parents are required to attend with their child(ren).
Tuition: $10
Date: 12/18/18
Time: 6:30PM to 8PM
To register, click on the class title you want to take. If you have any questions or concerns please call Bridgett Arreola at 319-653-4655
Connect With Us
Email: washingtoncounty@kirkwood.edu
Website: www.kirkwood.edu/washingtonregional
Location: 2192 Lexington Boulevard, Washington, IA, USA
Phone: 319-653-4655
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kirkwoodwashingtonco/
Twitter: @KirkwoodWash