North Olmsted City Schools
September 4, 2020
This has been a busy week for us in the district as we make the final preparations for school to start on Tuesday, September 8. It was exciting to see our students and families pick up supplies the last few days and I know our staff was glad to see so many students before the first day of school.
This will be a unique year. It will look and feel different from our typical school year. Even though we are starting virtually, building relationships with our students is the core of education and that is what our teachers do best. I have no doubt that our teachers and staff will make this the best possible school year for our students.
Eagles Rise Together is our theme for this year. Working together and supporting on another is how we as a community and a school district are going to get through this challenging time. I know that our teachers and staff are prepared and ready to rise to the challenge and are looking forward to working with our students. Thank you to our families who continue to be supportive, patient, and flexible as we prepare and plan for the school year.
I hope you have an enjoyable Labor Day weekend and we look forward to seeing our students virtually on Tuesday!
Dr. Mike Zalar Ph.D.
Chromebook Distribution
Start and Ending Times
Grades 1and 2
Start 9:00 a.m. End 2:30 p.m.
Grades 3-5
Start 8:30 a.m. End 2:00 p.m.
Middle School
Start 8:00 a.m. End 1:45 p.m.
High School
Start 8:00 am. End 2:00 p.m.
Please note: Kindergarten orientation is taking place on September 8th and 9th.
What should your child do before AND on the first day of school?
Joining your 2020-2021 Google Classrooms: Google Classroom Invites: Students can access Google Classroom through Clever, the Google app launcher (waffle), or by visiting classroom.google.com. On or before the first day of school, students will want to visit the Google Classroom dashboard to accept the invites to each of their Google Classrooms. Students will find information and meeting links to start off their year in their classrooms.
Joining Your First Day Google Meets: Students will want to access their Google Classrooms on or before the first day of school to find information about how to join their first day Google Meets. General directions on joining Google Meet can be found here.
Read Chromebook Handbook in student materials
Review the Family Academy resources
For technical issues related to your district issued Chromebook please complete the Chromebook Repair Form.
Family Virtual Academy
Return to School Forms & Updating Family Information
The PowerSchool Parent Portal is now available for parents/guardians to complete, verify or update important information such as phone numbers, email addresses and emergency contact information. Additionally, forms such as technology acceptable use policies (AUP) and student code of conduct need to be completed. Once forms are complete, you will be able to access your child’s schedule/teacher.
Please click below for directions on how to update your student’s information. This also includes directions for how to access your student’s schedule or teacher assignment.
Please click here to access the PowerSchool Parent Portal.
Note: If you do not know your login information for the PowerSchool Parent Portal please contact your student’s building.
Grab and Go Meal Distribution
Complete information including a menu can be found on the district website.
26669 Butternut Ridge Road, North Olmsted, Ohio 44070