October 2, 2022
In this Spartan Scoop:
- Message from Mrs. Martin
- College Go Week and 21st Century Scholar Information
- Student Led Conferences
- PTO October Newsletter
- Important Reminders: Lunch Accounts, Picture Retakes, Skyward Forms
- Information from Previous SMORE
Open Gym Intramurals
Pyramid Fun
Pyramid Fun
I hope this message finds you all doing well after a wonderful weekend! We have had a busy last few weeks filled with a lot of hard work and fun!
Our fall season athletic teams are winding down with BIG 11 tournaments beginning yesterday and moving into this week! Students participated in College Go Week and our counselors planned an engaging week with fun give aways and activities, including a week long bingo game! Spirit Week was also a huge success and it was heartwarming to see so many students and staff participate and have fun together! Students and teachers continue to work hard towards our goal of academic growth and excellence. It is so encouraging to see our students thinking critically, applying their knowledge and collaborating with classmates every single day. We had well over half of our 6th grade class participate in our first 6th grade social where they played, danced and enjoyed time with friends! We love being able to offer students opportunities to be middle school kids with their friends at school! It was an especially proud moment when the DJ shared how polite our students were.
October will prove to be another busy but great month! Please see below for Student Led Conference dates.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out!
With Spartan Pride,
Mrs. Martin
Cross Country-1st Place
Jersey Day
Continued Learning
College Go Week & 21st Century Scholars
College GO Week was Sept 26-30 and our school counselors shared information and activities with our students during Advisory. Students especially enjoyed participating in our Spirit Week and our College BINGO with their teachers!
On Thursday, the counselors shared information about 21st Century Scholars.
Families of 7th and 8th graders, please consider applying to 21st Century Scholars to obtain FREE MONEY FOR COLLEGE. Students must apply by June 30th of their 8th grade year or they cannot be eligible. To apply for 21st Century Scholars, go to https://learnmoreindiana.org/scholars/ and sign up for an account. You'll then receive an email to finish the application process.
If you have questions about 21st Century Scholars, please contact your child's school counselor!
Student Led Conferences
Jersey Day
6th Grade Social
6th Grade Social
Important Updates/Reminders
Picture Retakes
Lunch Account
Back to School Forms
Information From Previous SMORES
Opportunities for Student Involvement
Spartan Boys Basketball
If you have a student interested in trying out for the 7th or 8th grade boys basketball team please sign up on the GOOGLE FORM HERE. It is important to note that students MUST have an up-to-date physical on file and students must be registered (and up-to date) on Register My Athlete (students are unable to tryout without both of these completed correctly).The schedule is available on the Schmucker website under the athletics tab. Please check out the tryout dates that begin in early October. We are excited for the season to begin!
Novelist Club:
Please know that our lively, creative group of young novelists who meet at 8:15am every Friday morning to write, read, and analyze stories welcome any new members. We also draw and write graphic novels and comic books. Come check us out! Make sure to register with REGISTER MY ATHLETE as well. The meetings will be held from 8:15 to 8:50am each Friday morning, beginning on Friday, September 9th and students can enter through Door A. Please email Mrs. Gish (cgish@phm.k12.in.us) with any questions or stop by Room 208.
Debate Club:
We are excited to partner with Penn High School Debate Club sponsors and members for our first Schmucker Middle School Debate Team! Ms. Adams, our SMS Sponsor, is currently working to finalize debate topics, the schedule, and other necessary details. These details should be finalized within the next week. Students will need to have a parent permission form completed before participating. The permission form will include pertinent details, including debate topics. Feel free to reach out to Ms. Adams (padams@phm.k12.in.us) should you need to inquire about more specifics.
Early Bird Intramurals:
Please note that each Friday morning, beginning at 7:45am, our Intramurals Sponsor, Mr. Sears, holds an Early Bird Open Gym. Students are welcome to enter through Door A and participate in a variety of games and activities. Please reach out to Mr. Sears (DSears@phm.k12.in.us) for specific questions or details.
Parent Involvement Opportunities & Employment
PTO Members & Volunteers:
Educational Assistant: If you or someone you know has a passion for helping students succeed and feel yourself to be a life-long learner, problem solver and collaborative team member, then this is the position for you! Please reach out to me (KMartin3@phm.k12.in.us) if you would like to talk about the details regarding this position.
Universal Substitute: If you or someone you know loves being in the classroom, and collaborating with teachers and students, then please reach out with interest or questions to me at (KMartin3@phm.k12.in.us). The daily rate for this position is $115 and there is flexibility within the schedule.
Give Back with Amazon Smile
Box Tops for SMS
Approved PE Shirts
Cell Phones
Safety Update: How Can Parents Monitor On-Line Activity
Families have the option of receiving weekly emails outlining your students online activity while using Chromebooks. This online service is free and it gives parents an opportunity to maintain a safe learning environment at school and at home. Please click on the attached links to learn more about how Securly can help you.
Click to read and download a copy of the parent letter that provides step-by-step instructions on how to set up your Securly Parent Portal.
If you see something, hear something, say something! The Safe School Helpline is a convenient, confidential way for anyone to report information about situations that might affect safety at any P-H-M school or building. You can call the number any time of the day or night to report concerns about unsafe or potentially disruptive activities or situations including drug or alcohol abuse, weapons, harassment, bullying or threats. All calls are completely confidential.
800-418-6423 (800-4-1-VOICE, ext. 359)
TEXT: 66746, TIPS
Helpful Contacts
Chromebooks- Lee Riley (lriley@phm.k12.in.us )
Attendance- Linda Brown (lbrown2@phm.k12.in.us)
Textbooks and Fees- Ashley Kirkpatrick (akirkpatrick@phm.k12.in.us)
Special Education Teachers
6th grade- Courtney Heck (check@phm.k12.in.us )
7th grade- Meaghan Donahue (mdonahue@phm.k12.in.us )
8th grade- Allie Chrise (achrise2@phm.k12.in.us )
Multiple Grades- Chiffon Williams (cwilliams7@phm.k12.in.us)
School Counselors
Jenny Shaw (Last Names A-G) (jshaw@phm.k12.in.us)
Cara Watt (Last Names H-N) (cwatt@phm.k12.in.us)
Andrea Hoover (Last Names O-Z) (ahoover@phm.k12.in.us )
Athletics- Jim Modlin (jmodlin@phm.k12.in.us )
Enrollments/Withdrawals/Address Changes- Heather Nania (hnania@phm.k12.in.us)
PTO- (schmuckerpto@phm.k12.in.us)
Mrs. Kristyn Martin
Email: kmartin3@phm.k12.in.us
Website: http://schmucker.phmschools.org/
Location: Schmucker Middle School, Bittersweet Road, Mishawaka, IN, United States
Phone: 574-259-5661
Twitter: @SMSSpartanPride