The Heart of Haleʻiwa
Ke aka o Hale`iwa...kupono me ke aloha no ke ahona o ke ao
March 12, 2021
In this issue...
- Hale'iwa Alumni on Campus: Randee Banis and Lisa Vidad
- Student Showcase: G1 Writing Club & 4th Grade Poetry
- Literacy Corner Read Aloud: Chrysanthemum read aloud by Mrs. Yamakawa
- Family Discussion about Chrysanthemum
- Join our Haleʻiwa Book Club
- Historical Liliʻuokalani Protestant Church by Kumu Kuʻuipo
- Travel During COVID by Nurse Connie
- Choose Love: Have Compassion Video
Looking forward to ALL students returning, EVERYDAY, beginning on Monday, March 22, for a FULL school day!
Proud Haleʻiwa Alumni: Aunty Randee and Aunty Lisa
Aunty Randee
Her two children also attended Haleʻiwa Elementary. She continued to go on field trips with her children as a volunteer chaperone.
Aunty Randee was a volunteer with PCNC, an adult supervisor (in the cafeteria), then became the crossing guard. After that, she became a part-time teacher for various grade levels. She has helped as a clerk and security guard; any task she was given - she always said yes!
In the summer of 2014, Aunty Randee decided to apply to be a custodian. She then became the head custodian in 2016. She is the first one on campus each day at 5:30 AM to make sure the campus is secure and ready for the staff and students when they arrive. She prides herself on her hard work ethic and tries to continue to help in whatever she can. In her free time, she enjoys spending time at home with her family.
She enjoys watching our students blossom throughout the years and see what they grow up to be. Aunty Randee says, "You have to love kids in order to stay in an elementary school." She loves our students, and we are so happy to have her continue to work here.
Proud HES student
Haleʻiwa Elementary family
Aunty Randee Banis
Aunty Lisa
All of Aunty Lisa's three children attended Haleʻiwa Elementary as well. She always supported her children in their sports activities. She misses our music festivals and competitions. They also used to have penny carnivals when she was in school. The students would learn responsibility by selling and buying items at the carnival.
She started working at Haleʻiwa Elementary 22 years ago. She worked as an Educational Assistant for four years, helping two different teachers. She later became an adult supervisor during lunch and helped out with the PCNC. She has been in her current position for four years now. Every time the students get their breakfast or lunch, they see Aunty Lisa. She handles the meal program for our school and ensures that we are in compliance.
In her spare time, she loves going to the beach and spending time with her grand baby. She also loves music and reading. She has been in the Bulldog Band Booster for the past eight years and serves as the Vice President.
When asked what her favorite thing about Haleʻiwa is, she says, "I love the kids!" We also love Aunty Lisa!
Student Showcase: Work from 3rd & 4th grade
What Do You Think 'Bout That? by G1 Third Graders
G1 Word Wizards
4th Grade: Poetry
Please enjoy two poems written by Liam Ejercito and Mykaela Simpson.
Literacy Corner
Family Discussion about Chrysanthemum
My special name:
What does my name mean?
Who chose my name?
How was my name chosen?
In this story, a little mouse is given a very large name that her parents think is just right for her. However, when she goes to school her friends hurt her feelings because they think her name is too long.
How does teasing hurt others?
How can we deal with being teased?
Historical Liliʻuokalani Protestant Church
by Kumu Kuʻuipo
Queen Liliʻuokalani was the last reigning monarch of Hawaiʻi until 1893. She had a summer home that was alongside the Anahulu river near Loko Ea Fishpond. It is said that she would walk from her home to attend services that were offered at the church that was founded by John and Ursula Emerson. They were the 1st missionaries to establish a Christian religion in Waialua, Oʻahu in 1832.
The original site of the Waialua Protestant Church, which was made of pili grass and wooden poles was where Haleʻiwa Joe's sits today. The ruling Aliʻi at that time was Gideon Laʻanui, who was the high chief of Moku O Waialua (District of Waialua). He gifted them the land to establish their church and also made sure the church would be attended by his subjects. After a fire destroyed the original thatched hut church, several other structures were built on the site it presently stands, which is the ancient site of Kepuwai Heiau that is located across the street from Matsumoto Shave Ice. A cinder-block church was built in 1961 which is the current building today. The congregation would call it the “Queenʻs Church” but was officially named Liliʻuokalani Church in 1975 to honor the Queen.
In 1887, then princess Liliʻuokalani attended the Golden Jubilee of Queen Victoria of England. She was given a beautiful handcrafted clock from Queen Victoria. The clockʻs 12 hour dial numbers were replaced with the letters of Liliʻuokalaniʻs name. The clock has a total of seven dials which tell the days of the week, month, and the phases of the moon among other things. In 1892, a year before Queen Liliʻuokalani was illegally overthrown by the Provisional Government, she gave the clock to the church where it is kept today. It adorns the back wall of the church next to her portrait.
The congregation welcomes visitors when the doors are open. Be sure to enter through the entrance archway that was built in 1910 with no mortar. Also, look up at the churchʻs steeple which sits a copper iwa, or frigate bird holding a fish in itʻs mouth. The Emerson ʻohana and Aliʻi nui Laʻanuiʻs gravesites are clearly marked with white rounded head stones. Itʻs fascinating to stand on the land that the Queen herself laid her footsteps and to be amongst such profound historical figures. Enter with “He mau ke aloha” - with love always. Mahalo!
Travel During COVID by Nurse Connie
Travel increases our chance of getting and spreading COVID-19. The CDC recommends staying home or delaying travel due to the high number of COVID-19 cases in the US. However, if one must travel, there are steps that can be taken to protect yourself and others.
First, know your own level of risk and your travel companion’s risk for serious disease if contracting COVID. Find out if your destination is overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients. Take the COVID vaccine once it is available to you. As much as possible, avoid crowds especially indoors, and minimize use of public transportation once you arrive. Diligent and correct masking along with staying physically distanced from others will help lower the chance of COVID spread.
Lastly, returning to Hawaii will require a Negative COVID test within 3 days of return from a trusted testing partner, or a mandatory 10 day quarantine upon arrival.
For more information about travel during COVID, please click on the link below:
Breathing/Yoga Exercise Video
See you when the 4th quarter begins... Monday, March 22!
Contact our "THOH" Team
Email: haleiwaschool@haleiwa.k12.hi.us
Website: haleiwaelementary.com
Location: 66-505 Hale`iwa Road
Phone: 808-637-8237