Week of: February 4, 2024
Feb 8: PTA Association Meeting (over Zoom) and Kid’s Heart Challenge Kickoff (More Info below)
Feb 12: No School - Lincoln’s Birthday
Feb 16: Sweetheart Parent-Child Dance - 6:00pm (Date change from 2/9)
Feb 19: No School - Presidents’ Day
Feb 21: Principal for a Day
Feb 22: 6th grade panoramic & promo photosSCHOOL NEWS
As we look ahead to 2024-2025, we are asking families to let us know your plans for next school year. On February 2, you received an intent to return survey from GUSD Student Support Services. Please complete the survey form by Tuesday, February 20. You must complete a separate survey for each student who currently attends a GUSD school. Thank you for your support!
California's Universal Meal policy requires us to provide access to free breakfast and lunch to our students every school day. We have been offering free breakfast before school and now have 2nd chance breakfast available during morning recess.
Breakfast: Before-school breakfast will now be served 7:45-8:00. If students arrive after 8:00, they will need to wait until morning recess for 2nd chance breakfast. Students are able to have only one free breakfast per day. Therefore, if they eat before school, they will have to pay if they want to eat again during recess time. Students who would like to have 2nd chance breakfast during their morning recess must walk directly from their classrooms to the cafeteria at the beginning of their recess time. Students will not be allowed to get breakfast if they play first and then decide that they want breakfast towards the end of recess.
After-School Snacks for CDCC/YMCA: Beginning on Feb. 1, the cafeteria began to serve students who are in after-school care. Previously, snacks were provided by the CDCC department, but now the cafeteria will serve more freshly prepared food.
Transitional Kindergarten is coming to Monte Vista for the 2024-2025 school year! If your child turns 5 between September 2, 2024, and June 2, 2025, you can enroll them in TK for the 2024-25 school year. If you live out of the Monte Vista area, you will need to apply at your homeschool.
How to Enroll: all TK, Kindergarten & new grades 1-6 to Monte Vista: Please go to www.gusd.net/montevista and click on the enrollment icon on the top of the page. Follow the steps to do the pre-enrollment and upload documents, in Step 4: use the Calendly link (which will be available on 2/13/2024) to make an appointment. If you have any questions, please call the front office at 818-248-2617. Thank you!
Hello 3rd - 6th grade girls! Girls on the Run is starting up again for the Spring 2024 season. Mrs. Pardo and Mrs. Smith will be the coaches for this season. See the flyer that was sent home. The season will start on March 5. Space is limited. If you are unable to participate this season, due to limited space or other, Fall season will also be offered.
Coach Pardo and Coach Smith
Get ready to have fun and save lives! Kids Heart Challenge is starting this Thursday, February 8! Your student will learn about heart, brain, and vascular health, and get to meet kids with special hearts! Our goal is to have 100% of our school families register and learn Hands Only CPR through Finn’s Mission. Don’t wait, register TODAY!
Students who register early will be honored at our assembly!
- Register at http://www2.heart.org/goto/MonteVistaGUSD or download the FREE AHA Schools App for Apple or Android.
- Complete Finn’s Mission in your headquarters.
Students who register early BEFORE 2/8 will be recognized at the kickoff assembly and included in our Kickoff Assembly Raffle Drawing – Prize: Avocado Warmie (pictured)
If we meet our lifesaving school goal of $15,000, the Top Fundraising Students will get to SILLY STRING the Principal and Assistant Principal!
Students who complete Finn’s Mission will also earn an entry to win 2 Tickets to Super Bowl LIX in 2025! Join the celebration
The American Heart Association is excited to extend their work with the NFL to support improving health outcomes at home and beyond through the Hands-Only CPR education. Students that complete the Finn’s Mission learning module will earn an entry for two tickets to Super Bowl LIX in 2025 and our school will be entered to receive a $10,000 fitness equipment makeover for every 18 completed Finn’s Mission. Thank you for supporting our school and the American Heart Association! Together, we are saving lives!
Starting in August, the kindergarten schedule will be extended and will be similar to 1st-3rd grades. The district Full Day Kindergarten Committee is currently working on details in regards to the new schedule/program and you can find more information about it using this link. Scroll down the agenda on the right and click on Section I, item # 3.
We have a lot of talented students at Monte Vista and what better way to share those talents than by being part of Monte Vista’s talent show which will be held on Friday, April 12th! For more information and the permission slip, click on this link. Permission slips are due on February 28th.
For those who applied online for the Korean DLI program, please check your email after 4 PM on February 14, 2024 to see the lottery results of Korean DLI application for the next school year. You have 5 calendar days to accept or decline the offer.
The state of California has updated the guidance for Covid-19 on January 9, 2024. LACDPH has aligned with our state’s department of public health. After carefully reviewing the new LACDPH guidelines regarding Covid-19, we ask our families and staff to stay home and test if they are
exhibiting a fever, and/or Covid-19 symptoms. The symptoms may include:
Fever or chills
New loss of taste or smell
Congestion or runny nose
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
Sore throat
Nausea or vomiting
The current Covid-19 guidance includes the following:
- A 5 day isolation period is no longer required.
- A person who tests positive for Covid-19 is required to isolate if they present with symptoms and/or have a fever.
- They may leave isolation and return to work/school as long as they are fever free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication and symptoms are mild (much improved). They will need to wear a well fitted mask through day 10. Day 0 would be the first day of symptoms.
- A person who tests positive and is symptom free will not need to isolate. They may return to work/school. They will need to wear a well fitted mask through day 10. Day 0 would be the test date.
- You can remove your mask sooner if you have two sequential negative tests at least one day apart.
Along with other illnesses like the flu or cold, we will continue to ask our staff and students to stay home when they are not feeling well and return when they are fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication along with much improved symptoms.
Any questions or concerns, please call Virginia Porter, Coordinator for Health Services at (818) 241-3111, Extension 1407.
Follow Monte Vista @montevistagusd (Instagram) and @Monte Vista Elementary - GUSD (Facebook) to meet our staff and see all of the amazing things that are happening at our school!
Name of PTA: Monte Vista Elementary School
Date: January 23 and 29, 2024
The nominating committee met on January 23 and 29, 2024 to consider all eligible candidates for the 2024-2025 term of office. On behalf of the nominating committee, the following slate of officers for the association's consideration are:
President: VACANT
1st VP Programs: Brenda Sullivan
2nd VP Head Room Rep: Mary Klausner
3rd VP Ways & Means: Janny Kim
4th VP Hospitality: Joelle Elhaj
5th VP Membership: Meghan Ulfeldt
Secretary: Vatsala Oberman
Treasurer: Alodie Garcia
Financial Secretary: Christie Jeon
Financial Reviewer: Geny Kim
Historian: Kristin Siebenaler
The Nominating Committee: Brenda Sullivan, Hury Babayan, Jill Firstman, Vatsala Oberman, Meghan Ulfeldt, Judi Doom
If you are interested in serving as PTA president, please reach out to Jennifer Park at montevistaptaca@gmail.com to learn more.
Please join us at our next Association Meeting over zoom! We are restarting our engagement and participation competition again for Association meetings held in Feb - May! All PTA members, including students, count towards participation points. In May, the class with the highest participation at the Association meetings will receive a class party!
Monte Vista PTA is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Monte Vista PTA Association Meeting
Time: Feb 8, 2024 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 883 3816 0714
Passcode: 612788
Get ready to dance the night away with your sweetheart! Our Parent/Child dance is coming up on February 16th. Join us for a night of dancing, food, and a ton of fun! Please see the flier for more details and a payment form to return to your child’s teacher or the front office on or before Tuesday, February 13th.
Holocaust Remembrance Day
On January 27th, it was Holocaust Remembrance Day, which commemorates the six million Jewish lives, as well as millions of Romani people, disabled individuals, LGBTQ individuals, and political dissidents, brutally killed by the Nazis during World War II. Information from the Yad Vashem Children's Memorial can be found at Through Our Eyes - Children Witness the Holocaust: Interactive Learning Environment.
Black History Month
February marks Black History Month, which is a dedicated time to celebrate and honor the achievements, contributions, and history of Black people, particularly in the United States. This month-long commemoration aims to highlight the struggles, resilience, and triumphs of the Black community throughout history, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and acknowledging their impact on various aspects of society. Black History Month serves as a platform for education, reflection, and the promotion of equality, fostering a deeper understanding of the diverse narratives that have shaped the cultural fabric of the nations involved. More information and resources can be found at the following links.
Lunar New Year
February 10th marks the beginning of the lunar calendar year, also known as Lunar New Year. This is one of the most important celebrations of the year among East and Southeast Asian cultures. The New Year celebration is usually celebrated for multiple days. Lunar New Year is also called the Spring Festival in many countries. It is known as Chūnjié in Mandarin, while Koreans call it Seollal, and Vietnamese refer to it as Tết Nguyên Đán. More information can be found at the following websites.
Chinese New Year celebrations: Chinese New Year 2024 | Facts for Kids | Lunar New Year | Dragon
Korean New Year celebrations: Discovering Korean New Year Seollal for Kids
~DEI Committee
Follow our PTA on Instagram @monte_vista_pta and get updates on what is happening with our PTA in real time! #instagram #pta #weloveMV
Did you know that our PTA can earn money when you grocery shop at Ralphs? Learn more HERE.
~ Emily Geller, Grocery & Label Programs Chair
RESOURCES: Click on any of the buttons below to find out more information
About Us
Monte Vista Elementary serves students in grades K-6. We are a National Blue Ribbon School offering one of GUSD's DLI programs in Korean. Recently, Monte Vista has been selected as a 2023 California Distinguished School!
Website: https://www.gusd.net/montevista
Location: 2620 Orange Avenue, La Crescenta, CA, 91214
Phone: (818) 248-2617
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/montevistagusd
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/montevistagusd